Josh Jones

Based on our performance on the first night of the season (loss to JMU), I'm thinking we could make very good use of the scholarship for a "big," like Grant Golden's younger brother, or maybe even a PF who may be available in the spring. Whatever JJ's positive potential may have been, he surely did not live up to it, at least not over his "full-body-of work" during his time here. He showed "flashes" in a game or two, but this will give our coaches another shot at another recruit, who will very likely represent UR more favorably, on and off the court.
Geez, just now saw the news about Hamlin, what a disaster. Amazing the turn of events in a couple of weeks from Game Day win at JMU, to Hamlin, Josh, and bball loss to JMU.

I thought Josh was really showing some flashes last year. Through recruiting misses, injuries, transfers, etc. we just can't seem to reach that critical mass of having 7 or 8 really good players at one time. We seem to have a glaring hole, or as someone said one dimensional players at a couple of positions.

I think we will need to see a lot of Fore, Wood be a threat, and then really need Jesse or Julius to play like an upper classman. I still think we have the pieces, it seems that we do take a good month to 6 weeks to really start gelling every year, not sure what the answer is to that.
Agree 13. There is much we don't know about this situation and probably will never know. While the news broke to the public that Josh was not going to be part of the team, right prior to the JMU game, hopefully this is not when the team found out.

And other players publically expressing support for Josh is further indication that whatever Josh did, it was not some huge transgression. Kind of feel that Josh may have gotten a raw deal here, but have no evidence to back that up.
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A raw deal done to a fine young man. I want to say more but will leave it at that. His situation was not in the same "ball park" as Hamlin's.
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I for one am interested to see how much the Jones absence effects the team. I thought coming into the season, he was going to be a key piece of our rotation - either in the starting lineup or coming off the bench. With only 1 real game to go off of - JMU - we played 8 guys with all three guys off the bench - Fore, Wood, and Jesse not really having any experience before at Richmond (Fore played 2 games last season, Wood redshirt transfer from Tech, and Jesse is a frosh). It looks like Fore and Wood are our main player off the bench, but I wonder if the plan was to have Jones and not Jesse come off and be that 8th guy. I don't think we need a deep 9-10 man rotation to be successful - just a solid 8 man, and maybe a ninth to fill in here and there during foul trouble.

But with so many big games early in the season - at Wake, Las Vega tourney, UNI, and Florida - I wonder if the inexperience off the bench will hurt us. And remember - Jones was getting about 15 minutes a game last season during the 2nd half of the year.
I for one am interested to see how much the Jones absence effects the team. I thought coming into the season, he was going to be a key piece of our rotation - either in the starting lineup or coming off the bench. With only 1 real game to go off of - JMU - we played 8 guys with all three guys off the bench - Fore, Wood, and Jesse not really having any experience before at Richmond (Fore played 2 games last season, Wood redshirt transfer from Tech, and Jesse is a frosh). It looks like Fore and Wood are our main player off the bench, but I wonder if the plan was to have Jones and not Jesse come off and be that 8th guy. I don't think we need a deep 9-10 man rotation to be successful - just a solid 8 man, and maybe a ninth to fill in here and there during foul trouble.

But with so many big games early in the season - at Wake, Las Vega tourney, UNI, and Florida - I wonder if the inexperience off the bench will hurt us. And remember - Jones was getting about 15 minutes a game last season during the 2nd half of the year.
Trap, it is affects, not effects. If I were a VCU troll, I would have not caught it.....
This has been done without success.
My Goodness, this is so disappointing based on everyone saying that it seems like a minor lapse in judgement. How is Richmond able to keep things so tight lipped while every other program we'd know what actually happened
The limited rumors I hear make me feel it was something many young college students do. In fact I suspect it happens many times a year on the average college campus. Not making it right, but not meriting the kind of punishment that was handed out. JMHO

BTW because of the limited nature of the information I will not say anything about the rumors. So don't ask. Josh has been harmed way to much.
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Everyone is being tight lipped about this because it doesn't benefit anyone to share the allegations. It's unfortunate but I hope he lands on his feet somewhere.

I saw flashes from josh that made me think he could be our SG but we have some promising freshmen or Marshall could lock up the SF spot and trey can play 2.

