Josh Jones

Jeez what are these guys doing to jeopardize their basketball careers? Losing depth means the younger guys will need to step up. Wonder how it will shake out
Obviously tough to lose depth, but without more information, tough to know how this will shake out. Is the violation such that he'll be leaving the team? Leaving school? Is there a chance he'll be back this year?

It sounds like he is suspended from team activities, not from school. He seems to have violated Athletic Department policy, not necessarily a school policy. We have no way of knowing how serious this is, he could be back by the first game.
No clue on what an athletic dept violation might be. Sounds like we need a refresher course for our athletes on what NOT to do, since this is coming up for some key players on BB and FB team lately.
as mentioned on the premium board, in today's world, we all tend to think failed drug test or alcohol and it may be neither and that is a shame. there is a wide spectrum of things one could do to break a rule from something simple like cutting a class to major like striking a female, just too many things and of course speculation is far worse than just announcing what happened. understand privacy and not really sure how i feel on this but seems if the athletic dept is going to come down on things, they should have an open policy to say what it is. these guys are not regular students who get suspended, their names don't make the paper or the internet. they get their name splashed all over the place and seems to me that there should be some accountability on the part of the athletic dept to not just suspend a student/athlete but to give us the background or at least the reason. have no clue about privacy issues so may be spitting into the wind here but just hate all the speculation which seems worse than the offense might be. hope for the best concerning both young men and maybe we get them back soon.
Weirdly coincidental with Broadus suspension.Dont recall such recurring incidences in athletics but maybe the virtual internet cloud now allows us all to read within 8 nanoseconds after each occurrence.

Who makes these suspension decisions within the athletic department?
1.Gill-doubt it
2.Coach-doubt it-don't get that feeling from Rocco or Mooney but they are concurring in decision.They may have no choice.
3.Compliance-maybe so
4.No one else under the Athletic Dept umbrella seems to have such direct responsibility.

Don't see anyone else anyone else getting involved except for maybe academic advisors.

There seems to be a new sheriff in town carrying a mighty big,flashy badge.
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For me, a violation of Athletic Department policy implies something that doesn't necessarily mean a university or honor code violation (i.e. a violation that gets you thrown out of school), or a legal problem like being arrested for theft or assault.

For me, an Athletic Department violation means skipping a class or classes, missing a practice or practices, or breaking some personal conduct rule or other similar transgression.

Recall when the DWill story broke, there was no indefinite suspension, he was simply kicked off of the team. I suspect that Josh Jones did something less serious than that, otherwise we would be hearing that he was permanently off of the team or thrown out of school. The University has historically had a pretty low tolerance for drug/alcohol/cheating/theft/assault types of issues among athletes and coaches.

The last time I remember a BB player being suspended indefinitely was Oumar Scylla when he was implicated in receiving/buying stolen property, and I believe he was eventually cleared of all charges.

It's a shame, because JJ was really coming on strong late last season, and was positioning himself for a breakout season this year. Makes me wonder why a kid who has so much going for him on the court, and who is getting a free world-class education would jeopardize everything he has clearly worked so hard for.

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We have high expectations at UR and I wouldn't question Mooney/Rocco for doing this if those expectations are not met. Hopefully, this is a learning experience for Josh and he sees it as that and works extra hard to correct the issue and get himself back on the court and meeting expectations as soon as possible. As I see it, this is all in Josh's hands, if he chooses to correct the issues, I would assume we would see him back in a Spider uniform. Likewise, if he makes other choices, than we might not.

Have to remember these are college kids and I know I made a number really poor decisions in college. You learn from them and make yourself better.
I believe there were reports that he was working out individually before practice? If that is the case it would seem that the suspension is more on the line of temporary and he could work his way back to full team activities sooner than later. I may be reading into it too much but hopefully the case.
I believe there were reports that he was working out individually before practice? If that is the case it would seem that the suspension is more on the line of temporary and he could work his way back to full team activities sooner than later. I may be reading into it too much but hopefully the case.

Part of Stork's practice report on another thread

"5 - Josh Jones had an early workout and didn't practice with the team today. No idea why."
Really unfair to speculate. Hope both return soon.

Unfair to whom?
The team that he let down by breaking the rules and got him suspended?
The alumni that is paying his scholarship?
The athletic department that was forced to take this measure?
To Spider fans everywhere disappointed that one of their own would do something to get suspended?
The parents that have to live with having their son suspended because of his behavior?
Or, the player that broke the rules knowingly because he only thought of himself?

