This is ridiculous. iSpider I don't know who you work for, but I daresay that if you publicly criticized your employer you wouldn't have a job for long (unless you are self employed). I love the way Bob announces our games, I think he is one of the best. He's also a nice guy. I don't like listening to all the bull on his talk show (especially Ivan), but I just don't listen.
I may be mistaken, but I assumed that UR, not Mooney, was Bob Black's employer.
I never stated that firing Bob Black was the total solution. I stated and stand by my statement that he is representative of a large part of the cause for the less than mediocre program status which we now face because he is an obstacle to change. He is also incapable of offering any suggestion for improvement save that the current players will one day become seniors and then we will be like our model, Bucknell University. There needs to be a major change or specific drop-dead goals set for future achievement at a level to which we were accustomed in years past. Tell me that Bob Black understands that. You can't honestly state that he does because it is obvious that he doesn't. He appears to be clueless. And what's worse, he promotes mediocrity/inferiority.

We have to acknowledge the depths to which we have sunk; we have to re-state our goals; we need to remove those who are obstructing our achieving those goals at every level. Black needs to change or move aside. Frankly, if his views reflect our future direction, I would consider it a personal favor for the administration to admit so that I could completely divorce myself from the basketball program.

Bob Black is merely a cheerleader for our programs regardless of the performance levels, and when they are down he promotes an inferior level of achievement for them rather than own up to the poor performance. I don't know his motives. I suspect it has to do with both his sense of his job security as well as coming from a school which he considers superior to UR in every regard.

Black is an embarrassment to Beck. Listen to a game in which we are underperforming (9 opportunities so far this year, soon to be double that amount), and compare them to the comments of Beck. Forget the color commentary distinction. They both offer analysis. Beck tells it like it is without demeaning the level of expectations of fans like me. He also does so without irritating any of the powers that be (it's called tact as opposed to obsequiousness) who now apparently also accept the inferiority level of our current program.

But it's probably not as bad as I paint it. We will be much better next year. Or, at the worst, two years from now. Maybe three. But it doesn't really matter.

I am close to the point that I really don't give a f**k anymore.
Bob Black is merely a cheerleader for our programs regardless of the performance levels, and when they are down he promotes an inferior level of achievement for them rather than own up to the poor performance. I don't know his motives. I suspect it has to do with both his sense of his job security as well as coming from a school which he considers superior to UR in every regard.

Won't the next guy we would bring in be hired to do the same thing?

This is a paid position by the university, not an impartial third party who has a radio show to discuss UR athletics.
ISpider if your business was struggling and morale was low, would you not be
trying to encourage your employees? Granted you may make personnel changes
in order to help improve things, but you only do those that are impacting your
business. Also you would want those employees that are maintaining a positive
attitude to remain.

Bob Black is that encourager, who is trying desperately to maintain a positive
attitude. He may be from Philly, where fans are never satisfied, but he can not
allow the Boo Birds to come out. If he does, then we don't need him any more
in his position. I hope Bob stays at UR till he is ready to retire or move on.
Wow! Didn't know he was from Philly. I really liked the guy now lol. This thread is entertaining to really think an announcer should be canned to improve what's going down on the court. Sorry I just don't see it and no explaining will change my mind.
I think Black has other responsibilities in addition to announcing. Does anyone know exactly what they are? I'm okay with him as announcer but if he also heads up any part of our PR program or advertising then that part needs to change.
I think Black has other responsibilities in addition to announcing. Does anyone know exactly what they are? I'm okay with him as announcer but if he also heads up any part of our PR program or advertising then that part needs to change.
Bob is pretty much the Dir of Communivations for Athletics, so he owns the PR/Media, etc. he does way more than just broadcast work.
As the year nears an end, I nominate this thread (98 posts and growing) and its premise (sorry Ispider, enjoy most of your posts) for the Top 10 Inane Threads of 2017.

Now that nominations have begun, perhaps we should set up a separate thread for additional nominations. There have been some doozies. None of us are unfailingly at our best here, myself included.

Not taking ourselves too seriously at this time of year might be good for our collective souls, particularly given a sub par football season and a disastrous basketball season We remain what we are, the most ardent and faithful Spider fans!

Out of here for a few days - Happy Holidays to All!
Fun Fact, starting in 2011, RVA (RAMS/SPIDERS) have made the Mens NCAA basketball tournament every single year!
I truly appreciate your new approach. At the least, entertaining.
Very clever at times.
I think you all have gone over the dam. "The reason we're bad is because of our announcer? "

Tell me one college announcer that says negative things about the team he was hired to promote?
Some of you have to put down the opium pipe and start being logical
With apologies to Jim Mora - Logical? Don't talk about—logical?! You kidding me? Logical?! I just hope we can start another thread! Another thread!
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ISpider if your business was struggling and morale was low, would you not be
trying to encourage your employees? Granted you may make personnel changes
in order to help improve things, but you only do those that are impacting your
business. Also you would want those employees that are maintaining a positive
attitude to remain.

"I believe in you, team. Keep working hard and in two years we might reach our goal of being the 130th-best firm in our industry."
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I stand by my posts. All of them with this modification: I would change my position as to the moderators. I did not realize that they were open to such criticism and their points in this thread have been born out.
To them, I apologize. That said, Bob Black must go.
I stand by my posts. All of them with this modification: I would change my position as to the moderators. I did not realize that they were open to such criticism and their points in this thread have been born out.
To them, I apologize. That said, Bob Black must go.

No need at all, but appreciated.

Bringing up old threads makes for some good laughs, that's for sure.
That is sad due to the fact that he promised a caller to his radio show that he would ask.

He did no such thing. When the caller (Jeff I think?) asked Bob to follow up on JOC's question, Bob replied "fair enough," and his tone suggested there was no way he was going to do it. He might as well have said "thanks for the call."

I'm all for giving Bob a hard time, but he didn't even say "yes."
first let me say, don't know who britbart or whomever, is but i do know Bob and have for years. if any of you were around before Bob came along, our announcer(s) were terrible at least the ones after Frank Soden retired, what a super one. Bob is a great guy and a very professional play by play guy and could never say anything bad about him other than being an eagle and phillie fan. a play by play guy, employed by the university or any entity, is in no position to go after the team or the coaches, none of them, no matter the level, do that, not part of the job description. this is social media where anything goes, all is fair, no filters, his job is not social media and though he may harbor thoughts not so nice, he will not utter them and that is the right thing to do. little i, you really patted yourself on the back on this one, you must be the guy paying the high salaries on campus, at least it sounded like it. if you do that much, you should have a say in this not on here but on campus, yet nothing has happened, guess you have not given the powers that be, an ultimatum....yet
He did no such thing. When the caller (Jeff I think?) asked Bob to follow up on JOC's question, Bob replied "fair enough," and his tone suggested there was no way he was going to do it. He might as well have said "thanks for the call."

I'm all for giving Bob a hard time, but he didn't even say "yes."
During that exchange I took it as he would ask Jeff's question tonight. I guess I misread Bob's tone.
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