Re: E Bruce rolling

Thanks for that link. My respect and admiration for Dr. Heilman grows everyday - glad to see his vim and vigor at age 86. Good example for the rest of us!
whenever i run into him, not on his harley, he is so gracious and enthusiastic and remains a great ambassador of UR. not to beat a dead horse, if you have not read his autobiography, you are missing out on a truly amazing story.
Great article! Also watched the video, beautiful Harley. Wish I was riding with him, what an inspiration. Semper Fidelis Chancellor Heilman
Fluco - may have passed you this morning on I-64 heading east about 9:30 A.M. just out of Charlottesville. I saw the Harley with a Spider emblem and Marine Corps emblem and I was riding in the passenger seat of a blue Honda Odyssey and gave you the thumbs up. Was thinking what a great combo - Spider and Marine!
Hey that was me, thanks for the thumbs up. Also my tag is: WERUR1 Good to see you. My son was playing in the church band at Northminster Baptist so I took a nice early ride to Richmond. Had lunch at the Silver Diner on Broad and saw Greg Robbins and a couple of Spider players having lunch. Great to see all the spiders out today.
Great - good for your son. Was myself heading to Newport News to see my 91 year old mother who lives at The Chesapeake, formerly called the Newport News Baptist Retirement Community.