JMU In Game

No matter how this ends this has been a terrible defensive performance
lots of the same stuff - - we need Trey in the game for D or we'd be even worse, but we cant have him in the game on big offensive possessions. We need TJ on offense, but he's getting destroyed on the glass. I like Fore, but if he needs to be our third option on offense in the clutch this early in his career, we are in trouble
Why is Trey Davis taking shots? We miss Kendall Anthony a lot more than I thought we would. We're not going to win if Terry is the only offense we can muster.

We are not missing K0 for his offense, we have been really efficient on offense this game. We are losing because of defense. Leaving guys open, letting JMU shoot 50% from 3 and lack of rebounding are losing us the game.
This program's inability to be even mediocre in the rebounding department will keep us exactly where we are now - a nice team but not a great team
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the rebounding problem is simple. Almost none of our bigs go and get the ball. They turn around when a shot goes up and watch it and none are on the move. While the ball is in the air, we are standing still and they are moving!
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Good to see some offensive prowess with 1:03 left!??? Come on. We played lackadaisical and didn't rebound in the second half.
At least CBS 6.2 moved over to All in the Family to spare us the end.

I didn't think we were going to have to start the "$hit+y" loss list that will keep us out of the NCAAs this early.
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JMU short one of their best players, dominated UR in 2nd half. Either they were way underrated, or we are way overrated. I feel sorry for Terry, he's worked hard to improve his game, I was hoping he'd have a great senior year. I felt biggest difference in game, was JMU just seemed want game more, and outhustled the Spiders. Of course, it didn't hurt that they were hitting their shots. Haven't looked at the stats, but it seemed they were hitting a high percentage of their 3s. I know some will say, it's just one game, and it's true, but I didn't see many signs for optimism, aside from Terry's performance.
the frustrating part is that its just so much of the same stuff. Started with the lineup being exactly what one might expect and exhibiting the same old stuff and it just kept on going with the added problem of our defense was awful. we actually shot it at 52% and there seemed to be some upside on some of the non - TA or SDJ players on the offensive end.

The 2nd chance points stat is just awful 22-3 in 2nd chance points. Both those numbers are a big problem. You can win close games with any consistency when you only get 3 2nd chance points. That said, that's nothing compared with being outrebounded by 18 at home and giving up 22(!) second chance points!!

Our rebounding philosophy basically means we are conceding the other team a 15 point advantage and we have to see whether we can overcome that!! And you cant win that way! And once again, down the stretch, it the other guys getting it done!
Most points we have allowed in a game in over two years. Defense needs to be worked on.

Here are my notes, it is just one game so it is hard to tell how much these things will continue for the entire season.

- TA, SDJ, TJC: these guys still look good, especially TA. They will score a lot this year. TJ and SDJ getting in foul trouble held our offense back a bit.
- Fore: looks like he is going to be a great player for us, very athletic and a scorer. He will be starting soon.

- Defense: all of it was horrible, most notably rebounding and 3pt defense. Last year we were one of the best teams in the country in terms of 3pt defense (allowing 30%, 26th best in the country), and the year before we were 9th best in the country. We lost Ododa and K0 and now our defense is horrible. Yes K0 was a positive for us on defense. This team could really use Ododa's rebounding and defense.
- Wood: poor defensive positioning, bad fouls, poor shot selection, no rebounding. Not a sufficient replacement for what we lost on defense. Not a factor on offense.

Other notes:
- Offense actually looks decent. This offense with last years defense is a solid NCAA team.
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They were 46% from three - - aided greatly by the number of really good looks they got
Wonder if Terry Allen will be suspended. For shoving ref. When they watch the replay I think they may.
Fan2011 comment about this offense and last years defense perfectly explains this teams problems. We just don't have 5 (or even maybe 2) guys who are anything close to complete balanced players; some are good enough (or better) at one element, but not at all close in other elements. Its no mystery that we are better on offense the more we get of TJ, but no mystery that we struggle on D and on the glass the more we get of TJ (just an example - - he's not alone as the problem).

DT took one shot and was 1-4 from the line. If we are going to carry that burden on offense, he's got to be a LOCK DOWN defender and our leading rebounder.

Take away Terry and SDJ at the line and we were 5-15 at the line! That's simply awful!! Our starting guards had 2 assists combined.

