Earlier in the thread I was inquiring about whether or not Bob asked Coach Mooney if he had a message to the fans. FYI, I do not think Bob should go. He is a Hall of Fame broadcaster.
Will give Bob some credit, he addressed on the morning show this morning why he didn't ask the question of Mooney that "Spider Jeff" brought up yesterday.

Basically boiled down to the coaches show being a promotional/informational vehicle for UR athletics and he didn't get a chance to discuss the line of questioning (a sensitive subject) prior to the show.

Shows that he's in a weird spot being paid by the Spiders but also having carry a morning show that talks about local sports.
I don't really understand why telling the fans that you appreciate their support during these tough times and that you are working your ass off to get better is so sensitive.

Someone alluded to this earlier, but I think the coach is pissed at the fans. Sorry coach but you signed up for a job that is in the spotlight. If you are sucking like you are, people will notice. If you are that sensitive to criticism even when you know you are failing, then that's another reason this job is not for you. Take your millions and leave us alone.
I've said it before, maybe on this thread. If you ever get a chance, listen to a radio broadcast of a VCU game. Or almost any other college game really. You will come away with a new appreciation of what we have with Bob Black.
Bob Black is a class individual, who represents the University of Richmond very well. He is of the highest character and the represents the best of what the University of Richmond stands for. He is esteemed by his colleagues in the industry and he is liked by fans and foes alike.
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first let me say, don't know who britbart or whomever, is but i do know Bob and have for years. if any of you were around before Bob came along, our announcer(s) were terrible at least the ones after Frank Soden retired, what a super one. Bob is a great guy and a very professional play by play guy and could never say anything bad about him other than being an eagle and phillie fan. a play by play guy, employed by the university or any entity, is in no position to go after the team or the coaches, none of them, no matter the level, do that, not part of the job description. this is social media where anything goes, all is fair, no filters, his job is not social media and though he may harbor thoughts not so nice, he will not utter them and that is the right thing to do. little i, you really patted yourself on the back on this one, you must be the guy paying the high salaries on campus, at least it sounded like it. if you do that much, you should have a say in this not on here but on campus, yet nothing has happened, guess you have not given the powers that be, an ultimatum....yet

I am a season ticket holder and a Spider Club member, and I have been for all but one of the last seventeen years. I also contribute what I can to the University for other activities and fundraising events, probably less than what is needed to make an annual salary, but a substantial commitment for me nevertheless. More importantly, since I was a freshman at UR, I have put my heart and soul behind each team in cheering them on in their competitions no matter what.

But if I did none of that, I'd still be entitled to my opinion and would continue to freely voice it.

No one individual should be in the position to place an ultimatum on the University, but if I had the power I would change the mindset of those who accept us as less than being capable of competing for a national championship in each and every one of our sports, year in and year out. That would include getting rid of those in the administration, good guys or not, who do not buy into my credo, and Bob Black would be among those on my list.

You may think my goals for sports at UR too lofty. So be it. But even lesser goals will fail to be attained unless we change the attitudes of those who hold us back from being all that we can be. And this applies especially to those who serve on the front lines, the ones who serve as the voice of the Spiders to the public, a position which should be occupied by someone who is imbued with the belief that we are winners and deserve to be champions.
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Bob Black is a class individual, who represents the University of Richmond very well. He is of the highest character and the represents the best of what the University of Richmond stands for. He is esteemed by his colleagues in the industry and he is liked by fans and foes alike.
Thank you, Bob.
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This has to be one of the most nosensical threads I've ever seen. Bob does a good no I'd say great job. He works for the University. he is not a reporter working for a news agency. Good grief.
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Mooney is sensitive, entitled, feels he's above the fray and doesn't think he owes the fans a response to anything. It further solidifies my thought that 1) he has zero business being our coach, and 2) he's fake.

I have it on good authority that the line of questioning for Hardt tmrw will be well worth the time spent listening.
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Since Frank Soden, Bob Black is the only Sports Announcer for UR I have enjoyed. I still can remember listening to the 5OT game at Delaware and how Bob made me feel the exhaustion the players were showing. I saw him at a restaurant years later with Greg Beckwith after a basketball game and I told him that was one of the top broadcast I had ever listened to. To me like Frank Soden, Bob is UR sports. He is protective of it and an employee of the University. Believe me finding someone to replace Bob Black who has the same love for UR is going to be real tough. Grass is not always greener on the other side.
I think we need to move on from the Bob Black discussion. I am not always enamored with BB but he has been a loyal footsoldier for UR athletics for a long time.

Any discussion here distracts from the more important discussion. That discussion actually appears to be unifying Richmond supporters. I recommend we keep our undivided attention on doing whatever we can to advance the mission of Mooney being fired.
I think we need to move on from the Bob Black discussion. I am not always enamored with BB but he has been a loyal footsoldier for UR athletics for a long time.

Any discussion here distracts from the more important discussion. That discussion actually appears to be unifying Richmond supporters. I recommend we keep our undivided attention on doing whatever we can to advance the mission of Mooney being fired.
+1, let’s move on
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little i, from the way you positioned it earlier, thought you were a huge donor, thanks for all you do but sounds now like you are just like the rest of us on here. no one person should have the power but when the time comes that we need that person to step up or we lose a coach or we need money for facilities, we want he or she to do it, put their money up. then we get mad at them for doing it if things don't work out like we wish. none of this is just black and white, it is complex with lots of angles and variables.
This thread is funny. I like Bob Black, he's a pro. would be nice if he could pronounce Gustavson correctly. Hint the V sounds like a F not a V. Also BB's defense of Hampton loss was pretty laughable.

Think he's entitled to a bad week tho.

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