Any updates on Spring fb passing game?

Seldom seem, but Snelshire, from all data available, appears to be a capable back up. Limited game experience, but seems to be knowledgeable and skilled as urfan1 says. Not sure about poise, but that follows playing time usually. Coaches and QB room sing his praises. Glad we got him. If we go with Wickersham, hope we don't need Snelshire much this year.

For the "Plan" believe only need to look at University of Chattanooga from 2013-15 when our QB coach, Jacob Huesman, was 3 time SoCon offensive player of the year as a duel threat QB with a heavy run component. Barring injury, like our 250 lb duel threat QB in Patriot League.
On the bright side, the dumbing down to the Patriot League does make a CAA level dual threat QB more viable.
Least we forget that the CAA champ lost to the PL champ on the CAA champ home field last year. So there's that.
If I remember correctly, the loss was with a passing QB and a like minded OC thereby crippling the offensive scheme :)rolleyes:) so its all good going with a RPO guy next year in the PL.

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