And oh yeah,, one more time, we got outrebounded by 17 - - at home - - - against a not great team.
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JMU has a good team and shot well. BUT we have real problems. Now we have a team that can't shoot from the outside AND we don't get any second chance shots. They pounded us on the boards 16 offensive rebounds. Why Deon gets so much playing time I cannot figure out 1 point and two airball free throws in his own gym.

Mooney has laid another big egg with a arena full of fans.
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I'm not sure there should be shock or surprise that certain things haven't changed from last year to this year. He we're terrible at rebounding and the skills of our experienced players haven't changed much. Taylor provides no offense, tj is only offense, sdj is solid, Allen was going to lead this team and Trey Davis can't shoot... From anywhere. The only question was were the replacement guys going to be better than what we lost? So far no... Hopefully that part will change.

What's very disappointing is that after having 2 months to prepare for this game, all healthy players available and fresh and that's the performance that's submitted.
So I guess all the emphasis on rebounding talked about in the offseason was a bunch of BS.

And we've lost to JMU in consecutive seasons ... In basketball
It is one game, but that was an absolutely embarrassing performance on the defensive end and on the glass. I just cant understand how this team gave up 16 offensive rebounds and was outrebounded 40 - 23 by JMU. Offensively, I thought we were good, but a team with this much experience cant lose to a CAA team at home. Really disapointing way to start the year. I don't think I have ever heard Mooney sound as deflated as he did today on the post game interview.
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They're going to have to win on Sunday by at least 25. Otherwise we can kiss even the CBI goodbye. Resumes are built in November, too.
First change I would make would be to start Kwan Fore in place of TD and Marshall Wood in place of DT.

Mooney has taken away starting spots in the past as a form of motivation. It happened to Geriot, and it happened to Ododa. I expect to see Fore starting soon, with Trey moving over to the 3.
The Spiders need to start their best players: Khwan Fore, Terry Allen, Shawndre Jones, TJ Cline and Marshall Wood. Bring in Jesse Pistokache first off the bench, then Trey and Deion. Please play our best players who, by the way, can all score!!!!! OSC
I will take on a "contrarian" point-of-view, mostly because I am shocked that with all these UR fans, on this board, no one has taken a "glass-half-full" perspective. Here are some more positive ways to look at this game. Only time will tell if they are more "on-target" than the negative comments that have dominated so far.

First, I believe JMU is a very good team, and a well-coached one. They have more very good shooters than we do, and this was clear from their 3-point shooting. I expect to see this team in the NCAA tourney, and believe that this will not look like a "bad loss" once the season winds down.

Second, this team shot the ball very well, especially from 3-point land, but many of those shots were contested 3-s, and many were from well beyond the arc. I would like to give this team credit for being a very good outside shooting team.

Third, if Terry Allen can "bottle" his intensity and his performance from tonight, and "bring it," like he did tonight, every night, WOW. This has to be his best game ever, and the best part about it is that he got lots of his points from drives to the hoop, reverse lay-ups, and great "finishing." I love that he was not "settling" for 5-footers, or baby-hooks or other lower-percentage shots. If he can keep taking shots like those he took tonight, he will have a GREAT season, and we will be fine.

Fourth, I really loved what I saw from K Fore, our freshman Point Guard. His drive and tomahawk dunk was easily the best play by a 1st-game freshman I can ever remember, in a Spider uniform. I also liked his defense, which will surely improve. We clearly have a player here who can be outstanding, if he keeps working hard.

Fifth, foul trouble really hurt us in this game and largely took TJ out of this game. Hopefully, this will not be a trend, and he will improve his early-game "D." We need TJ in the game for more minutes, and the coaches need to be teaching double-teams, whenever TJ is isolated on another "big." JMU did some nice double-teaming, and we can protect TJ by doing the same.

ShawnDre had a nice first game, at least in the first half. Unfortunately, the second half was not so good for him. It would be good to figure out what happened in the second half (physical conditioning, emotional exhaustion?), and see if we can get two equally good halves from the guy who looks like he will be our on-court leader. I saw some great things in the first half, and we just need a full game from Shawndre, most of the time.

I also believe that Jessee showed some "glimpses" of a player who will contribute, and the chances are that he can do so this year, because we really do need more outside shooting, and he seems to be a good shooter.

The "glass half empty" part was relatively easy to see, and three things, in particular, were troubling to me also.

