I'd say it building strength without losing you find motor skills like shooting. We don't seem to be able to get that balance. I think it partly explains how poorly we shoot free throws year after year, player after player.
And conditioning is not building muscle mass, it's endurance. In fact I'd bet that building muscle mass is a impediment to building endurance.
Who’s free throw percentage has gone down because of bulking up? The one that I have seen repeatedly is Geriot. Yes, his free throws percentage went down his final 2 seasons. But bulking up isn’t the only factor; a year away from basketball, a serious injury, less free throw attempts, less of a prominent role in the offense so less rhythm, etc. And an example on the other side his Harper. He bulked up significantly and also became a better shooter. My point is that muscles and good shooting aren’t mutually exclusive.
And yes, I of course understand strength training and conditioning are different. But no, they’re not counters. I again point to every NBA player not named Kevin Durant. Has bulking up made Anthony Davis a worse player and unable to get up and down the floor? Of course not, and his bulking up has been extreme.
Again, my point is to put to bed the idea that some how our team has been working out TOO MUCH, and that has made us worse. I find it absurd.