There was one highlight that he was so badly out of position it would’ve been embarrassing in a under 12’s rec league. Maybe he’s gassed, but I don’t buy that as an excuse. If you have the energy to be active on offense (which he always doe), then you have the energy to be active on defense.Golden is so bad defensively, it's absurd. The caveat here is that he may be coached not to draw any contact since we need him on offense, but just watch those highlights and look at him on the defensive end. He rarely even jumps to try to alter shots. At some point when you are not even contesting shots within the paint, it's counterproductive no matter how many points he may score on the other end.
Overall, our defense is just a mess. Our rotation is slow and sloppy, and every time we close out they drive past us, even our more athletic defenders. A lot of that is on the coach, but some is on the players. Have some effing pride on defense. So much of defense is effort, desire, and hard work. From the outside, it looks like we’re ok with getting beat to the hoop...