Leland's Letter to Trump


May 12, 2003
Richmond, VA
I typically try to stay out of the political circles, but thought this letter to Trump, from one of UR's finest, was worth putting on the site. I just like seeing Spiders be leaders. Posted without commentary.

To Donald Trump

I believe in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of this country even though at the time they were drafted, their tenets of life, liberty justice for all and eventual freedom of speech, religion, assembly, press and petition amendment ratified in Dec 1791, only applied to a select group of people and not ones that looked like me.

Donald Trump, I listened to your Alabama rally rant and could not believe how easily you say what you say.

We have become numb to your outlandish acts, tweets and recent retweet of you knocking down Hillary Clinton with a golf ball that you hit.

Donald Trump, your boorish and disgusting actions are not funny. They actually promote violence against women especially when your followers act out what you say.

I used to walk the grounds of UVA in Charlottesville, VA as a graduate student only to watch in horror as those same grounds became a battlefield being trod by Nazi and anti-Semitic worshippers armed with assault style weapons ready to fight to make America White again. (their words). You actually said there were nice people on both sides. People armed and ready to kill other Americans for the purpose of eradicating Blacks, Jews, Hispanics, Mexicans, Asians, Latinas and even the first real Americans, Native Americans to make America Great Again were “nice people”?

Comparing this to what you say in condemnation of an unarmed black man peacefully protesting by exercising his constitutional First Amendment rights by silently taking a knee is appalling, unnerving and reprehensible.

Today, you called Colin Kaepernick “a son-of-a-bitch.”

You said he should be fired.

You are calling his white mother a bitch.

The strong contrast in language for a black man and a Nazi is very telling. Do you have any sense of decency or shame in what you say to the American people that are part of your duty to serve respectfully with dignity, presidentially?

Our National Anthem has been edited to try not to offend, because when Francis Scott Key penned the song he watched freed slaves fighting for the British and wrote this stanza:

“And where is that band who so vauntingly swore,
That the havoc of war and the battle’s confusion
A home and a Country should leave us no more?
Their blood has wash’d out their foul footstep’s pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave,
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

I guess if I were a slave back then I probably would have done anything to obtain freedom from my American oppressors who were whipping, killing, raping, dismembering, hanging or releasing the dogs on people like me all under our Constitution.

In 1814 former slaves fought with the British for their freedom from their American enslavers.

Key witnessed a battle from a ship off the Maryland shore at Fort McHenry, which inspired him to write what became our National Anthem.

I served my country not in the military, but as 1 of 362 American Astronauts that have explored the universe to help advance our civilization. Not just Americans, but all humans. I also was briefly in the NFL and stood for the National Anthem with my hand over my heart. What makes us great is our differences and respecting that we are all created equally even if not always treated that way.

Looking back at our planet from space really helps one get a bigger perspective on how petty and divisive we can be. Donald Trump, maybe you should ask your good friend Mr. Putin to give you a ride on a Soyuz rocket to our International Space Station and see what it’s like to work together with people we used to fight against, where your life depends on it. See the world and get a greater sense of what it means to be part of the human race, we call it the Orbital Perspective.

Donald Trump, please know that you are supposed to be a unifier and a compassionate and empathetic leader. If you can’t do the job then please step down and let someone else try. I pray that you do the right thing.

May God bless you.


Leland Melvin
Former Astronaut and NFL Player
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He included a few jabs in there that probably could have been omitted, but in general I appreciate what he had to say.

The bottom line is that this is America, and people have the right to peacefully protest anything they'd like to or speak freely about anything they'd like to. Others have the right to disagree with them, too.

When it comes to the flag and the national anthem, some people become highly emotionally invested in ways that they might not otherwise. I get it. I can understand why some people view those as sacred entities that should not be disrespected in any way, and I can also understand others who believe their very existence is what gives us the right to protest.

The president, like everyone else, is entitled to his opinion and can think or say whatever he'd like to. Personally, I wish he were capable of taking a presidential tone and demeanor with something like this, rather than calling players who choose to kneel SOBs who should be fired.

It's pretty tough to defend that type of petty and juvenile statement from the president of the free world – especially when less than a month ago he went out of his way to defend the rights of KKK members to protest in ways that were not peaceful. He's painted himself into a corner as a hypocrite.

