first let me say, don't know who britbart or whomever, is but i do know Bob and have for years. if any of you were around before Bob came along, our announcer(s) were terrible at least the ones after Frank Soden retired, what a super one. Bob is a great guy and a very professional play by play guy and could never say anything bad about him other than being an eagle and phillie fan. a play by play guy, employed by the university or any entity, is in no position to go after the team or the coaches, none of them, no matter the level, do that, not part of the job description. this is social media where anything goes, all is fair, no filters, his job is not social media and though he may harbor thoughts not so nice, he will not utter them and that is the right thing to do. little i, you really patted yourself on the back on this one, you must be the guy paying the high salaries on campus, at least it sounded like it. if you do that much, you should have a say in this not on here but on campus, yet nothing has happened, guess you have not given the powers that be, an ultimatum....yet