Lawfare: US v. Trump, Trump wins!

Well, the court has officially empowered President Biden to have Trump assassinated without repercussion, which would put an end to his dangerous dreams of fascism once and for all.
Well, the court has officially empowered President Biden to have Trump assassinated without repercussion, which would put an end to his dangerous dreams of fascism once and for all.
Murdering political opponents is not within the executive powers outlined in the Constitution. Using the justice department to try and silence a political opponent isnt either. Don't be a dope.
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Well, the court has officially empowered President Biden to have Trump assassinated without repercussion, which would put an end to his dangerous dreams of fascism once and for all.
Now that is funny. If that is the solution to get rid of Trump, go for it. But for heaven's sake, don't make a martyr of Trump.
The NY felony case is now up for review. Trump's legal team has filed motions to brief the 34 convictions in Stormy Daniel's matter. Was that a core function of the Presidency, was it an official act or was it a private unofficial act? The business records at issue were recorded during Trump’s first term in office.
So there are 3 buckets for Presidential acts, core functions full immunity, official acts presumptive immunity, and unofficial private acts (no immunity). Below are the four criminal cases pending.

Jack Smith electors- official act, presumptive immunity
Documents case- core function, complete immunity
Stormy Daniels- official act (maybe)- presumptive immunity
Fani Willis case- official act- presumptive immunity.

By the way, the Supreme Court destroyed part of the Jack Smith case last week, when it threw out half of Trump's indictments, because of a bogus legal theory.

This country does not like prosecutions for political purposes.
So if you are right that it is an official act for a President to interfere with appointment of state electors is correct. All Biden has to do is refuse the electors of states he loses as improperly appointed/elected until the state submits a favorable panel. And if they refuse Biden continues as President because the election is not complete, or he refuses sufficient panels his opponent does not receive the required number of electoral votes, and thus cannot win.
Murdering political opponents is not within the executive powers outlined in the Constitution. Using the justice department to try and silence a political opponent isnt either. Don't be a dope.
Trump’s own attorney told the Supreme Court in April that he would be protected if he did this while president because it would be an official act! I’m not the dope here.

Murdering political opponents is not within the executive powers outlined in the Constitution. Using the justice department to try and silence a political opponent isnt either. Don't be a dope.
Who's the dope? Read the opinion. All the President has to to do is consult with his justice department or get White House counsel approval and anything he does while in office can be an "official" act. Do you think pressuring Pence to try to overturn the 2020 election was an official act? Because he consulted with his Department of Justice the Supreme Court says it was. What a joke. And if Trump wins the election in the fall, he will certainly become the billionaire he has always aspired to be, since he could take bribes for appointments and pardons and have immunity since these are "official" acts.
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The NY felony case is now up for review. Trump's legal team has filed motions to brief the 34 convictions in Stormy Daniel's matter. Was that a core function of the Presidency, was it an official act or was it a private unofficial act? The business records at issue were recorded during Trump’s first term in office.
If you think paying off a porn star to silence her so she doesn't go public prior to the election and possibly prevent Trump from winning the election is an official act of the President (because some of the reimbursement checks to Cohen were written during Trump's presidency) you need to have your head examined. Of course, 6 members of the US Supreme Court, who have no ethical guidelines whatsoever, would probably agree with you, especially Thomas, whose wife was a part of "Stop the Steal", and Alito, who flew the US flag upside down at his residence as a protest to the election "steal".
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In his confirmation hearing, Roberts specifically said NO MAN IS ABOVE THE LAW NOT EVEN THE PRESIDENT, now he writes the opinion that the President is at least partially above the law.
"At his confirmation hearing in 2005, now–Chief Justice John Roberts said: “I believe that no one is above the law under our system and that includes the president. The president is fully bound by the law, the Constitution, and statutes.”

In his 2006 confirmation hearings, Samuel Alito said: “There is nothing that is more important for our republic than the rule of law. No person in this country, no matter how high or powerful, is above the law.”

And in 2018, Brett Kavanaugh told the Senate: “No one’s above the law in the United States, that’s a foundational principle…. We’re all equal before the law…. The foundation of our Constitution was that…the presidency would not be a monarchy…. [T]he president is not above the law, no one is above the law.”

The above is a quote from Heather Cox Richardson's piece from last night. Just proves these 3 justices, like Trump, are liars.
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Well, the court has officially empowered President Biden to have Trump assassinated without repercussion, which would put an end to his dangerous dreams of fascism once and for all.
I’m not so sure about that. But I am hearing rumors that the next debate will be at 10 paces…
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The NY Stormy Daniels case will be delayed for several weeks. trump. Alvin Bragg has agreed to the delay. Trump contends there was evidence presented at trial that would have been excluded under US v. Trump.

Trump was not president at the time of the original crime all the convictions stem from. Once again, Trump is FOS.

And Bill Barr might have been the worst attorney general in the country's history. He's another fat POS, just like his tole model.
Lawfare, so-called, practiced by the Democrats and wedded to the 'politics of personal destruction' has a longer history than the last two years. One need only look at the career of Jack Smith, an American Inquisitor, whose prosecution of former Virginia Governor Robert McDonnell was overturned by SCOTUS in an 8-0 decision with a rebuke that “the uncontrolled power of criminal prosecutors is a threat to our separation of powers.” Note also the prosecutions of Ted Stevens of Alaska and Tom Delay of Texas, both overturned. The fascist Dems have been at this for a while and have upped the game going after Trump.
Shhh. They don't want to hear this and won't on MSNBC. Many live in a Left wing echo chamber having no clue as to WTF is going on. Don't disturb their nirvana. Same can be said of many on the Right. Damned sad state of affairs.

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