Do not be surprised if Lunardi is out too. Coach Martelli had a tough 3 years but he has won two A10 titles in the last six seasons I believe. I am not surprised they went towards a fresh start in their program.We do have Lunardi on the payroll, so maybe we can just swap radio guys?
Just breaking.
And they held him accountable to that standard. He went undeafeted one year and was ranked #1 in the country and reached an elite eight. Also, St. Joe went to the Dance as recently as 2016 but three losing seasons since. Not meeting the "sustained culture of excellence" they seek, so he's out. I applaud them despite fact Martelli is a world class guy and an awesome representative of their University (two things they acknowledged in their press release).
Pssst. Maybe he's the axe-man.Why would Lunardi be out at Hawk Hill?
Heard from a Hawk that they have been wanting to make sweeping changes. He mentioned them not being happy with Lunardi consulting other programs.Why would Lunardi be out at Hawk Hill?
I spit my drink laughing at this one#HireMooney billboard on I-76. On it.
The whole A-10 has sucked since the big boys left. (Temple, Xavier, Butler).So...
Does anyone have a list of A-10 coaches from this season with - current status, years coaching in the A-10, and this season's A-10 wins?