Local Press coverage: The Good and The Bad


Spider's Club
Feb 2, 2005
Saw some good local press coverage this weekend and some poor.

The good:

1. The RTD: The RTD did 2 great articles on the game and a specific piece on what the game meant to us. Yes, the covered the Weber injury, but that is a big story and deserved it's own article. They followed up with another story on UR today and what the victory meant to us.

2. Big Al: Big Al had CM on this morning and did a great UR focused interview. CM brought up the Weber injury himself and I think did a really good job talking about Briante and how devastating that injury was to him. CM frustrates the heck out me a lot of the time, but you can never knock the quality of his character. He didn't have to talk about Weber after our huge victory, but he did and spoke quiet eloquently about it.

The Bad:

1. Michael Phillips (RTD writer): First this guy does his poll of the Commonwealth teams and he has at 7th. He actually has Virginia Tech in front of us. Are you serious? And then I'm listening to McElroy this morning and he is talking with someone and this person is going on and on about the Weber injury effected him personally, how he almost cried when he learned the news. I thought it had to be someone from VCU who he was talking to. Nope, its Michael Phillips from the RTD. And the only thing he mentioned about us was how the "kid" from Richmond had the game of his life. Cause you know Kendall is not a first team all A-10 preseason selection, our all time 3 point record holder, and in fact has been on the RTD all commonwealth teams for the past several years.
When K0 torched the Lambs for 31 at their place last year, the VCU fans gave him a standing O when he left the game.
Listened to McElroy this morning and he kept talking about what a tough loss VCU had over the weekend. No mention of the Spiders AT ALL. I kept screaming at the radio "Or a great win for the Spiders!"
As I am sitting here reading these posts, lo' and behold Channel 12 is getting ready to give us a long dissertation on the tragedy that is Briante Weber
Spider Rick, will that be story of the 5'6" kid dropping 22 on the NBA prospect? Just wondering.
Turn to Ch 12 and you might catch it. I'm waiting with baited breath. Bet we're hardly mentioned.....
I listened to Burton at 4:00 pm. All about SB49 and Weber. Couldn't take anymore, so I turned it off.
Burton gave the Spiders some love. I can't argue with anything else on this thread.
KeeBush, Rams didn't give KO a standing O this year. Just so you know. :)
Originally posted by 97spiderfan:

Saw some good local press coverage this weekend and some poor.

The Bad:

1. Michael Phillips (RTD writer): First this guy does his poll of the Commonwealth teams and he has at 7th. He actually has Virginia Tech in front of us. Are you serious? And then I'm listening to McElroy this morning and he is talking with someone and this person is going on and on about the Weber injury effected him personally, how he almost cried when he learned the news. I thought it had to be someone from VCU who he was talking to. Nope, its Michael Phillips from the RTD. And the only thing he mentioned about us was how the "kid" from Richmond had the game of his life. Cause you know Kendall is not a first team all A-10 preseason selection, our all time 3 point record holder, and in fact has been on the RTD all commonwealth teams for the past several years.
The above makes me want to barf - all of it.

Anthony is unbelievable. Let me correct Michael Phillips - The "kid" from Richmond has had many games of his life. What KA has achieved & his leadership capabilities are quite admirable.
I actually like reading the RTD, maybe I'm old school. I think they do a fair job covering us as well. But having this Michael Phillips guy write and go on radio and talk about a subject that he obviously knows very little about is pretty pathetic.

Name one person other than this guy, who would rank Virginia Tech over us. And not knowing squat about the best player on one of the 2 D-1 teams in town, when your job title is that of a sports reporter, just laughable.
The local news media doesn't even know the names of our players! Example "the kid from Richmond" reference. The local media ignores us and they despise us! We are viewed as a pip squeak school full of out of state state students. The locals, including the media, could care less about UR. As far as they are concerned, the only D1 school in Richmond is located in the fan and Broad St.
My mom is a huge UR fan and one of the few people I know that still gets a newspaper. She gets out her magnifying glass every morning and looks for UR sports articles in RTD.
K - you made my day! God bless your mom! Please tell her that..................
FRS, "could care less" implies that you have the possibility of reaching a level of caring which is below how much you currently care - and doesn't make sense. The correct phrase, in this context anyway, is "could not care less", which means that your caring has reached its nadir.

Just a pet peeve.
This post was edited on 2/3 5:42 PM by octoman
Phillips must be a VCU Mass Comm grad. Don't know his background, but doesn't he cover the REdskins more than anything? Maybe he should move to Ashburn and stop talking about stuff he doesn't know anything about.
Watching UVA, and Vital announces that Virginia loves their "hoes". Ha ha. Bad as Cougar Corner.
Originally posted by octoman:

FRS, "could care less" implies that you have the possibility of reaching a level of caring which is below how much you currently care - and doesn't make sense. The correct phrase, in this context anyway, is "could not care less", which means that your caring has reached its nadir.

Just a pet peeve.
This post was edited on 2/3 5:42 PM by octoman
Its an idiom, so it can go either way.

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