The fact that we have seen people from both political parties and various walks of life denouncing what he said is encouraging to me. Just be a decent human being and respect other people. Is that too much to ask?
Leland Melvin is a fine person and entitled to express his opinion as we all are. His rendition of what took place in Charlottesville is not entirely accurate and "appears" to be heavily influenced by media reporting. Several policemen who were on the scene have stated that much of the violence was instigated by the Antifa counter protesters. Also there were people present to protest the removal of the Lee statue who were not affiliated with any organized group. The media has conflated the term "altright" with Nazism and Antisemitism. This is a widespread technique that presupposes an inaccurate conclusion. The grounds of UVA were not a "battlefield" as the involvement there consisted of a group marching there on Friday night. The physical confrontations took place on Saturday mainly near the park containing the Lee statue and in the streets of downtown Charlottesville.
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I removed a post from here that crossed the line by a mile. If the poster repeats, they will no longer post on the site. If you they have a problem with the moderation, feel free to email me.

I did want to point out something I appreciated; the two above posts are by people with opposing views. One poster liked both of them. Civil discourse is something we've gotten away from as a people. I appreciate someone that can "like" and appreciate multiple sides of a topic.
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I removed a post from here that crossed the line by a mile. If the poster repeats, they will no longer post on the site. If you they have a problem with the moderation, feel free to email me.

I did want to point out something I appreciated; the two above posts are by people with opposing views. One poster liked both of them. Civil discourse is something we've gotten away from as a people. I appreciate someone that can "like" and appreciate multiple sides of a topic.

I have no problem with it. Conservatives are more than used to censorship at the hands of the Left by now, and I think the general public sees it for what it is. We have ideas and arguments. Your side has censorship and repression.
Stereotyping a race in the manner in which you did is not an argument and is not welcome on the board.

Nobody is "stereotyping" races. We deal only in cold hard facts on our side. Leland Melvin should get down on his knees every morning and thank God he was born in a country as generous and free as the United States of America.
By defining the divide as “leftist” and “real” how do we ever break down walls between viewpoints vs. build them no matter whether they are for echo chambers or borders?
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tr1 only seems to post when he/she wants to post some political statement -- I have contemplated banning him on several occasions but have allowed him to stay to allow all opinions -- he doesn't seem to have any desire to add constructive discussion
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will say this again, trump is not a politician, he is not politically correct, thus, he says what he is thinking, not what the liberal media and the liberals, think he should be saying. i love that he says what he is thinking not what you want to hear and he has every right, just as the players do, to say it. don't want some suit saying all the "right" things that the liberal media feels is needed. love it, sorry Leland
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Leland Melvin has dedicated his adult life to being an astronaut and has risked his life in service to his country. Not to mention that he has been an incredible ambassador for our University. He has earned the right to say what he wants, and has no need to "get down on his knees every morning and thank God he was born in a country as generous and free as the United States of America" as another poster suggests. Leland has put his money where his mouth is.
will say this again, trump is not a politician, he is not politically correct, thus, he says what he is thinking, not what the liberal media and the liberals, think he should be saying. i love that he says what he is thinking not what you want to hear and he has every right, just as the players do, to say it. don't want some suit saying all the "right" things that the liberal media feels is needed. love it, sorry Leland

This is thinking? “This is an island, surrounded by water. Big water. Ocean water,” Let's start with the definition of an island and go from there ...

I personally prefer a modicum more of intellectual thought in a president. I respect if a mistake is made with a forthcoming correction but I don't see any admission of "I was wrong". We have a Fonzie President. I know he is not president but I will go with Leland here.
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Leland Melvin should get down on his knees every morning and thank God he was born in a country as generous and free as the United States of America.

I guess you should too.
our most nontraditional president was never going to conduct business as usual from the white house. he has caused so much anguish in washington, this should be no surprise, this is what he ran on and this is what i voted for because our country needed it. you keep living in your traditional thoughts and ways, not my fault you backed the smartest woman in the world who under oath, dozens of times said, "i cannot recall", "i can not remember".....duh, she would have been so good at keeping our country headed for the socialist ditch. know Leland and have spoken to him both as a student and as an alum at various functions and respect him greatly but he should also note that obama did not unify at all but tore our country apart. many of my friends and family voted for him because they though he would make race relations even better and unite the country but he blew it, went the wrong way with what he did. sometimes think he set us back decades and that is a shame, he could have done it but elected to go the other way.
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First, we can certainly quibble regarding as to whether non traditional ever crosses over to unpresidential. For me, it does and he has.

Secondly, voting for the first woman president is “living in our traditional thoughts and ways” vs. backing President “PG” (go back to your Billy Bush video tape) who defended it as locker room talk. Yep.

Got it. It’s Obama’s fault we now have tiki torches associated with white supremacists.

