I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree. I don’t understand why you would want to schedule a very hard schedule just to say “it’s the mentality” and then proceed to lose all of them. My point of view isn’t to say don’t schedule these kind of games, but limit it appropriately to the team you have/anticipate to have. If we become as good as our women’s team and win the great games we scheduled in previous seasons, then schedule more. If we stink, schedule less of them. We scheduled tougher with Gilly/Golden because we anticipated having a better team. If we have sustained excellence (which we have not) then we can take more chances with the strong schedule mentality you propose. But the opposite isn’t a weak mentality. It’s being realistic. Scheduling means nothing if you don’t win the games.word vomit. Not sure what all that meant. Not rooting against Moon to not win big games. never have. He thinks we are one of the best basketball programs in the nation, right?