Charleston game is off due to potential COVID positive in UR program

JOC article is up.

Richmond (2-0) was scheduled to play at the College of Charleston (1-1) Wednesday night, and that game will not occur as the UR program member retests and results are learned. If the program member tests positive again, the Spiders would be expected to shut down for 14 days.

This suuuuucks.

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Furman, UNI, and WVU games all at risk if the positive is confirmed.
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This whole thing is dumb. 1 non player gets tested and it could very easily be a false positive. Why not test him 1 or 2 more times and if he is definitivly positive then call the game off. Also, why shut down for 14 days if we can test everyone 3 times to determine if we are clear. If all but one staff member are clear I do not see why we should miss games.
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Well, the only positive is we get to stay in the top 20 for a couple more weeks. I think our current record is 2 week in a row over the past 60 years.
They do mention contact tracing as a reason, so looks like it's more than just a positive test that could be false (though false positives are pretty rare...false negatives are common). Seems like this person is known to have had contact with someone who was positive.
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This is why the season will not finish. Everyone is playing by different rules and guidelines. Gonzaga last week had someone test positive I think and they still played - just sat out the positive players. But other teams are shutting down for a full 2 weeks. You can survive now with OOC games - but when it comes conference schedule, how do you make these up? You can' t extend the season 2 weeks - otherwise the NCAA tourney might need to delay as well. And news flash people - the numbers are getting worse and right now every college in the country has sent the regular students home. This will only get worse when students return - unless you tell student-athletes to not go to class, stay in their rooms and isolate 24/7.
This whole thing is dumb.

Yep. Ridiculousness. Not on our part, we only can follow the NCAA's lead, but yes, they should contract trace and retest and not make teams shut things down for 2 weeks, if they can show the situation has been isolated and resolved.
They do mention contact tracing as a reason, so looks like it's more than just a positive test that could be false (though false positives are pretty rare...false negatives are common). Seems like this person is known to have had contact with someone who was positive.
False Positives are only rare under a narrow definition. Positive tests under current testing standards are 90% likely to be triggering with no live virus, just dead RNA. This is per Anthony Fauci and a recent NYT review.
So, I could test positive, and while technically not a "false positive" I just picked up some dead virus and can't infect anyone.

But we've been asked not to discuss COVID falsehoods in the basketball forum, so I will withdraw. :)
The team and its staff need to create their own bubble for 4 months to get through this season unscathed.

A slip up over preThanksgiving with other family and friends could also be reason.

This is not a pretty picture:

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This is absolute craziness!!! Why are the powers even trying to have a season if this is the policy? Of course some will test positive. Madness!! What a damn joke!!! Im embarrassed to be a part of this adult generation. Poor kids. Think of how devastated our players are right now. Sick!!! In years to come there are going to be many angry people out there seriously pissed at how this has been handled.
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Lots of teams are missing 2 weeks because of COVID already. I suspect more teams will be paused this year than make it through the season unscathed.
Why do u assume that? And the season is in the first week... we have no idea how a two week shutdown will affect a team. They will have to come back playing against teams that never shutdown.
Is there a chance we play Saturday if there are no other positive tests/best case scenario? Or is the rule an automatic 14 day shutdown? I’m assuming the latter is false if we have not yet cancelled the Furman game?
Will we be practicing during the two weeks? If not, we wont have a chance to win.
no, if we're "paused" for two weeks, there are no team activities. individuals can get workouts in to keep in shape and get shots up. but not real practices.
Agreed, like denying science.
Yea and following science is what is causing this complete irrational reaction. Like we can completely stop the spread of a virus by not living, stopping the young from living, keeping kids out of school. If you agree w that “science” im sorry but you arent a rational person with common sense.
In three years it will be shown and be very obvious that almost everything “science” has forced us to do was a gross over reaction. There will be many angry people. “Science” has change their minds and policies more that a new born changes diapers.
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So if this game is made up at some point is there any info on when that could happen? Do we have a few days anywhere outside of conference play where it can be slotted in for both us and them and feasibly work?
So if this game is made up at some point is there any info on when that could happen? Do we have a few days anywhere outside of conference play where it can be slotted in for both us and them and feasibly work?

CofC doesn't have any games from 12/21 until 1/2, whether intentional or not it is a good space of time for them to make up postponed games. We have 12/22-12/30 open, so it lines up well. I was surprised we wanted to reschedule with Detroit, otherwise essentially having games every 3-4 days until March and I thought with Christmas that the week off would be a good rest. But maybe that means we'd be opening to filling that gap with another game, just hope it's this one and not Detroit.
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Can we try to keep this on basketball instead of making it look like why I avoid my high school friends on Facebook?
Sorry. You are correct. I just get so angry when I think of how all of this could have been avoided with any kind of leadership. Any kind at all. But, yes, I will respect your request. All of this talk should be in the off topic thread, and it's impossible to even try to have a discussion with certain people anyway, especially people that don't care about 85-year-olds. My mom is in her 80s, very healthy, and I hope to have close to 20 more years with her.
I at least appreciated the silver lining in ESPN headline “#19 Richmond pauses activities” that just reads so much better than “Richmond pauses activities”
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