

Team Manager
Sep 21, 2001
Turned on ESPN3 to watch us play #3 UNC.

While it was a respectable game until the bottom of the 9th, they way we lost in the 9th tells me we should seriously consider dropping baseball and focusing on other sports that fit our school profile better.

I would rather fully fund golf, tennis, and other sports that require fewer scholarships than fumble around with baseball if we aren't able to be competitive.

I really hate saying this but let's face it we have had much success lately. Watching us load the bases on a two walks and an error with no out was bad enough. But then to watch pur pitcher get an easy pop fly that saw my 8 year old son catch in a game last weekend yet our D1 scholarship right fielder ends up dropping the ball on the fringe of the infield to lose the game. It was one of the most pathetic endings I have seen in baseball at any level in recent memory.

When a batter slams his bat down on a bases loaded, no out, 3-2 pitch it's pretty freaking clear that a little league player would have caught it.
We don't play many night games.Maybe the light(s) were blinding.Of the last 7 losses,6 of them have been by 1 run.In that span we are 1-7.
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I just don't like how we half a$$ it with our programs sometimes. Either go all in or drop it especially in a sport where so many of the major universities compete.

We won't ever be competitive again in baseball unless we have top notch facilities and fully fund the program. Even if we do it will still be tough to compete with the top programs because of conference affiliation and size of the university.

So either make the choice to go all in or use the resources you are putting into baseball today on other sports so those sports can go all in.

This isn't intended to be a shot at baseball as much as our approach to athletics. I'm focused on baseball because I think it's a sport that is more impacted by the idea of going all in than some of the other smaller Olympic sports.
" focusing on other sports that fit our school profile better."

Baseball these days is primarily played by suburban upper middle-class/upper class white kids. Which is essentially the demographic of our male student body. Probably the only sports that cater even more to rich white kids are lacrosse, tennis and golf.

You seem to be on a roll attacking baseball lately. Errors happen. And very few teams beat the No. 3 team in the country at home.
The university is raising $5 million for the baseball facilities. If you haven't made a pledge yet I encourage all of you to do so.
Speaking of "Pop Ups" off the bat of an opponent, twice last weekend against Goo Moo, there was a pop up that 3 guys went to run under, disagreed on who should catch the ball and it fell to the ground for a hit.

This is truly some 'bad news bears' caliber baseball this year.

I don't like the 'support it or drop it' mantra posted above. I want us to support it and i want to win. We need to figure out from top to bottom why we are so bad.
Baseball remains one of the most widely sponsored men's sports in D-I, with over 85% of programs offering it. Basketball is number one, followed by cross country. Baseball and golf vie for the third and fourth.

We do have some obvious challenges, including conference affiliation and scholarship numbers. Our southern location within the A-10 should give us a leg up in the conference, but clearly it's not doing enough to help. Limited scholarships, expensive cost of attendance, and poor conference reputation are all recruiting killers.
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Wood, since when does a couple of posts on one thread fit the:
"You seem to be on a roll attacking baseball lately."

I love baseball, take my kids to many Spiders games a year, and have many friends who were baseball players at UR during the 90's. It really bothers me that we are less than half-assing it with baseball. Our facilities are sub-par. We don't us the full allotment of allowable scholarships. And yes, I know we are raising money for upgrades but I have heard that same story for years and seen little progress. We had an offer to fund lighting and turned it down. We are so far behind other schools right now that when we do get some of the planned upgrades we will still fall short in many areas. These are areas that the team needs to effectively practice during the winter months. We need more then $5M in upgrades just to catch up to the best facilities. Our lack of indoor space is a real issue.

And when I said 'school profile' I was referring to all aspects not just demographics of our students. Size of student body, cost to attendance, academic profile, conference affiliation, location, available facilities, etc. Despite the fact that I swam and played water polo at UR I would not advocate adding swimming because we do not have the facilities nor the space to build them to be a top team. And I take great pride in what our women's team has been able to accomplish despite the facilities, conference affiliation, and lack of funding. But the fact is that even our record setting women's team still isn't a player on the national stage.

Sports like Golf needs 4-5 great players, tennis needs 5-8, cross country needs 4-6, while Baseball needs 20+. Golf and Tennis can get 4.5 scholarships and cross country at least that while baseball only gets 11.7. What's worse is that none of those sports get the full allowable amount at UR. Factor on top the # of D1 baseball teams, where the best ones are located, what conferences they are in and our profile isn't as good a match as some other sports we are currently under funding.

I don't think we should drop baseball but I don't think we should half ass it either.
You're right. We are half assing it. If we believe in Tracey, we need to get him what he needs to be successful. Fundraising for new facilities is a joke unless we are actually committed to winning.
I like the idea of really going in on certain secondary sports. For the primary sports, obviously basketball is our flagship sport and gets the most support and funding (as it should). With football, I don't know if we give all the allotted amounts of scholarships, but we are definitely lacking in facilities. I am in no way advocating dropping a secondary sport, but I think we should try to really emphasize funding for certain sports like lacrosse, golf, and tennis. I'd honestly rather be national contenders in 2-3 sports than half-assing and being mediocre in all our sports. I think the exposure we get from 2-3 national contenders is far greater than the latter. With sports like lacrosse, we are creating a name for ourselves fast and need to continue the moment so we can establish ourselves as a national power. With golf and tennis, like stated above, we just need 4 really good players as opposed to 20 for baseball or field hockey or whatever. Those sports are ones that we can become really good in and fast because there's fewer people needed to be succesful. Plus, generating the money to fully fund those sports would be easier.

