Ivy League just cancelled winter sports season

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Be patient... really? This has gone on for 8 months now and will likely continue in some capacity for the up coming years. In March when they cancelled the NcAA tourney did any of you think it would still be around to possibly cancel the 2021 tourney?
I'm not denying that there is a virus going around but the evidence does show that it...
1. has a far lower death rate than originally thought,
2. it doesn't affect healthy, young people nearly as much as they previously thought, almost nothing
3. they have identified those who are at most risk of fatality (elderly, underlying morbidity).
From the American Heart Association a month or two ago:
"Another JAMA Cardiology study used cardiac MRIs on 100 people who had recovered from COVID-19 within the past two to three months. Researchers found abnormalities in the hearts of 78% recovered patients and "ongoing myocardial inflammation" in 60%. The same study found high levels of the blood enzyme troponin, an indicator of heart damage, in 76% of patients tested, although heart function appeared to be generally preserved. Most patients in the study had not required hospitalization."

I realize that there are risks in life every day, but if that doesn't give you a little pause, I suspect nothing will.
Sad that the chance of a complete basketball season is significantly less than you as a fan contracting Covid19....let alone dying from it. (PA sorry to learn of your losses)

Not discounting the seriousness of the pandemic, my God 250,000 US deaths, tragic, but when 99.5% plus survive scarcely warrants hysteria. Take reasonable precautions, but live your life.... and certainly not in fear. Life is short. Don't cheat yourself.
When 0.5% equals 250,000 dead Americans, only a fraction of the country has had COVID so far and it's now reaching new record-high levels of spread daily, I'd say that's cause for more than passing concern. A population equal to the entire city of Richmond's population is dead so far.

Am I worried I might die from COVID? No. But I'd hate to think that I might unknowingly pass it to someone who will.
When 0.5% equals 250,000 dead Americans, only a fraction of the country has had COVID so far and it's now reaching new record-high levels of spread daily, I'd say that's cause for more than passing concern. A population equal to the entire city of Richmond's population is dead so far.

Am I worried I might die from COVID? No. But I'd hate to think that I might unknowingly pass it to someone who will.
And don’t forget that while the kids are less likely to suffer from this, they still interact with coaches, staff, and professors that are at increased risk.
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Take reasonable precautions, but live your life.... and certainly not in fear. Life is short. Don't cheat yourself.
I know a couple that died. I know some that had it bad but eventually recovered. and I know some who tested positive but were asymptomatic.

wife knows a woman who "recovered" 4 months ago. she used to exercise daily. now she has to stop to catch her breath if she tries to climb a flight of stairs. tired all the time. hasn't gotten sense of taste back either.

life is short but I'm not looking to shorten or worsen mine. I'll live my life once I get the vaccine. we're getting there. I'll wait.
life is short but I'm not looking to shorten or worsen mine. I'll live my life once I get the vaccine. we're getting there. I'll wait.
That is your choice, and it's a perfectly reasonable and valid one. I'd never try to convince you otherwise.

Most Americans aren't being given the choice, however.

I'm fat and old, so I'm in a higher-risk cohort. I'm also good at math so I know my risks on the drive to and from the RC are higher than they are from this bug.

The dismissal of all non-COVID risks as irrelevant is appalling.

Dayton will probably never get another shot at a Final Four as good as the one they lost. Coach K was right....if we do not bring this season to a proper conclusion, including a tourney.....the college and youth sports apocalypse is coming. We'll be denying millions of kids the opportunity for feelings of accomplishment, potential scholarships, and memories of both victory and defeat. And that will have repercussions for years, even decades.

How many once-in-a-lifetime experiences are being forgone in an effort to drive a single variable of risk from less than 0.5% closer to zero?

This will be the final Thanksgiving for 2.8 million of our fellow Americans. It could be my last — or yours. That likelihood is significantly higher for our elderly loved ones, too many of whom will not have seen or hugged their family in nine months.

I am sure on their death bed they will be comforted to know they were kept "safe"....and all alone.
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Fortunately, I think everyone is generally on the same page that an open society is better, and that we know more about the virus now than in March, and that we can figure out ways to continue with both essential and non-essential activities without a full shutdown. We can indeed "live our life" -- BUT ALL OF THIS REQUIRES THAT EVERYONE JUST WEAR A F&#KING MASK!

If we don't want to shut things down, wear a mask. If you want to have basketball, wear a mask. If you wish to have youth sports, wear a mask. Kids in school? Wear a mask. Want family over for the holidays? Wear a mask. Drive-thru at McDonalds? Put on a mask while you take your food from the worker.

It is so, so, so basic.
From the American Heart Association a month or two ago:
"Another JAMA Cardiology study used cardiac MRIs on 100 people who had recovered from COVID-19 within the past two to three months. Researchers found abnormalities in the hearts of 78% recovered patients and "ongoing myocardial inflammation" in 60%. The same study found high levels of the blood enzyme troponin, an indicator of heart damage, in 76% of patients tested, although heart function appeared to be generally preserved. Most patients in the study had not required hospitalization."

