It's a bit of a Catch 22. If we don't financially support football (and other sports), I believe the administration will interpret this as a signal that the UR community is losing interest in our sports programs and will use this as justification for an overall sports downgrade, perhaps a move to the PL.
I think we need to flood Gill and Crutcher with emails saying that we are pissed about the Rocco Fiasco, we are pissed about Mooney's complacency-incentivizing contract, and we are pissed about Gill's general indifference and ineptitude. That Gill needs to get the boot, and that we are all strongly considering sh!t-canning our season tickets and donations (but not actually doing anything like that) if the situation doesn't change.
I truly believe that simply talking with our wallets without overwhelming communications as to why we are pissed will just make a decision to go the PL very easy for the administration.