Agent Orange in trouble,Voter fraud plan of tiny boy Miller.China/Russia will submit bogus ballots


Spider's Club
Apr 8, 2008
Siesta Key,FL

Post Office to cut back hours.New Postmaster is Agent Orange boy to extend processing times to handle mail.
Interesting game afoot.Forget the pandemic.No game there.

Massive delays hit postal service under Trump's postmaster-General
The U.S. Postal Service is experiencing days-long backlogs of mail, sparking fears the problem could continue into November and affect the election.

Read in Daily Mail:

Republicans have a Donald Trump problem as they push mail voting to base
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Here let me help you out 32 so you're not all alone here. Honestly mail-in fraud could easily happen and not just by the Dems. The Repubs could easily do it and who knows if they have in the past. Just another facet of the swamp that needs to be dredged on every side.

I have no clue why national voter ID when physically going to a polling is not a requirement. Have seen it for my lifetime in NJ where voter fraud could easily occur.

No BS 32 with what I will write here!!! In NJ (at least in my town for 33 years) you go up to your local voting place. See person at table, ONLY tell them your name. They get the big book that has your previously voting stats on it. They open it up and come to your page/pages when you voted.

I got to LOL because you then see your signature written every time you voted as far back as the page/pages in view. 1+1 equals making it relatively easy to scribble a close match signature in the book. And to top it off all of the above wouldn't matter if only an ID with your pic was presented before voting.

Please if anyone here from NJ could chime in with what I'm posting and possibly say it is done differently in there city/town whatever.
Oh no.Bloomberg writes Biden a $100m check for Flordia only.

How much do the 200,000 ex felons owe,who are not allowed to vote because of ”outstanding“ fees.

Agent Orange disputes CDC and now FBI all in the same day.He in trouble.Has he begun talking out loud at 3am to the images/paintings on the While House walls?

FBI Director Wray warns of 'very active efforts' by Russians to influence the 2020 election

FBI Director Christoper Wray described Russian efforts as a "steady drumbeat of misinformation" that he said could undercut American voters' confidence in the democratic process.

Read in CNBC:
In all honesty, I don’t see how Trump could win. Think about it: he lost the popular vote by 3 million last time, and that was WITH incredible hatred of his opponent that caused a lot of people either to vote for him or sit out the election entirely. I don’t think there were many people who didn’t vote last time who would have voted for him. The people who wanted to vote for him showed up and did.

Last time he was able to ride the newness/political appeal coupled with hatred of Clinton. She was hated far more than Biden is.

So now he needs ALL of those people who voted for him last time to come out and vote for him again, AND hope that’s the people who sat out last time either do so again or show up and cast more ballots for him than for Biden, which I don’t believe is possible.

He’s lost enough of his own voters in the past four years to cost him this election. But let’s say that somehow they all vote for him again. Is he going to win a majority of the new voters and the people who sat out last time?

If you weren’t convinced by him four years ago, has his track record since there motivated you to say “Yep, definitely going to vote for him this time!” I doubt it.

And most new voters are either young (a heavy Democratic stronghold) or new citizens (same). He’s not getting a bump there either.

Trump’s only path to victory is flipping people who voted for Hillary last time or hoping enough if them just don’t vote at all. That’s it. And obviously neither is going to happen.
You're neglecting the Electoral College, trust me he can win.
He’s lost enough of his own voters in the past four years to cost him this election. But let’s say that somehow they all vote for him again. Is he going to win a majority of the new voters and the people who sat out last time?

If you weren’t convinced by him four years ago, has his track record since there motivated you to say “Yep, definitely going to vote for him this time!” I doubt it.

The primary argument against Trump last time was that he was "crazy" and would get us in to wars and crash the economy. Trump's Presidency proved to be the exact opposite. The only voters Trump has lost are those that died (which I grant you is significant but also not something Trump can do anything about). And the Democrat's primary case against Trump from last time around has been completely nullified.

All Trump needs to do to secure a blow out is to engineer a slight increase in the White vote in the Rust Belt. That shouldn't be too hard at all. White turnout was actually pretty low in 2016 and White Working Class voters in particular have massive room for improvement in terms of voter turnout. If Trump can get them to the polls, he wins. The riots in Minneapolis and Wisconsin and the Democratic response to them were the biggest gift Trump could have hoped for. People in the Rust Belt are (rightly) terrified about giving the Democrats power.

Trump will win every state he won in 2016 and probably add MN to his haul at bare minimum. If he can juice the working class White Vote from the 58% turnout in 2016 to something like 63% or higher, then a wall of states will come crashing down in to the Trump column.
Debate Epilogue

People interrupt either as a classic bullying technique, combined here with Agent Orange with low-impulse control, or an inability to cognitively follow the other person’s train of thought, thereby using interruption to mask this lack of comprehension.

in other words,Agent Orange has no depth perception for the understanding of any policy issue which either the moderator would consider or the challenger would respond.For Agent Orange the only response is to offer continuous chaos to disrupt any plausible debate flow.A strategy which is an attempt to camouflage his Overriding ineptitude on what it takes to govern.
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