We will struggle a bit, I just hope we can pull it together for the big upcoming games.
Well said, Fan 1. To me he will always be a Spider and I wish him nothing but the best. Wherever he lands , I will be a fan.
Is Josh still in school? I know he was dismissed from team but have not heard he was kicked out of school.
know absolutely nothing but sincerely hope that he was dismissed from the team on more than just allegations. does anyone know if the school or the staff removed him from the team?
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I love the academic aspects of our school, i'ts a source of pride for all of us. But the academic side doesn't seem to have a good working relationship with the athletic side. Hopefully our new president can change the climate.
I'm apparently not as informed as some of you guys? Are the rumors that this was academic related? I perhaps mistakenly assumed it had something to do with that plant that Derrick Williams and Hamlin were fond of. That's sometimes the problem with all this secrecy; people make assumptions that are potentially worse than the actual offense. Can someone at least steer us in the right direction? As someone who visits a lot of college sports message boards, this is easily the most secretive, tight-lipped board I've ever come across, for better or worse.
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I'm apparently not as informed as some of you guys? Are the rumors that this was academic related? I perhaps mistakenly assumed it had something to do with that plant that Derrick Williams and Hamlin were fond of. That's sometimes the problem with all this secrecy; people make assumptions that are potentially worse than the actual offense. Can someone at least steer us in the right direction? As someone who visits a lot of college sports message boards, this is easily the most secretive, tight-lipped board I've ever come across, for better or worse.
Title IX was mentioned by one of the posters. Make of that what you will.
does not seem to be going away at all. we root for these guys, want the best for these guys and so we are interested. what does title IX have to do with a male athlete? any mention of that should be about our university compliance not an individual athlete, unless, of course, title XI is code for, a female incident. typically female incidents make the paper, striking, assault, etc. and this has been nowhere to be found.
Rick, a lot of posters want to ACT like they are in the know and try to make you believe that they have inside info. Meanwhile their vague statements cause most people on this site to speculate and get angry over something they know nothing about.
Nobody owes anybody on a free message board any information. And the fact that the situation hasn't been shared here doesn't mean anybody has to post wild and inaccurate speculation. Some people need to do that to feel better. Such is life.
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some on here have indicated or insinuated that a couple of these guys are getting or have gotten, a raw deal. not that interested in what happened but am very interested in the procedure if that is the case.
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Nobody owes anybody on a free message board any information. And the fact that the situation hasn't been shared here doesn't mean anybody has to post wild and inaccurate speculation. Some people need to do that to feel better. Such is life.
hmmm...if I were on the paid site would I be owed information?
That's for you and the moderators to determine. I'm neither a mod nor a paying subscriber, so I don't really care.
I just find it annoying that we're left to speculate about a potentially unfair administration ruling when some folks appear to be in the know. It's not like this is a radio program, school-sponsored forum, or some other type of major media platform. It's an unaffiliated online message board where 50+ die-hard fans regularly discuss Spider news, topics, and rumors. We all invest time and money into this team, and so it's strange to me that such a small niche community can't openly discuss an offense that JJ was potentially unfairly found guilty of by the school, leading to his dismissal.
the only thing, as a parent, that i recall about FERPA is that unless my kids signed a waiver, i could not even get their grades. how stupid is that law? i told each of my kids, either sign the waiver or find a new source to pay for your education. no question that there should be privacy yet we read all the time about students and student/athletes and their probs on campus and off. typically if there is an arrest, it becomes public, if not, handled internally and should be private, HOWEVER, when it is an athlete, we still read about a suspension while the physics student gets no press at all. just seems if the athlete is going to be publicly disiplined and his name is out there, becomes a different animal.
I would say at this point, given that he is off the team, and may have been dismissed from the University, that at least knowing the procedural issues relative to his dismissal would be fair game. We don't necessarily need to understand exactly what he did, but I for one would like to know whether he was dismissed by the athletic department or the University administration. I'd also like to understand the rules that were applied to his case. It does seem to me like he got a raw deal, especially in light of other recent dismissals from various teams in the recent past.

In the absence of legitimate information, people's imaginations will fill in the blanks, and in many cases they will assume the worst.
the university obviously doesn't think it's something that should be spread. things on a message board aren't shared by 50 hardcore Spider fans. it goes everywhere.
if you're close enough to the program and want to ask, go ahead. but I'm fine with it not going public. Josh seems like a good kid.
The tight-lipped position of the University makes me think they care more about their reputation than they do about the student-athlete.
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No, like the lack of a statement shows how much they care about themselves.
What statement can the school legally put out? Their hands are very much tied by FERPA.

(I have no knowledge of what Josh is alleged to have done, so I'm assuming it doesn't fall under one of the exclusions like a violent or sex offense where disclosure is permitted.)

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