I think this is an overall symptom at the university when it comes to athletics. Unfortunately the cost and admissions issues makes it almost impossible to compete year in and out in some of these sports. Add in the scholarships or lack thereof and you find that we will continue to struggle building DEEP rosters across the board save basketball. I really wish we could bottle up Dave Clawsons recruiting philosophy and apply it to all sports. He was great at putting non scholarship packages together. I just don't get how a school with so much money doesn't fully fund the sports if you have them? The fact our tennis program was a #1 seed despite only having one scholarship was amazing. All the other programs sponsor 4.5! We have two former MLB all stars and a former top 5 draft pick. Our history is strong, honestly stronger then football or basketball when it boils down to championships and tournament appearances/runs. We can return but it will take a serious investment to be competitive again. I actually don't care for any other baseball team out there then UR, I find the sport boring and old fashioned, but love the history of it at Richmond and would like a return to the days when we cleaned ACC schools clocks.
I don't like the 'support it or drop it' mantra posted above. I want us to support it and i want to win. We need to figure out from top to bottom why we are so bad.[/QUOTE]

I agree with this
Ferrum, wash your mouth, beisbol is the great american sport. Been berry, berry goood tooo me!
Need to win at least one of these last two to avoid our worst winning percentage since a 3-7 record in Frank Dobson's final year of 1933.
I am sick and tired of VCU pounding us
Not sure what the overall problem with our baseball program but I am going to get involved! We are a hotbed for quality baseball players in Virginia and it is no excuse that our team can't be competitive in our league
Yeah, we really have rolled over this season, gambling issues aside. I expected a lot more from Woodson. I guess the combo of the cost of attendance and our league is what has done is in?
Down 12-2 in 6th inning in game two. Bartlett started and went 2 innings giving up 6 runs. Talent notwithstanding his draft stock would appear to be tumbling.
not ready to throw in the towel on Tracy, but this is not the direction we should be going in. I still believe he is a quality Coach and can have us as competitive as the investment the University makes in the program will allow
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not ready to throw in the towel on Tracy, but this is not the direction we should be going in. I still believe he is a quality Coach and can have us as competitive as the investment the University makes in the program will allow
and why aren't you? what do you see that gives you any hope? What one more year?
and why aren't you? what do you see that gives you any hope? What one more year?
main reason is the career baseball people I know have nothing but praise for Tracy -- makes me believe he is running against the wind, hopefully the new AD will rectify some of that
Heard yesterday that fund raising for the baseball field was going well. Much is needed, beginning with improved facilities, to make UR successful in baseball. Still have confidence in Tracy getting the job done.
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Heard yesterday that fund raising for the baseball field were going well. Much is needed, beginning with improved facilities, to make UR successful in baseball. Still have confidence in Tracy getting the job done.

Seems to me that for baseball, we would benefit more with funding scholarships. Facilities is definitely important but it's hard to play for a school if you're paying $30K+ a year
The program is an absolute disappointment. Place blame wherever you'd like, but this all starts with the tone at the top. I'm not confident in Woodson's abilities to build a program here. Albeit facilities and scholarship dollars are essential for long-term success, previous coaches have done more with much much less.

I think we also need to remember he was KG's first hire as an Athletic Director. He went with a big name, low risk candidate. It ruffled no feathers and got rave reviews from the local media. Local guy who maybe people could get excited about. But it has not proven to be the right person for the job. These are suppose to be "Woodson's guys" (e.g. guys his staff recruited), but he won more games with recruits from the previous staff...
Seems to me that for baseball, we would benefit more with funding scholarships. Facilities is definitely important but it's hard to play for a school if you're paying $30K+ a year
I thought the University has a policy of all 'qualified' students will pay tuition in line with their family's ability to pay. Is this true or not.
Heard yesterday that fund raising for the baseball field was going well. Much is needed, beginning with improved facilities, to make UR successful in baseball. Still have confidence in Tracy getting the job done.

Fundraising for baseball has been "going well" for several years now. It would seem that we should crap or get off the pot with that project.
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Fundraising for baseball has been "going well" for several years now. It would seem that we should crap or get off the pot with that project.
Mo, just reporting what I was told. Maybe a new AD can get it finalized. Really need a bright, energetic and outgoing AD.
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Our men's and women's cross country, men's golf, field hockey, and women's lacrosse teams appreciate your support.
Our men's and women's cross country, men's golf, field hockey, and women's lacrosse teams appreciate your support.
Come on, I want to win in any endeavor UR takes but my interest and support is because of the big three and right now I don't think things look that great in those sports
Come on, I want to win in any endeavor UR takes but my interest and support is because of the big three and right now I don't think things look that great in those sports
Disagree about football, but I don't disagree that basketball and baseball should be better. What I object to is the blanket statement that our teams are "putrid" compared to VCU's. It's simply not true, but par for the course with FRS.

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