ben, are you awake out there buddy?? football, all of my long life has been getting safer, it is not a "light switch" type of deal, is like anything else, it evolves, takes time. when i say getting safer, mean that protection has evolved, medicine surrounding the game has gotten better but at the same time, athletes have gotten bigger, faster and the velocity has gone up exponentially. the only thing you can ask for, hope for, is that these things continue to get better, the va tech helmet rankings, for example. all risk, all injuries, etc. will never be eliminated from the game, it is and always has been, a violent game. nascar safety has evolved as well, over a long period, no light switch. they were able to do some big things right away ( the earnhart death drove it, was already there) the technology, engineering was already there, they just needed to implement it and force it on the owners, teams and drivers. even then, some drivers did not want to do some of those things, they were forced to do them. as long as you understand that it takes time and will continue to evolve, you are OK but if you think that the leadership can just change things NOW, not going to happen. they are in safe mode right now and feel they will continue to force things as they become available, evolve and that is as safe as you are going to get it. if you are not happy with that, then banning is the only other answer.