Maybe I should, and I will give your statements more thought, but I can’t get to the conclusion that Trump is a unifier and Obama tore us apart.
How did slavery start in the first place in this country? Tobacco, the cash crop, being sold
back to the motherland. Who were the first slaves? White kids who were orphans and runaways
from the streets of London and other towns in England. These kids could not handle the hard
work and harsh conditions, barely making it six months. Money takes no prisoners and then
slave traders followed the money trail to Africa, like ruthless Wall Street traders today. The supply
was endless.

Today we may not have slavery, but our greed still abounds as well as our hatred for our fellow
man. Yes, I am sick and tired of Washington politics! But I am also drained by the lack of calm rhetoric
( like this board at times) where different view points can never lead to a better solution or compromise
for fear of selling out. I oppose the kneeling routine but approve their right. A group such as this, why
can they not meet with their respective congressional and political leaders to voice their concerns and
constructively, come up with a solution. The NFL players have a great opportunity due their prominence
in society as well as other athletes, to create constructive dialog. I believe Leland was asking for constructive versus divisive discussion.
As my very wise Econ professor Dr. Herman P. Thomas said: "Politics depends on whose ox is being gored."
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Help me understand what Leland Melvin has to do with Hillary Clinton (besides the stupid golf video)?

I know (knew, actually) Leland well, we were both Chem majors, had classes together, we were the only two male athletes who were Chem majors. I respect his intelligence and work ethic a great deal. I have spoken to him a few times since graduation. Given his service to our country, I feel like he can say what he wants, he has earned the right, agree or not.
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our most nontraditional president was never going to conduct business as usual from the white house. he has caused so much anguish in washington, this should be no surprise, this is what he ran on and this is what i voted for because our country needed it. you keep living in your traditional thoughts and ways, not my fault you backed the smartest woman in the world who under oath, dozens of times said, "i cannot recall", "i can not remember".....duh, she would have been so good at keeping our country headed for the socialist ditch. know Leland and have spoken to him both as a student and as an alum at various functions and respect him greatly but he should also note that obama did not unify at all but tore our country apart. many of my friends and family voted for him because they though he would make race relations even better and unite the country but he blew it, went the wrong way with what he did. sometimes think he set us back decades and that is a shame, he could have done it but elected to go the other way.

This is not about Obama or Clinton. They are barely visible in the rearview mirror. It's about the person now in the office of President. It's not about how he got there. It's about what he is doing.
Deflecting criticism by pointing to what you perceive to be the faults of others does not further the conversation. It is not relevant.
This is not about getting rid of business as usual. This is not about your redemption for not voting for someone else. This is not about party politics. This is way past bucking tradition. And it's much more than an embarrassment. It's a threat to our democracy.
I understand why you and many others voted for Trump. I respect your decision. However, now is the time to differentiate yourself from him and (Dare I say it?)...admit that you wrong. Not in life. Just as to Trump. He is not what our country needs.
So step up to the plate.
It's OK. Your dog will still love you.
come on liberals, obama blamed george bush for everything for eight years so don't try and go there. think Leland has every right to say what he wants, whether he was a great individual or just an individual, that is the way our country works but if he is going to state that trump is dividing then he also has to accept that obama did the same thing. the democrats have never accepted the election results and never will and the hatred and mean spirited actions they are taking are no help at all. get over the billy bush tape wiz, he was talking to another guy with no idea of being taped in a private setting. have said things in that kind of setting which would be embarrassed to come out for all to see or hear, you betcha and bet that hillary or bernie could have had the same thing if someone was taping them without their knowledge, that argument holds no water and the election proves it. it does not matter who the republicans put up for president, they are branded as racist, which is really sad and part of why we have race relations going the wrong way.
come on liberals, obama blamed george bush for everything for eight years so don't try and go there. think Leland has every right to say what he wants, whether he was a great individual or just an individual, that is the way our country works but if he is going to state that trump is dividing then he also has to accept that obama did the same thing. the democrats have never accepted the election results and never will and the hatred and mean spirited actions they are taking are no help at all. get over the billy bush tape wiz, he was talking to another guy with no idea of being taped in a private setting. have said things in that kind of setting which would be embarrassed to come out for all to see or hear, you betcha and bet that hillary or bernie could have had the same thing if someone was taping them without their knowledge, that argument holds no water and the election proves it. it does not matter who the republicans put up for president, they are branded as racist, which is really sad and part of why we have race relations going the wrong way.

Geez, Spinner. Take a chill pill. Better still, take the advice of Bob Corker and Lindsey Graham, two esteemed Republican Senators: "Get over it." Even your buddy, Ted Cruz, urges us all to move on from the events leading to the election of Donald Trump. Dwelling on past perceptions of mortal sins of parties, politicians, and others does nothing but foster disharmony and continued division.