I don't think there is anything wrong with speculation.
Mooney likes Davis and Taylor better at the 3.
Davis is ahead of him at the 2, and any of Fore, Johnson, Pistokache may also be ahead of him for playing time as well.

We really don't need Josh Jones -- Fore, Johnson, and Wood can round out our top 8 and if either of the guards can average double figures along with ShawnDre' we are a top 25 team.

I thought Josh Jones' presence in our top eight was already dubious before the suspension, and now it is looking less likely even if he comes back.
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Obviously we would all "like" to know exactly what he did to get suspended, but the school does not owe us that information. If you are upset about rampant speculation about what he did or didn't do, don't blame the school – blame the people who are rampantly speculating without facts. It's that simple.
There is simply no 'informed' speculation, possible at this point. No one knows any facts. Was this a trivial or serious infraction of the rules, was it inadvertent or not? I've heard no facts. Let it play out. I hope it's resolved soon.
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I thought with ANO last year, JJ really came in and played very well. I would disagree
about not needing him. You cannot replace experience and based on end of year performance and
how prepared he was for this year, he could be a valued reserve. If Josh had the defensive ability of Trey,
he would be starting. Let's give this situation a chance to play out before sending him to the gallows.
I am truly disappointed that JJ has been suspended, but I will continue to give him the benefit of the doubt until (as CS says) the facts are out. I looked a if he was going to be an impact player this school year. I hope everything works out for him whether he is with or without us.
Agree with Gcarter, I am pulling for this guy to get back on the court. He definitely has something to contribute to the team, but this is bad timing for him as Fore, Julius, and Jesse are getting a chance to make an impression on the coaches.
Mooney likes Davis and Taylor better at the 3.
Davis is ahead of him at the 2, and any of Fore, Johnson, Pistokache may also be ahead of him for playing time as well.

We really don't need Josh Jones -- Fore, Johnson, and Wood can round out our top 8 and if either of the guards can average double figures along with ShawnDre' we are a top 25 team.

I thought Josh Jones' presence in our top eight was already dubious before the suspension, and now it is looking less likely even if he comes back.
All decent people wish Josh Jones the best personally. Basketball wise, you are right on target with these comments.
Jones really started coming into his own with more PT last year. I disagree that we don't need him. We do need him. I hope he comes back soon.
This is kind of the same argument as ANO. we certainly are not mortally wounded by losing either, but having each as an option/possibility can only help. We'd be best off with both still with us, but their absence shouldn't be any kind of excuse!
Jones really started coming into his own with more PT last year. I disagree that we don't need him. We do need him. I hope he comes back soon.

I just don't see it.

He scored 0 in our 3 point loss to VCU, which kept us out of the tournament. His only good game in the NIT was against our weakest opponent. He contributed 2 for our overtime win against Arizona State and 3 in our 2 point loss to end the season.

Now with Fore healthy, and Pistokache and Johnson in fold, we will have guards to put in that will win those games for us.

I have nothing against the guy personally, I just don't understand why so many think so highly of his basketball skills. Listen to the videos posted elsewhere -- players/coach are excited about Fore's speed and defense, the shooting skills of the freshman, and the rebounding and three point shooting of Wood. Unless Josh Jones makes significant steps forward this year, he won't bring any of those things. And nobody has brought forth any evidence that he made great strides in the off-season.

Agree with you.Poster folks who are critical of a kid subsequent to his suspension suddenly rationalize that the kid is a throw away anyway and a non contributor likely never had any vertical leaping ability themselves,couldn't shoot to hit a backboard and couldn't even lift a water bucket to carry to players during timeouts.Such is the life of a perpetual JV player wannabe with no real insight.How petty!!
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Josh is a valuable asset to the team. I thought he got better as the season progressed and played better when he had more time on the court. He was (and is) going to be in our top 8 rotation. We don't know what type of injuries or other factors will come into play, so going into the season, without what I would consider a key reserve is a setback.

With that said, I think Josh will suit up and play this year probably at the beginning of the season, cause that is how these off season suspensions usually work. Unless, of course, he does not learn his lesson and continues to make similar decisions that led him to getting suspended in the first place.

Agree with you.Poster folks that are critical of a kid now as a throw away likely never had any vertical leaping ability themselves,couldn't shoot to hit a backboard and couldn't even lift a water bucket to carry to players during timeouts.Such is the life of a perpetual JV player wannabe with no real insight.

