Why Gilyard and Golden will transfer if Mooney stays

You think golden wants to graduate when he’s what 24? He’s not sitting out another year
The ultimate knife twist from the Mooney Error will be when he comes back as coach next year, we of course don't make the NCAAs, and then Nick and Grant graduate and take their grad transfer years somewhere better.
Golden - he is a RS Soph right now, which means by school standards - he should be a Junior. Assuming he is on track - he could probably graduate next year, and the grad transfer is a possibility if he sees our chances for a bid are low - either with Mooney or a new coach.

Sherod - Junior now, so same as Golden above - he could play next year, show that the injury has not slowed him down, and if he thinks his chances of NCAA bid are better elsewhere - he could leave as grad transfer.

Gilyard - tougher situation for him. He is only a sophomore - so logically, he either would need to transfer after this season so that he could sit 1 year and still play 2 more somewhere else. I think if Mooney stays - he stays. Where else is he going to play 37 minutes a game with no one behind him. Even if he thinks making the NCAA is slim chance, his future plans of potentially playing overseas are probably best at UR because he can put up good numbers, as he has - that he likely would not get somewhere else, especially if he transfers up.

Golden and Sherod are in the drivers seat really. Because if Mooney stays - they can see if progress is made next year and really gauge chances of NCAA bid. If Mooney leaves - they can stay 1 year under the new coach and do the same thing. Gilyard would really need to make a decision after this season and it is then harder to speculate what he is thinking. Not to mention - the most important factor - there has to be schools out there that want you and have an opening for you. This is much fewer since many schools have already allocated their scholarships and don't usually have room for Grad Transfers or transfers in general.
It’s sort of a ridiculous thread so I understand your point, but it’s no more ridiculous than the other thread about why they’ll stay.

It’s all a bunch of silliness when you get down to it.

Yes it is, only did it as a counterpoint to the other. The pro-Mooney group need to know we will push as hard to see Mooney go as they do to see him stay!

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