The Saudis have completely humiliated Biden.Sadly, Biden and don't recall are synonymous.
This is delusional thinking. Joe Biden, front and center, caused the collapse of everything through his implementation of the Biden Doctrine.Disastrous after Howmany years, American lives, dollars and four Presidents? I don’t think so. It’s a day of celebration!
Lol, I knew you would find some way to complain about this.Classic Joe Biden can't do anything right. He waited how many MONTHS before pulling the trigger to kill Zawahiri? He wanted to make sure no one else would be hurt, especially Russians.
"Biden said he authorised the precision strike in downtown Kabul after months of planning and that no civilians were killed."
U.S. kills al Qaeda leader Zawahiri in Kabul drone missile strike
The United States killed al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri with a drone missile while he stood on a balcony at his home in Kabul, U.S. officials said, the biggest blow to the militants since Osama bin Laden was shot dead more than a decade
So how long should Biden have waited before pulling the trigger?Lol, I knew you would find some way to complain about this.
In other words, when it would provide Uncle Joe the greatest visibility and the highest bump in the polls. The strike just happened to occur right after the announcement of the Increase Inflation Now Act.Until the timing of the mission was right.
Do you mean the one the Taliban had no intention of honoring? 50 years. It was a mistake, but Trump did not pull our troops out of Afghanistan, Biden did. By the way, there are still Americans trapped inside Afghanistan.So how long should Trump have waited to sign a deal that completely favored the Taliban?
Yes disgusting is the number of casualties where we spent 20 years for nothing and was never going to be anything but nothing.August 16 is the one year anniversary of beginning of the great bug out. Remember when the planes were rolling out of Afghanistan with Americans on board? Remember the helicopters flying people off the roof of the US embassy in Kabul?
So, do you still think that Joe Biden withdrew our position in Afganistan correctly?Yes disgusting is the number of casualties where we spent 20 years for nothing and was never going to be anything but nothing.
United States military casualties in the War in Afghanistan - Wikipedia
It is not an ancient Mesopotamian daily news papyrus?The Babylon Bee is a satire site.
It is definitely written on papyrus. I get a version in my inbox by papyrus mail every morning. The translation from ancient greek is a little difficult.It is not an ancient Mesopotamian daily news papyrus?
This is a clear indication of Biden's appeasement.Joe Biden's at it again. He gives Ukraie just enough to keep them alive, but he is still really really scared of Putin. He goes toe to toe with Putin and blinks. This is the Biden Doctrine on display.
"By providing aid sufficient to produce a stalemate, but not enough to roll back Russian territorial gains, the Biden administration may be unintentionally seizing defeat from the jaws of victory. Out of an over-abundance of caution about provoking Russian escalation."
US must arm Ukraine now, before it’s too late
With the necessary weapons and economic aid, Ukraine can defeat