Let's talk about current affairs. There is an abundance of current matters which may still be worthy of your venom. What's your take on fake news since the election? Do you believe that the Russians attempted to interfere in our elections? What should happen with North Korea? What about the Iran nuclear pact?

C'mon, my alt-right friend, let's move this conversation forward in a discussion of what we face today, not what happened last year. You're too smart to focus on irrelevant matters. It does not become you.
little i, are you kidding me? have moved on, accepted the election, we are going great but the attacks on trump by both sides of the swamp isle and on campus and in the streets do not stop. he has washington in a spin, he wants to change their deal and they do not want change, they want status quo. seems like those of your ilk always are looking for, calling for, change and yet you are not getting on board. open your eyes, your mind, let's make america great again buddy.
little i, are you kidding me? have moved on, accepted the election, we are going great but the attacks on trump by both sides of the swamp isle and on campus and in the streets do not stop. he has washington in a spin, he wants to change their deal and they do not want change, they want status quo. seems like those of your ilk always are looking for, calling for, change and yet you are not getting on board. open your eyes, your mind, let's make america great again buddy.
If you like, I can have my boys (Corker, Graham, Ryan, McConnell, McCain, Hatch, etc.) back off a bit. Republicans can be a little tough. They be tryin', but they don't get it like you do, Big Spinner. You know so much and they be like just happy to be livin' off of DEEP STATE.

Then there's me and my ilk. Poor us.
We just don't have a clue. We try, we really do, but we just can't get it. #SAD #SOSAD #SOVERYSAD #IKNOWTHATIMREALIGNORANTBUTTHANKGODTHATSPINNERGETSIT.
Certainly doing a better job of it than our previous President.
He's certainly uniting people like you with each other, at least.

He's alienated and/or deemed liars immigrants, blacks, liberals, true conservatives, members of his own party, members of the media, professional athletes, actors, several of his own appointees and countless others. He's going to run out of people willing to engage with him, much less defend him, soon. He's told more than 1,300 lies or falsehoods since taking office.
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He's certainly uniting people like you with each other, at least.

He's alienated and/or deemed liars immigrants, blacks, liberals, true conservatives, members of his own party, members of the media, professional athletes, actors, several of his own appointees and countless others. He's going to run out of people willing to engage with him, much less defend him, soon. He's told more than 1,300 lies or falsehoods since taking office.

To make an omelette you need to crack a few eggs. If this nation has any hope of long term survival, the existing power structure needs to blown apart. Trump understands this. The people he is attacking are the right people to attack.
To make an omelette you need to crack a few eggs. If this nation has any hope of long term survival, the existing power structure needs to blown apart. Trump understands this. The people he is attacking are the right people to attack.
I agree that we need to make some changes as to how things are done (or fail to get done) within the Beltway. It's probably not necessary for long-term survival, but it certainly could enhance the efficiency of our government. And I am not opposed, in some cases, to drastic changes. The anticipation of such change is the reason given by many who voted for Trump.

However, the problem with creating an omelet [of our government] is that you can never undo what you have done. It's would be like trying to turn a pickle back into a cucumber. That is not what we need. Before I buy into such destructive change, I want a failsafe in place. Trump never offers such options when he suggests destruction. He has no ideology. He has no strategy. He merely reacts impulsively to his environment without thinking through the possible consequences.

For people like you, Obama embodied a threat to your long-time WASP controlled society. You considered his election an abomination of your tribal dogma. The mere fact of his election brought you and other white supremacists out of the woodwork, not anything he did or said. It also gave you an opportunity to vent another fear, i.e., your fear of Jews and others perceived differently than you.
Obama's election may have been divisive (I think necessarily so, and in the long term in an undeniable good way). But his actions were not. Your fear of African-Americans, Jews, and others who you perceive different from you existed all along, probably since childbirth when post-natal imprinting began by your parents. You were able to stifle it to some degree (maybe not as much as others) because of your deference to differing opinions of those in charge. But after his election...well, that was the last straw. It was the Pearl Harbor of your resistance. You could not longer stifle a manifestation of your suppressed fear. But, make no mistake, what followed was not fed by Obama nor by any of his actions. His election (and re-election) had already done that -- finally bringing to the surface your awful fear of such dreaded change.