I realize that there are risks in life every day, but if that doesn't give you a little pause, I suspect nothing will.
Also from the AHA, one week ago:
Background: Knowledge gaps remain in the epidemiology and clinical implications of myocardial injury in COVID-19. Our goal was to determine the prevalence and outcomes of myocardial injury in severe COVID-19 compared to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) unrelated to COVID-19.
Methods: We included intubated COVID-19 patients from 5 hospitals between March 15 and June 11, 2020 with troponin levels assessed. We compared them to patients from a cohort study of myocardial injury in ARDS. We performed survival analysis with primary outcome of in-hospital death associated with myocardial injury. We performed linear regression to identify clinical factors associated with myocardial injury in COVID-19.
Results: Of 243 patients intubated with COVID-19, 51% had troponin levels > upper limit of normal (ULN). Chronic kidney disease, lactate, ferritin and fibrinogen were associated with myocardial injury. Mortality was 22.7% among COVID-19 patients with troponin < ULN and 61.5% for those with troponin levels > 10xULN (P< 0.001). The association of myocardial injury with mortality was not statistically significant after adjusting for age, sex and multi-system organ dysfunction. Compared to non-COVID ARDS patients, patients with COVID-19 were older with higher creatinine and less favorable vital signs. After adjustment, COVID-19 was associated with lower odds of myocardial injury compared to non-COVID ARDS (OR 0.55 95% CI 0.36-0.84, P=0.005).
Conclusions: Myocardial injury in severe COVID-19 is a function of baseline comorbidities, advanced age and multisystem organ dysfunction similar to traditional ARDS. The adverse prognosis of myocardial injury in COVID-19 relates largely to multisystem organ involvement and critical illness.

In other words, sick people with underlying cardiac issues are more susceptible to COVID.
Young, healthy people who get infected with COVID-19 are not likelier to develop long-term cardiac issues unless they already have an underlying critical condition.

Myocardial inflammation is usually caused by infections - not just COVID-19 infections - and is fairly common.
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Can I go to games at the Robins Center if I wear a mask?

If you, me, and everyone else had been wearing masks since April, I'm quite certain you could have gone to Robins Center to watch this edition of the Spiders live and in person. It's not too late. Let's all try it out -- I mean really, really do it -- between now and Xmas and maybe we can attend games in person starting February.
If you, me, and everyone else had been wearing masks since April, I'm quite certain you could have gone to Robins Center to watch this edition of the Spiders live and in person. It's not too late. Let's all try it out -- I mean really, really do it -- between now and Xmas and maybe we can attend games in person starting February.
While your belief in magical masks is anti-science and runs counter to the entire history of human pandemics, I certainly respect your right to express it! ✌
I will continue to wear my Spider Athletics gaiter.
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Cancer and heart attack deaths have also been down recently, big shocker.
I hate to join this conversation, but this just isn't true. We are on pace for ~690k heart disease deaths compared to ~655k in a normal year, and ~610k cancer deaths compared to ~600k in a normal year. More people are dying of heart disease and cancer than normal.
I hate to join this conversation, but this just isn't true. We are on pace for ~690k heart disease deaths compared to ~655k in a normal year, and ~610k cancer deaths compared to ~600k in a normal year. More people are dying of heart disease and cancer than normal.
Correct. I would expect this to worsen in 2021, as early detection screenings and treatments have been adversely affected. Suicides and overdoses as well.
While your belief in magical masks is anti-science and runs counter to the entire history of human pandemics, I certainly respect your right to express it! ✌
I will continue to wear my Spider Athletics gaiter.
How is wearing a mask anti-science? What do you think surgeons wear? Plague doctors wore them back in the Middle Ages, one of the few things they got right. But I’m sure you know better. Maybe you spoke with VT’s friend’s, sister’s, roomate’s surfing buddy in Australia who told you that he wore a mask and still got chickenpox.
How is wearing a mask anti-science? What do you think surgeons wear? Plague doctors wore them back in the Middle Ages, one of the few things they got right. But I’m sure you know better. Maybe you spoke with VT’s friend’s, sister’s, roomate’s surfing buddy in Australia who told you that he wore a mask and still got chickenpox.
I didn't say wearing a mask was anti-science. I said that the idea that "if everyone had just worn masks we'd be all better now and back to normal" is magical thinking. It is not based on science.

The plague was not a respiratory virus. It was not stopped by masks. It was stopped by quarantine and the massive slaughter of animals. (Except the first one, which pretty much burned through enough people to reach herd immunity)

IF masks work, the best case is that they slow the spread. Virus gonna virus. Mask policies are an attempt to retard the spread long enough to reach herd suppression through vaccination. It's a conscious choice by our public health officials. Flattening the curve is a legitimate goal; but it inherently lengthens the curve, too. The area under the curve stays the same.

Same amount of toothpaste in the tube no matter where you squeeze it.

We're not able to attend games because of the path we chose.
Chppin I agree with some of what you say, but I wonder if you were in charge what would you do to control/defeat the virus?
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Chppin I agree with some of what you say, but I wonder if you were in charge what would you do to control/defeat the virus?
Can you close or move this thread to off topic please? I get enough COVID talk and come to the Basketball forum for basketball discussion.
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