Perfect Time to Blow it Up

I know this is a stretch, but suppose Hardt was actually a shrewd negotiator and gave CM 2 more years in the off-season ... while not actually increasing the buyout to get out of the contract if he wanted to.

In a reasonable negotiation process with a coach that hadn't danced in 9 years and team expected to be a monster about to lace em up, you might give those couple of years extension to convey stability to recruits ... and then ink the long-term extension after the monster team performs as expected?

Really, how does Hardt save any face whatsoever if we're headed into ANOTHER rebuild with the incumbent?
Though the Coach has certainly earned his pink slip after this year's performance, I suspect that Hardt will leave Mooney in place for next season.

Everybody knows that the W/L record, and the "eye test" next year is going to be really ugly. Saying it is a rebuilding year is very generous. After next season's output it will be easy for Hardt to pull the plug, citing less than satisfactory results. Almost no-one could question his decision at that point.
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If he doesnt fire him this year, he can't fire him after next year. There will be no expectations for next year, so it will be impossible to underperform. Same would be true the following year, too.

Let's face it: the expectations had never been higher under Mooney than this year and he clearly and massively underperformed. If he isn't fired now, he will never be fired. Ever. Plain and simple.
Though the Coach has certainly earned his pink slip after this year's performance, I suspect that Hardt will leave Mooney in place for next season.

Everybody knows that the W/L record, and the "eye test" next year is going to be really ugly. Saying it is a rebuilding year is very generous. After next season's output it will be easy for Hardt to pull the plug, citing less than satisfactory results. Almost no-one could question his decision at that point.

This seems like a pretty fair assessment. Not how any normal organization would handle it but a fair assessment.
Guys I think it’s time to bring the FMM back out in full force. Bring it on social media, at games if anyone is able to go to the A10 tournament, let the administration hear it, hell even put up a billboard. Let our voice be heard!
If he doesnt fire him this year, he can't fire him after next year. There will be no expectations for next year, so it will be impossible to underperform. Same would be true the following year, too.

Let's face it: the expectations had never been higher under Mooney than this year and he clearly and massively underperformed. If he isn't fired now, he will never be fired. Ever. Plain and simple.
Agreed. Only thing I can add is that Mooney is now dragging Hardt down too. Also, the two of them as a tandem botched Covid protocols, responses, and lack of transparency this season.
Guys I think it’s time to bring the FMM back out in full force. Bring it on social media, at games if anyone is able to go to the A10 tournament, let the administration hear it, hell even put up a billboard. Let our voice be heard!

I feel that the FMM is counterproductive if anything. It makes it look like firing Mooney is cowering to the most extreme elements of the fan base instead of a sober decision, and therefore less likely to happen.
This seems like a pretty fair assessment. Not how any normal organization would handle it but a fair assessment.

That is my fear. I said something similar to Not a Homer. Yes sure it would be more "PR friendly" after a losing season. But are we really trying to appease the very casual fan who doesn't understand context at all. We shouldn't but that has been our M.O. The casual fan just looks at our record this year and says oh that's pretty good, not understanding it's perhaps the biggest underachievement in the country and certainly UR history. & they just look at Mooney and say oh he's a wholesome clean guy. Not grasping that he's already be given more rope than any coach ever at our D1 level. That's why u need ppl like a competent AD or Rector to cut through that bs.

If Mooney had 1 year left on deal like he should would he be getting an extension right now? If yes then proceed right to the straightjacket. No he'd be a goner. He got a bad 10 year deal, and TWO bad extensions even amidst that bad 10 year deal. Good gracious why we don't have someone important be able to stand up and say...hey look at some point u stop & get out from the deal.

Otherwise it hurts u longer term. We'd waste a whole year in that other scenario. We go 1 year farther away from a rebuild. Your chances at securing a very good coach r hurt bc your program is weaker and less relevant. I firmly believe this year's head coach candidate pool is very good. And frankly going into next season with fans back don't we need that new energy, a new coach would be a bigger draw even with a down team. I know I'd be a hell of a lot more interested.