First, we were destroyed on the offensive glass by a team that is built a lot like ours, with guys who are not known as huge rebounders. If this team could destroy us on the offensive boards, then maybe we need to re-watch this game-tape, about 10 times, and ask our players what they were doing that we were not. Anticipating the rebound, and moving in that direction, would be a good start.

Second, we have two guys on our team who have been with us a while (and will remain nameless) and who have not yet learned how to shoot free-throws. I find it hard to believe that these guys are shooting 200 FTs in practice every day, and still shooting like this in games. Could it be that this has not been a point of emphasis for these guys? The season is still young, and it is not too late to go out having learned to hit the FTs.

Third, shot selection absolutely was a killer in this game. We have at least two guys who would probably be so much more valuable to the team if they limited their shot selection to drive and dunk and drive and lay-up. They likely know who they are, and a couple of ill-advised outside shots, in this game, really hurt.

I see the three "development areas" above as correctible. However, I am not going to say I am extremely optimistic that these three things will be fixed, immediately. If they will not be corrected, then we may just need to show some tough-love and reduce playing time for guys who are making no effort to rebound the ball, or are not improving their free-throw shooting or shot selection. If we need to shake things up a bit, and start K Fore and Jessee P (or M Wood), in order to get these issues addressed, then count me in on the line-up modification.

I am still optimistic about this team, because we have the potential to be really good. And, this game is probably not a good barometer for the season. I hope our guys come out with a BIG chip on their shoulders on Sunday and totally destroy Stetson, on the scoreboard, and on the GLASS!
How did Taylor get worse every year for four years and still start?? Isn't there some saying about expecting a different result??

Fore will be a player this year. Wood showed very little aggressiveness. I can live with Davis because he attempts to rebound. I would glue Taylor to the bench. #30 has promise and confidence, although he bricked two free throws.

Going to be a long year.
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I have the same opinion of TD and DT as I did last year. They are both roll players. TD is a versatile player and I dont have much a problem with him starting. I will give DT the benefit of the doubt and call him a defensive specialist. Both have their rolls and can contribute. The issue is playing both together for an extended amount of time. It just kills the offense. We cant afford to have 2 players in the lineup in cruch time when each possession is vital that cant score.
Good Game until the 4 minute mark and it is also the first game of the season so can not really rant to hard on making drastic changes. But IMO tonight was a sort of a screen test to see what kind of players we have and who is ready. Substitutions was a bit much JMU stuck with a tight rotation and it allowed players to stay in a groove and thus they all shot well. Plus they kept their heads in the game being more involved. On the other hand we subsituted too much altho we saw glimpses of players potentials top to bottom it took our key personnel out of game for lapses. Meaning first half TJ was not involved TA had a great game but TJ did not reap any of that success from TA first half monster plays. Only from SDJ with leak out pass and dump off. Second half SDJ mia. Why again no kicking out to the three point shooter or the wrong shooter. SDJ got caught up watching on the court most second half with no involvement in the offense with no shot attempts until late. Gereg B even said SDJ has been quiet. The offense was nice for a bit but we never made adjustments when needed. Kwan needs to play , Wood needs to play and Jesse plays freshman minutes. its simple play our best offensive players. Also the ball needs to be in our pg hands to make decisions to keep Cline and SDJ more engaged. TA continue to play hard but tame those emotions and when doubled kick it out. We can not win running a 3point offense with no many attempts and just scoring 2's. Lastely players have to take pride in Defense. Play some man to man at some points where it is on you to get a stop. Switching is lazy at times and does not hold players accountable. So it is early and not too much a big deal but lets beat Stetson.
early season, but the loss still hurts --- never read so many essays. Thought I had become an English teacher -- good grief
Mooney has taken away starting spots in the past as a form of motivation. It happened to Geriot, and it happened to Ododa. I expect to see Fore starting soon, with Trey moving over to the 3.

Let us hope this occurs sooner than later. Deion has a role on this team, a valuable role. It is not playing in a starter's capacity.
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Jeez what happened? I got on a plane at halftime and we were up one. Has to be the most disappointing start to a season where we all had high hopes of a ncaa bid. Sounds like it could be a long year. If taylor was already lacking in confidence he's got to really be gunshy now. We can't have two seniors who start and can't score. Looking at the box score you can't expect Allen to score 27 every night. I think it's another mediocre season of not getting over the hump.

Also was it another second half collapse?