No Fans Work Around


Team Manager
Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
I expect the Spiders to receive a NCAA bid...either auto, or at-large...

now that only essential personnel and limited family will be allowed to attend there has to be a "high tech" way for the playing environment to be as real as possible for the fans and players...

just a little dreaming for the geeks out there...

couldn't each teams fans be directed to a website for their team of any team they wish to pull for or against in any game...

it would have scaled buttons for different levels of applause for good plays by the teams and scaled buttons for booing and screaming when things don't go their way...

the good and bad buttons connect directly to a noise meter like audio device in the playing venue, or wherever appropriate, that would communicate the fans clicks to the arena which would blast out the appropriate audio

I'm sure there's canned positive crowd noise and canned negative crowd noise that could be simulated in the arena's...

could it be fast enough to be real time?

would you cheer for or against teams on-line?

is this crazy?...could the NCAA throw something like this together in a week?

Go Spiders!