Yes G, he did state that as shown below.
And I'm okay with all the WORDING VT4700 uses without for the most part a definitive direction in why I should possibly say, "yes, sounds reasonable to me." I stopped posting for the summer after a mod questioned why I was digging for NUMBERS behind VT's words. Wish VT would add more to his wording opinion so maybe I can give more credence to his statements.
And as much as pro-Mooney backers dislike the constant calling for his head on this forum, while being in that group, I like to think I attempt to put factual numbers in with my opinions for the most part.
I'm not as book educated as most here so honestly have to look up words to really know what statements mean sometimes.

Look at Mooney's "We're thrilled that our schedule gives us a chance to compete against
some of the best teams in the nation,"
an unspecified number or amount of people or things.
"here are some of our suggestions"
at least a small amount or number of people or things.
"surely some have noticed"
So in reality when Mooney said
some, he could have meant
one team, that being Cincy I presumed. And I always thought some meant more than one.