100% agree with this. It would really benefit him to spend a little time with Coach Huesman this spring and summer. Mooney's inability to take personal accountability for anything going on in his program is the #1 reason why I'm done with him (lack of winning #2). Every word out of his mouth is some carefully scripted PR spin or a bunch of lip service. He falls back on excuses and shifts blame.
Huesman does a tv interview at midfield after the W&M game, and first words out of his mouth are "I really need to coach them better next year", then mentioned that the staff could have done this better, done that better. Football goes 6-5, misses the playoffs, and the staff is distraught over it. Basketball goes 12-20, and the message is "future is very, very bright." Yeah, I bet it is. Just once would I like to hear a candid assessment from the man. The buck stops on his desk, and I would bet a lot of money that the divided 50% not in his camp would cite this as another reason why change is needed.
I'm sure I will get blasted by the Mooney Truthers on this, and that's fine. I have driven myself nuts, lost sleep, argued with other Spider fans, guzzled booze, you name it over this program led by Mooney. And for what!?? No more.