I don’t see where the points I mentioned only make up a small portion (I didn’t see the disqualifications broken down in percentages), though I agree I would imagine tattoos would (hopefully) only keep a very small portion out.
As for your broader question on social media and its influence on people, that’s a lot to tackle and I don’t think I can do it justice in a post here. I’m not a big social media person myself (though I do enjoy Instagram in limited doses), and may be the wrong person to ask.
As for your idea of “softness” being created or perpetuated by social media, I’m not sure I completely buy into this. I think every generation looks at subsequent generations as “soft” or “having it easy” for a myriad of reasons, including because technology continues to advance to solve in many ways the struggles previous generations had to deal with compared to the ones that face subsequent generations. I don’t buy into this making people “soft”, but instead shifting the struggles and types of struggles generations face.
As for the topic at hand, as I previously posted, I find it hard to believe that this or any message board has any influence on players coming. However, if it does, I don’t think that makes them “soft.” Players today are far more accessible to critics than they ever have been. In the past, if you didn’t like what was going on, the only way a player would hear it was you boo’ing at a game or a letter being written to them. Today, that sort of negativity is far more prevalent because of social media, a 24 hour sports news cycle, and the internet. The world is smaller, which gives everyone more access to each other than ever before. Some players handle it well, some struggle, but the fact they hear it is because it’s actually there now when it wasn’t before, and I’m inclined to believe that many players in previous generations would’ve struggled to handle such negativity as well had it been as easily accessible.