I realize I'm preaching to the choir.
Our athletic department has been "evaluating" this program on an annual basis in a vacuum. That's not how successful programs, organizations or businesses are run. You need to look at the big picture, the body of work, trends over time. There will always be reasons why something didn't go the way you expected it to in one individual year here or there. But if things NEVER go the way you expected, that's a trend, and something needs to be done about it.
Our athletic department has been "evaluating" this program on an annual basis in a vacuum. That's not how successful programs, organizations or businesses are run. You need to look at the big picture, the body of work, trends over time. There will always be reasons why something didn't go the way you expected it to in one individual year here or there. But if things NEVER go the way you expected, that's a trend, and something needs to be done about it.
Maybe the shirts & ties in the athletic dept need to enroll in the Business School & take a few primers on Management 101. They seem to operate outside the parameters & boundaries of what is taught. I don't think many of of us who have worked in managerial capacities would operate the way they do. I appreciate the education I got at UR & have put it to good use. I can't say as an observer of what we've experienced that many organizations would put up with or perpetuated the UR Long Term Basketball Experiment.
I am watching Baylor and West Virginia play now. The A-10 is soooooo far below this level in so many ways. No big deal, just a startling contrast in talent and coaching.
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I feel that the FMM is counterproductive if anything. It makes it look like firing Mooney is cowering to the most extreme elements of the fan base instead of a sober decision, and therefore less likely to happen.

I wish I could like this 1000 times
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I hear you, just tired of his slights. He sent me a private message admonishing me for name calling and then could not site the post??? He has been a Hardt/Mooney/Queally sympathizer for some time. Tired of this regime and our board moderators are clearly in step
The mods do a thankless job. I don’t see either urfan1 or 05 being unreasonable. Just my perspective.
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You make me sick, should not influence one way or the other . Just blame other people. Board moderators are self important frauds. I'm sure you will delete this post you big fraud. Go ahead. Do it.
I’m totally confused by your reaction here.
That's what years and years of traumatizing Mooneyball will do to you 😁
Yes, it goes back longer than that reply, but basically there is a large contingent that just try to make anything anti Mooney into pro Mooney. He wasn't getting fired by Hardt under the desk 0, 1 or 100 billboards, #FMM or no FMM.

Loved the thread POSTER.
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If he doesnt fire him this year, he can't fire him after next year. There will be no expectations for next year, so it will be impossible to underperform. Same would be true the following year, too.

Let's face it: the expectations had never been higher under Mooney than this year and he clearly and massively underperformed. If he isn't fired now, he will never be fired. Ever. Plain and simple.
You are right from a reason and common sense perspective. I've been saying he should have been fired for a decade. BUT, my assessment above is from a Hardt and UR perspective. They don't do things as normal business pro's do.
Precisely Not a Homer, as I believe EL wrote in one of these threads, Hardt and team are operating in a vacuum. JOC could write a thousand articles, #FMM could post a thousand billboards, Jeff Goodman, Rothstein, Dauster, ESPN and all major basketball media could write articles about the demise of RIchmond basketball and Hardt/PQ will be looking to the next two years to evaluate, because there is always an excuse.

I had a meeting at work a few years ago, when I showed up to the meeting, a different meeting was just concluding - my management and their counterparts at that level were conducting a review in preparation of a "360 feedback" they would be performing on the new senior manager they reported to. Wow, it was quite critical to say the least. And actually was requested by the senior director. I think I would have been cowering like Hardt if I received this type of review. But to her credit, this senior director took the feedback to heart apparently, and corrected some of the areas that were raised.

We heard that Hardt suggested a new defense after several years.

IMO, if we had strong AD's throughout Mooney's tenure, maybe this type of evaluation would have occured. Guessing nothing close to this has happened. Bring in some former coaches to evaluate the program and provide critique, instead of paying Lundardi. Hell, Coach Fezz used to come on here and have some real detailed advice on defensive switches, etc. At this point, I think it has gone on too long with Mooney, but this type of feedback would have been invaluable in the past, I don't think it occured, or he tuned it out.
You all take yourselves way too seriously.

Hi to URfan1. Thanks for your service on this board for so many years. And for being a good fan. Go Spiders!
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You all take yourselves way too seriously.
I don't think so. I see from your twitter as well that you are in the group that values Mooney over the program as well.

