POLL: New admissions policy


Head Coach
Apr 21, 2011
I think that it could be time to modify UR's admission policy.
That must be how Duke gets all the students to the game! Or maybe they freaking win, and create an atmosphere where the students want to be there....

If you want UR to be a serious academic school, this is truly a silly idea. Do you really want to turn down the 1600 SAT student (is it 2400 today?) who is a math savant, but couldn't care less about basketball? I hope not, and I hope you were kidding Ulla. We all love basketball, but this is silly.

Win more and the students will want to be a part of it. The team is very close to this point already.
When I was a student at UR, I don't think I ever missed a home game in 4 years because I loved the games & wanted to be there. That included some pretty lean years.

So my questions are - How do you propose to enforce this idea? What are you going to do - take names at the game or expect that the policy relies upon an honor system? C'mon now.
At this point, gotta win, and win consistently. It's far easier to lose the interest of these types of students, and eventual alumni.

I admit the latter scares me, 15,20 years and beyond. Will this new type of student turned alum give a rats A$$ about UR hoops when they are older? Thats why, IMO, it's important to make hay while the sun still shines, and while the program (relatively) still has a lot of financial and administrative support.
Forget the Incoming students. What about the outgoing students? They should have to make an oath to going to the conference tourney Prior to being handed their diploma.
Good one.
Is Seabiscut the dead horse you are beating?
Know the thread title and poll is "tongue in cheek" but just filling the seats isn't the point. It's having loud student fans there who support the team and make it tough for our opponents. But putting their not showing up consistently on not winning is a weird argument, since we have a great winning % in RC. Close to 80% from what I recall. If it's about who we're playing, then that one I might believe. But until someone shows us the survey data on why students don't show up and support the team, it's all guess work and conjecture. Maybe Bob and his Communications Team should actually ask all our students and then come up with a game plan for next season. And student groups should be a part of turning this apathy around; otherwise, it won't ever change for good. Otherwise, as I've said before, sell those 500 seats to anyone who will stand and cheer all game for whatever price you can get.

This post was edited on 3/15 3:38 PM by MidloTrader
Midlo, I agree. You can't make the students go. We have to come to grips with the fact that our current students are not sports fans, period.
It's a crying damn shame. But you don't have to be a sports fan to support your fellow students and show pride in your school.
I know many of you are tired of me beating this drum. I believe we are seeing a result (student apathy towards supporting UR sports) due to our admission policy of focusing heavy on international students and students from the north while ignoring Virginians.
FRS, you're wrong. It's eggheads vs a more rounded student. Admissions needs to do better job looking at the total person.
Ok, the thread was intended tongue-in-cheek, but the points made by some of you are right on. Winning is really important in stimulating interest, but there must be more that can be done. I hope this will be addressed in the off season.

One more thing I've been reluctant to say: FRS suck an egg!
FRS, would I want my school to be academically elite or for more people to attend basketball games? Your comments prove that we are accepting better quality students than when you attended.
PA, what does one have to do with the other? Perhaps they are more qualified than when you were in school too.
I think our attendance would be much better if we forced all local alums to attend games. A far higher percentage of them are staying home than are the students.
Whampas, I would hope so. That is the goal after all. But I think the difference in student pre-northern influence to post-northern influence is much greater than between the 1990s and 2000s student.

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