Last year was 1 OUT OF 4 season. 1) OOC - Awful. Every inflection point, when we had a chance to make a name, fell on our face. 2) Conference Regular Season - Very Good. Only caveat was last game, some on this board saw the let down coming a mile away. other wise great team effort, and Moon did a good job. 3) A10 tourney - this is wher the JB's and Tarrant's and good to great coaches make their chops. Pull something out to get the team to play above their level. Moon went the other way. 4) NIT - Let down just continued. human nature, but moon again could not re-direct.
Trying to see how this was some awesome season ?????? And yes, I give coaches passes for down years. But in moon's case he used that crap up years ago b/c no he can't get to ncaa's enough. See how that works in real life sman??? You get their often, and you get a pass for bad season(s). Mooniocrity does not, so no pass given. Not really a hard concept , except the leafy campus crowd is OK with our rate.
Trying to see how this was some awesome season ?????? And yes, I give coaches passes for down years. But in moon's case he used that crap up years ago b/c no he can't get to ncaa's enough. See how that works in real life sman??? You get their often, and you get a pass for bad season(s). Mooniocrity does not, so no pass given. Not really a hard concept , except the leafy campus crowd is OK with our rate.