I think we are just a bunch of disgruntled fans, most of us were content to go along for about 5-6 years and then just grew so old. Thanks for stopping by.
You can wish for a change in coaches and also at the same time think that the billboard is not an effective way to do effect that change. I'm pretty sure that's all the point was.
No, but the insinuation is that it bought him more time, which is not a smart take. It was just a dumb rallying point for the value Mooney above the school crowd. Hardt wasn't doing anything no matter what, unless PQ walks in and makes him.
One must ask, what is a blow-up? Isn't it really just a sudden expulsion of hot air? If all one offers is a sudden expulsion of hot air, what does one really offer? The answer: just anger and hot breath.
Yep, the coyote always ended up taking the brunt of the “blow ups”. The road runner was never affected, just kept collecting checks.
No, but the insinuation is that it bought him more time, which is not a smart take. It was just a dumb rallying point for the value Mooney above the school crowd. Hardt wasn't doing anything no matter what, unless PQ walks in and makes him.
you may be right, but it's possible the billboard and the galvanization of the team that the billboard brought on had an affect on Hardt's decision. no AD wants fans (or fan) telling him what to do.

I don't know that it played a part, but you don't know that it didn't either.
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I would guess that more than likely we get some statement from Hardt along the lines of; “We are very proud of the job coach Mooney has done in a very challenging season that is unprecedented in the history of college basketball. We got a massive upset win on the road at Kentucky, one of the premier college basketball superpowers and followed that up with the first postseason berth in 4 years in the NIT. We are behind coach Mooney and believe he is the man for this job and will continue to lead us to compete for an A10 title and postseason berths.”

This coming situation is all too predictable.
Any team with 3 Covid pauses is a reflection of the coach and staff - undisciplined with poor protocols to get through the season. No excuses allowed, when plenty of teams all across this nation in areas with far worse Covid infection rates played well over 20 games. Those programs did whatever it took to basically isolate themselves to achieve the goal -- UR didn't. Begging for all of us to donate $ is a slap in the face to all Spider fans. Haven't given in 2 years and won't until he's gone.
Hardt has two choices -- keep Mooney or fire him. There are people who want him to do one of those and people who want him to do the other. Either way, he's going to do something that a group of people "told" him to do.
you may be right, but it's possible the billboard and the galvanization of the team that the billboard brought on had an affect on Hardt's decision. no AD wants fans (or fan) telling him what to do.

I don't know that it played a part, but you don't know that it didn't either.
Totally agree. I want Mooney out but that billboard likely had the opposite effect of what it intended.
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Any team with 3 Covid pauses is a reflection of the coach and staff - undisciplined with poor protocols to get through the season. No excuses allowed, when plenty of teams all across this nation in areas with far worse Covid infection rates played well over 20 games. Those programs did whatever it took to basically isolate themselves to achieve the goal -- UR didn't. Begging for all of us to donate $ is a slap in the face to all Spider fans. Haven't given in 2 years and won't until he's gone.
You are right but you already know that what I said is what’s most likely to happen. I just wanna see someone from the AD department show that they have a pair for once.
you may be right, but it's possible the billboard and the galvanization of the team that the billboard brought on had an affect on Hardt's decision. no AD wants fans (or fan) telling him what to do.

I don't know that it played a part, but you don't know that it didn't either.
What galvanization? That is completely laughable. You are pretty balanced on this board but there was no galvanization. Funny.
Wrong, as we all know, they operate in a vacuum.
They may operate in a vacuum but you are either forgetting or ignoring facts. Player statements and faculty letters of support came out after the billboard. It seems highly likely that it gave cover to Hardt to not “react” to fan pressure where he otherwise might have had to just react to the record and performance.
Any team with 3 Covid pauses is a reflection of the coach and staff - undisciplined with poor protocols to get through the season. No excuses allowed, when plenty of teams all across this nation in areas with far worse Covid infection rates played well over 20 games. Those programs did whatever it took to basically isolate themselves to achieve the goal -- UR didn't. Begging for all of us to donate $ is a slap in the face to all Spider fans. Haven't given in 2 years and won't until he's gone.
Let’s be factual. We had two pauses for actual COVID issues. The first one was due to a false positive, and directly led to swapping Charleston and Furman for Wofford and Loyola.
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