Not a conspiracy


Jan 9, 2003
But has anyone else looked at pictures of Trump's uncovered post shooting ear? I find it hard to believe that ear was struck by a bullet from an AK, but don't claim to be an expert. Glass or some other object seems more likely.
Same comment in response made to EL earlier comments - does it make a damn what hit him? Should not have happened. To me to minimize it seems hyper partisan.
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Weapon wasn’t a AK, rather a AR-15 that uses a 5.56 round. If shot with a AK-47, 7.62 round there would have been much more damage.
Same comment in response made to EL earlier comments - does it make a damn what hit him? Should not have happened. To me to minimize it seems hyper partisan.
You say basically what I said earlier, it should never have happened. Law enforcement clearly dropped the ball, and more should lose their jobs. Trump/Vance are trying to make Trump into a hero, he got hit by a bullet and jumps up "fight, fight, fight". Trump demanded Biden go to independent Dr. AND release records, but he refuses to allow Butler PA Drs. to comment on, or release their findings. He needs to live up to the standards he demands of others.
From an anti-Trumper -- getting hit by a bullet, shrapnel, flying glass, whatever and jumping up with blood running down your face, defiantly raising your fist and shouting Fight, Fight, Fight says something about the individual. Reaction was from the gut, not rehearsed. A window into the inner man and not his stereotype?

Love him or hate him, he is a fighter....and our adversaries in the World saw that loud and clear. Don't believe they are rooting for his election.
fighter ... with a deferment for bone spurs? i personally see him as a bully who has not been called on it. Russia and North Korea (MAGA is clambering for more love letters!) with China a possibility are salivating for a Trump win. our allies are not as near as enthusiastic as most any treaty relationship is treated as a protection racket without regard for any US strategic view ... pay enough and we are there for you. don't pay enough and the adversary in question (NATO-Russia / Taiwan-China / South Korea- North Korea) can have their way.
But he refuses to allow Butler PA Drs. to comment on, or release their findings. He needs to live up to the standards he demands of others.
You make it sound like a cover-up. This is a conspiracy. Dr. Ronnie Jackson was there and he treated Mr. Trump at the scene. He said the wound had grooved markings consistent with a gun shot wound and not broken glass, which would have left jagged lacerations.

You need to watch more CNN.

There is nothing to this. Time to move on.
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fighter ... with a deferment for bone spurs? i personally see him as a bully who has not been called on it. Russia and North Korea (MAGA is clambering for more love letters!) with China a possibility are salivating for a Trump win. our allies are not as near as enthusiastic as most any treaty relationship is treated as a protection racket without regard for any US strategic view ... pay enough and we are there for you. don't pay enough and the adversary in question (NATO-Russia / Taiwan-China / South Korea- North Korea) can have their way.
That is one take, but we all saw what we saw in Butler PA. Reaction to a spontaneous event was from the gut, not some political rehearsed response.

Sure the Chinese want him elected given his record on slapping tariffs on them (which Biden left in place). Smacked lips with North Korea leading to nothing but cessation of provocative missile launches. Russia, not sure where to go with that one. Whole collusion case rests on a totally discounted fake dossier. Our allies are mostly capable and should pay their fair share (just like the rich re taxes). Europe's social safety net, envied by many here, is only possible bc the US paid for their defense for decades.

Hate defending Trump, but everyone deserves a fair shake. Lets be guided by facts and not hatred.
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