I used facts to back up my assertion, and I understand there are reasonable arguments for the other side. You responded with a personal attack on me. There are more than 8 players on our team. You too think some of our players are not going to be in the top 8. What is the problem here? That my top 8 is not your top 8? I'm very high on our team overall, I just don't share your beliefs about the current pecking order.

Agree with you.Poster folks that are critical of a kid now as a throw away likely never had any vertical leaping ability themselves,couldn't shoot to hit a backboard and couldn't even lift a water bucket to carry to players during timeouts.Such is the life of a perpetual JV player wannabe with no real insight.

The uninformed ignorance of this personal attack is pathetic. FYI, not that it matters, but the premise of your nasty assertions couldn't be further from the truth.
I'm not writing Josh off. If he's reinstated, we'll welcome him back with open arms. I want everyone available ... best guys play. If that's Josh, great. but like Catfish, I haven't seen so much of Josh in 2 years to think he's the guy. some take longer to get there, but for the team's sake I hope either he's greatly improved or the freshmen are flat out better. and like Catfish, I'm betting on the latter but I'm ok either way. I'm not giving a role to a guy simply for seniority. and while I have no idea about the transgression, it's certainly a strike against him. the freshmen aren't suspended.
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Just talked to Frederick and Dorinda Jones,parents of Josh.They laughed heartily when they read what I commented about some posters views about their kid.They thought my comments were hilarious.They said something about a quid-pro-quo.Not really sure what that means but I'm checking google now.Fred said he 'd like to go one-on-one with some of the insightful experts about his kid.Not sure what that means either.Yikes.I want to be there for that one.
As a parent of a student-athlete at any school, I would take offense at anyone who talks negative about my child without having any facts on the situation. We need to take a deep breath and save our comments until we find out what actually happened. I personally hope everything works out positively for JJ and he is back on the floor for the Spiders.
really funny that some consider a personal attack, the fact that they cannot go to their left, elevate or shoot threes with any accuracy and someone points that out to them. believe me that is not a personal attack, just the facts. maybe we should have a rule that when one voices their personal views of certain players on here, they must go up to that player and his family after a game and state the same thoughts to them eye to eye. if you are not willing to do that, maybe you should not do it here either.
Jones really started coming into his own with more PT last year. I disagree that we don't need him. We do need him. I hope he comes back soon.
I agree that I thought he looked more at ease during the time ANO was out. So I was (am) looking forward to what he may do this season.

But the numbers during that time were not eye-catching but were beneficial. 14.4 minutes, 62.5% from 2, 28.6% from 3, 3.2 points, 1.2 assists, 1.8 rebounds.
Are projected starting lineup threads offensive to the players and their dads that don't make the starting 5?

Should we ask Julius Johnson's dad what he thinks of the posters that don't have him in their top 8?

If I say I think Terry Allen is going to be our best player this year, do I have to defeat TJ Cline's mom in one-on-one or retract my statement?

Projecting starters and contributors is perfectly normal, acceptable behavior on a basketball message board. This is not a point on which rational debate can occur, which is why we are seeing the personal attacks instead.

They laughed heartily when they read what I commented about some posters views about their kid.They thought my comments were hilarious.

I don't know what you actually told them, but how about that truth -- that we are all supportive of their son and hope he returns, but disagree about whether he is a key player or not. We would ALL be happy if he proves us doubters wrong.
If I say I think Terry Allen is going to be our best player this year, do I have to defeat TJ Cline's mom in one-on-one or retract my statement?
Quite the conundrum...face TJ's mom one-on-one on the court or Terry's mom here in the forums.
I was not a big believer in Jones midway through last year, because whenever he came into a game, he looked like a deer in headlights. However, once he started getting regular PT and could get into the flow of the game, I think things really slowed down nicely for him. He is a guy who can hit some threes and take the ball to the hole. I'm not counting on him for 15 points a game, but I think 6-10 a game is certainly within the realm of possibility, and what we need from him. It's possible one of the other guys can give us that too, but Josh has been in the system a couple years now, so I am giving him the benefit of the doubt over guys I haven't seen yet.
fishman, your latest post defending yourself is much more benign than your earlier posts, revisit. one can say whatever they wish here but they must be able to take some grief as well.
glad they're laughing, though. maybe that means it is minor and temporary. I'd be freaked out if I thought my kid did something to jeopardize a ride.

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