Donate to Spider Challenge


Team Manager
Mar 25, 2015
Hey all, UR is having its annual alumni donation Spider Challenge. You can donate to different categories, including Spider Athletics.1,500 donations of at least $5 unlocks $50,000. Donations from alumni also help with US news rankings. Thought I’d share here since this board gets the most traction. Feel free to move forum anywhere else if need be. Go Spiders!
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Only a third of the way to the goal with only 3 days left us not particularly inspiring, thus far.
With just about 2 days left, the good news is that the number of donations to Spider athletics is #2 overall and #1 with total amount at $22,000. This is a great way to make a statement to our school that athletics is a high priority for us alumni and I’m glad to see it being represented accordingly.

On the other hand, it’s kind of disappointing that of the 10s of thousands of alumni we have, we only have had 600 donate so far which is about 40% of the goal of 1,500.
Really is sad that so few on this board donate to their presumed university. It validates to me the fact that many are not UR alumni.
Do you have inside information? If you do where did you get it?
Fan1, I have much repect for you. But many on this free board who are so critical of our team and university are not even members of the premium board. To me this indicates a lack of interest in our university and its sports. Talk is cheap when free and anonymous.
Fan1, I have much repect for you. But many on this free board who are so critical of our team and university are not even members of the premium board. To me this indicates a lack of interest in our university and its sports. Talk is cheap when free and anonymous.

Does money paid to be on the premium board go to the university somehow?
Fan1, I have much repect for you. But many on this free board who are so critical of our team and university are not even members of the premium board. To me this indicates a lack of interest in our university and its sports. Talk is cheap when free and anonymous.

This is so dumb that it makes my head hurt.

For what it's worth, i am among the 600 that have given.

The results of the challenge, quite frankly, are pathetic. That's on the school's leadership, development team , marketing and the Tens of thousands of alumni that have not responded. Not on posters of a privately owned website that aren't interested in your worthless observations of basketball practices that sit behind the pay wall.

Wake up.
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To me if you participate on the "free" board, regardless of your opinion, that means you have an interest. That particular interest doesn't have to be always the same as mine. I'm okay with that.
After that its up to the product (UR) to be good enough to get the positive buy in from those with interest.

I've never felt that paying extra to participate in the premium board would make me any more loyal to my teams.

And yes I have made my donation.
Well, it is great to hear that several on this board have made donations to the Challenge. Even the smallest donation helps as alumni participation in these kinds of things for whatever reason helps in the rankings of colleges. Hopefully more will participate.
This is so dumb that it makes my head hurt.

For what it's worth, i am among the 600 that have given.

The results of the challenge, quite frankly, are pathetic. That's on the school's leadership, development team , marketing and the Tens of thousands of alumni that have not responded. Not on posters of a privately owned website that aren't interested in your worthless observations of basketball practices that sit behind the pay wall.

Wake up.
Thanks, Mo. I have great respect for you and relish your prescient observations and forecasts as they are generally wise and well-informed.
Thanks, Mo. I have great respect for you and relish your prescient observations and forecasts as they are generally wise and well-informed.

Well I appreciate that but can we stop with this back and forth nonsense? You took a veiled shot at me above. I didn't address any of my first post to you, Mooney, moderators on the board or anything. I just said that the participation in the contest is poor. I don't think that's arguable.
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By the way, look at the thing now. Spider Athletics has earned well over half the dollars that have been donated. Pretty remarkable.
Well I appreciate that but can we stop with this back and forth nonsense? You took a veiled shot at me above. I didn't address any of my first post to you, Mooney, moderators on the board or anything. I just said that the participation in the contest is poor. I don't think that's arguable.
Mo, you are likely as frustrated as I am by the low numbers of alumni making donations. UR has made it do easy to do (just click a button for the amount), yet participation is still low. I mean even a $5 donation helps UR in US News and other rankings. I hope there will be an avalanche of participation in the last hours of the campaign. Sorry for any offense, Mo.
Mo, you are likely as frustrated as I am by the low numbers of alumni making donations. UR has made it do easy to do (just click a button for the amount), yet participation is still low. I mean even a $5 donation helps UR in US News and other rankings. I hope there will be an avalanche of participation in the last hours of the campaign. Sorry for any offense, Mo.

It tells me one of three things...

1- Richmond alumni are not very engaged with the school.
2- Richmond is not doing a good job of marketing to it's alumni.
3- They scheduled this at a pretty horrible time when school years are ending and vacations are getting underway.

I think #3 is the primary culprit and #1 and #2 are contributing factors.
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#4. We just paid for football tickets. Then we can buy more football tickets. Then we have to make our Spider Club donation. Then we have a donation campaign. And in 22 days Its the deadline for basketball tickets. Phew!!
We did basketball only this year. Sorry, football, but we made a decision and hoops won out, even though Mooney is dreadful. We did several years of football only, it's time to help out hoops for a while. The boys and girls need our help to keep them relevant in the public eye. VCU can have dreadful years and still get noticed (see tweets like this ). UR only gets that when something bad happens.
It tells me one of three things...

1- Richmond alumni are not very engaged with the school.
2- Richmond is not doing a good job of marketing to it's alumni.
3- They scheduled this at a pretty horrible time when school years are ending and vacations are getting underway.

I think #3 is the primary culprit and #1 and #2 are contributing factors.
I totally agree. The time of year that this campaign started is a factor to be considered. Believe it or not, most people do not want to deal with anything but family during the summer months. I gave, but at the last moment given that I have been occupied with family and just happened to notice because of my contact with this board, That, and the fact that I had just renewed my annual contribution to the Spider Club a few weeks before.
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Well, the University fell short of its 1500 donor goal. On the bright side, the donations to Spider Athletics was #1 in both number of donors and #1 in amount donated. Spider athletics raised $190,000 which was about 60% of the total money raised. Great statement to the school about the importance of athletics to us alumni.
Assume that last minute before end of year donations to the Spider Club counted here?
Not sure if Spider Club counted. Might have had to make a donation directly to athletics or a specific team. Hope it did count as I got that one in last week. My larger gift goes to the Law School and I learned that gifts to Law School (or any graduate program) did NOT count in the Spider Challenge.
Can anyone explain why gifts from Law graduates & graduate
school graduates did not apply to the Spider challenge. Also was a gift to the Spider Club not counted in the total since Spider Club was not listed as one of the options to select.