The opposite is true with Trump. His election was hard for some to take for various reasons. Many still find it offensive. However, unlike Obama, his daily behavior is founded upon divisiveness. With Trump, pandering to his base at the expense of so many others takes precedence over everything else, including the governance of our country. Trump's impulsiveness is divisive, mean-spirited, and juvenile. Every American should be embarrassed by his actions, especially on a global perspective. He is a clear and present danger to the sustainability to our way of life. He should be removed from office.
I agree that we need to make some changes as to how things are done (or fail to get done) within the Beltway. It's probably not necessary for long-term survival, but it certainly could enhance the efficiency of our government. And I am not opposed, in some cases, to drastic changes. The anticipation of such change is the reason given by many who voted for Trump.

However, the problem with creating an omelet [of our government] is that you can never undo what you have done. It's would be like trying to turn a pickle back into a cucumber. That is not what we need. Before I buy into such destructive change, I want a failsafe in place. Trump never offers such options when he suggests destruction. He has no ideology. He has no strategy. He merely reacts impulsively to his environment without thinking through the possible consequences.

For people like you, Obama embodied a threat to your long-time WASP controlled society. You considered his election an abomination of your tribal dogma. The mere fact of his election brought you and other white supremacists out of the woodwork, not anything he did or said. It also gave you an opportunity to vent another fear, i.e., your fear of Jews and others perceived differently than you.
Obama's election may have been divisive (I think necessarily so, and in the long term in an undeniable good way). But his actions were not. Your fear of African-Americans, Jews, and others who you perceive different from you existed all along, probably since childbirth when post-natal imprinting began by your parents. You were able to stifle it to some degree (maybe not as much as others) because of your deference to differing opinions of those in charge. But after his election...well, that was the last straw. It was the Pearl Harbor of your resistance. You could not longer stifle a manifestation of your suppressed fear. But, make no mistake, what followed was not fed by Obama nor by any of his actions. His election (and re-election) had already done that -- finally bringing to the surface your awful fear of such dreaded change.

The opposite is true with Trump. His election was hard for some to take for various reasons. Many still find it offensive. However, unlike Obama, his daily behavior is founded upon divisiveness. With Trump, pandering to his base at the expense of so many others takes precedence over everything else, including the governance of our country. Trump's impulsiveness is divisive, mean-spirited, and juvenile. Every American should be embarrassed by his actions, especially on a global perspective. He is a clear and present danger to the sustainability to our way of life. He should be removed from office.

There was nothing "unique" about the election of Obama. He was for Goldman Sachs, the last of a long string of Presidents who dutifully served the globalist banker overlords that have been attempting to destroy this country for the past half century. It was not anything unique about Obama, but rather the fact his Presidency came at a desisive point where if we had elected another like him we would have been doomed. We still might be doomed. But at least with Trump "We the People" stand a fighting chance against the enemies of our country.
Goldman has always been,and currently is, a source of talent. Many Presidents have used them but so does Trump. If Goldman is a prime source of “globalist banker overlords” and the goal is to drain the swamp, why are more alligators (enemies of “We the People”) being introduced into said swamp? There is an old adage regarding attempting to drain the swamp in the face of a preponderance of alligators. Perchance these are “good” alligators?
Goldman has always been,and currently is, a source of talent. Many Presidents have used them but so does Trump. If Goldman is a prime source of “globalist banker overlords” and the goal is to drain the swamp, why are more alligators (enemies of “We the People”) being introduced into said swamp? There is an old adage regarding attempting to drain the swamp in the face of a preponderance of alligators. Perchance these are “good” alligators?

Trump is playing a delicate game. If he had launched a frontal assault on the International Bankers and Deep State on Day One he'd have been dead within 24 hours. Trump's plan is to slowly undermine them and the institutions they rely on (such as the MSM and Hollywood) until he gradually builds up enough strength that he can safely implement a full purge. It is a sound plan with a good historical precedent for success.
Trump is playing a delicate game. If he had launched a frontal assault on the International Bankers and Deep State on Day One he'd have been dead within 24 hours. Trump's plan is to slowly undermine them and the institutions they rely on (such as the MSM and Hollywood) until he gradually builds up enough strength that he can safely implement a full purge. It is a sound plan with a good historical precedent for success.
Delicate game? You have got to be kidding. Trump is a moron. The only difference between him and the character in "Being There," is that Trump is mean-spirited, a Narcissist, and Egocentric...and more juvenile.
He is like you in a way: almost totally irrelevant.
Delicate game? You have got to be kidding. Trump is a moron. The only difference between him and the character in "Being There," is that Trump is mean-spirited, a Narcissist, and Egocentric...and more juvenile.
He is like you in a way: almost totally irrelevant.

Trump is not an intellectual, no, but he has a tremendous instinctive ability to assess any situation and spontaneously adopt the correct move. He is an absolute master of human psychology, which is why he's been so successful in branding and negotiation.

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