Originally posted by HoosFan05:
Mooney had nothing to do with your win.
And now we know the extent of your intelligence. Our coach had NOTHING to do with this, genius
I'm sorry, but we win 1 game and everyone waivers back. Good grief we are fickle. I'm stoked but I stand by what I previously said. But no need for that today, today we celebrate
+1 26. I will give CM his due today though. He pushed all of the right buttons all day long and deserves credit.
Originally posted by 97spiderfan:
+1 26. I will give CM his due today though. He pushed all of the right buttons all day long and deserves credit.
O absolutely, but I'm not jumping back on board. Rooting for the guy, and hopefully this is a turning point
Yeah, his coaching caused us to shoot 15% from 3s that were open and 3 non-existent fouls on Alie-Cox.
As a team we have been greatly improved since conference play started. Mooney deserves credit for the difference between our OOC and conference performance. I think we can get 12 wins in conference play and an NIT bid, with ashot at a run to get the NCAA auto. We can beat anyone in the conference, and we have been ridiculous on our home court since conference play started (average margin at home is over 20 points I think.) We are going to be favored in almost every game from here on out. Lets finish strong.
Originally posted by HoosFan05:
Yeah, his coaching caused us to shoot 15% from 3s that were open and 3 non-existent fouls on Alie-Cox.
I was told not to comment, so I will not. But boy do I have some more things to say
Really try to be nice and give it a rest. The game is over and the score is recorded. Have a good evening.
Originally posted by SpiderFan26:
Originally posted by HoosFan05:
Yeah, his coaching caused us to shoot 15% from 3s that were open and 3 non-existent fouls on Alie-Cox.
I was told not to comment, so I will not. But boy do I have some more things to say
I do too, but welp! Congrats on the win, see you in a couple of weeks.
Congrats to the coach and the whole team, great effort on the road at one of the toughest places to play. Let's hope there's no let down in the next game and this ignites the fire and pulls everything together for this team to go on a winning streak!
I have been a critic of CM and his lack of emphasis on rebounding and not switching defenses when warranted, but to be fair, I must give credit where credit is due. We rebounded well today, and although I do not know if this was finally an emphasis on Coach Mooney's part or whether the guys just decided to get mean and hit the boards, we did a terrific job in rebounding. I hope it was Mooney's emphasis on rebounding and not just a one-time thing, but I think we all saw today that our guys can be good rebounders if allowed the opportunity, and we also saw the results of strong rebounding. It was beautiful to watch. Congratulations to Coach Mooney and the team. Both did a terrific job today.
Hoos, Mo Back Alley Cox didn't get 3 of his fouls called on him in the first half. UR shut him and #4 down in second half while Kendall Anthony was abusing Weber and Lewis on the top side. Weber and his little punk stare down at Anthony fired him up!!!
Great team win, and great defensive rebounding. Shaka' boys didn't hit the O boards? and we rebounded on D boards. Great job guys. Keep it going.
+1 PhiDeltaSpider- Savor the moment- let's not have a let down at LaSalle. Hopefully this will spur on the Coach and kids. Let's hope the last 10 games have us peaking at tournament time! Go Spiders!
Does anyone care in 2015 who finished second in The Division 4 playoff nine years ago?
HA, how many people can name a runner up in any championship game, even a super bowl? now, if you have the runner up as part of your moniker, does make it easier, especially a high school game............WOW
The defense caused that, step up and take it like a man, you guys got beat like a drum in the second half.