Team Chemistry

Stonewall D

Graduate Assistant
Dec 18, 2008
At home
The Great One, Dick Tarrant, often talked about how important team chemistry was for success. He frequently would say said that his greatest teams, including the 1984, 1986 and 1988 teams, all had tremendous team chemistry. I think Chris Mooney, with his modifications to the line-up, has done an excellent job getting this team to jell.
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In the Chris Mooney era, the 2010 and 2011 teams led by Kevin Anderson and Justin Harper displayed the most team chemistry.
I really give credit to our players. I think they are more responsible for the long awaited chemistry than Coach. They worked through the constant substitutions and learned how to play together in each situation. Took awhile but now I think they got "it". Should only keep getting better.
Only if you are looking to be judgemental. I was not trying to criticize Mooney but attempting to say our guys have developed chemistry but that chemistry goes 6 or 7 players deep.
But while you are at it perhaps you could explain how you coach chemistry.
That 6 or 7 guys have chemistry makes no sense to me. Team chemistry means just that, team, all of them. And in my opinion, it can be influenced if not taught by a multitude of things. Hell, if they all hated the coach and came together because of that, doesn't he get credit?
When you win, you are said to have chemistry. Players are happy, life is good. When you are losing, chemistry is bad, no one likes losing.
8legger, I struggled with chemistry in high school, I knew it advisable, to not take it at UR. That's why I was a liberal arts student, majoring in Economics.
Coach Mooney has been very good about substituting players at the right time. He is able to sense the contributions each player can make.
Team chemistry after one game?? How can you develop 'chemistry' when players are constantly rotated in and out, particularly in the last 5 minutes of a game to attempt to match defensive stands vs. offensive success. If you want chemistry to really work, you have to leave the solvents together, and use your best ingredients. CM does neither. How can you continually leave out one of your best ingredients (TJ), and combinations (TJ, TA, ANO) through the constant in and out process.
Good example in the VCU game was when TJ brought us closer with two consecutive 3 pointers after half time, within a very short time; his reward was to be immediately pulled out for a seat on the bench when he was somewhat 'hot'. U N B E L I E V A B L E.!

I majored in chemistry, got an "A" in organic, and have an idea about "chemistry". Yes, it's better, but could be lots better.
I'm pulling for these guys, even with all the shackles of ineptitude that I'm observing. They could go deep into the A-10 tournament if coach would let them.
Maybe we should change it to TEAM ATTITUDE. Everyone on this team just seems so different than the first half of the season......they way they look, the way they carry themselves, cheering from the bench, the way they come out of timeouts. It's hard to put a handle on it but something's changed and I like it. Keep it up!
65, I like TJ as much as anyone but the over-the-top love affair at everyone elses expense is ridiculous. he's not a one man show. and he hasn't been all world in every game. he was 2-6 with 2 rebounds against VCU. hardly so dominant that you can't get him scheduled rest. and team chemistry has nothing to do with leaving 5 players out there together for extended periods of time. it's about knowing each other, everyone knowing their roles, and genuinely liking and pulling for each other.
the "shackles" stuff is such BS. you seriously think we're just that much more talented than everyone, and that CM holds them back? did I miss when we landed a bunch of MCD all Americans or something? one one hand, we criticize CM for not recruiting and landing any top talent. I read that kids only choose UR because it's their highest option. but then we say say we're so talented that we should be a top 25 team if not for his coaching decisions. so which is it?
I was one of a couple of Spider athletes to major in Chemistry while I was at UR. The other one was Leland Melvin. Needless to say, his grades were quite a bit better than mine.

I would say that our current success is more a matter of confidence and attitude than team chemistry. You can have good team chemistry and still not be successful.
Originally posted by Stonewall D:
Hallmarks of good coaching are the end of game offensive and defensive substitutions.
Hallmarks of good coaching are winning tight games at the end of the game. I don't care who you have out there, make shots, get stops.