Lawfare: US v. Trump, Trump wins!


Graduate Assistant
Aug 20, 2017
The Doghouse
Fani Willis hired Nathan Wade, her lover, to prosecute Donald Trump under Georgia RICO statutes. They began a sexual relationship in 2019, years before Wade was appointed in November of 2021. It destroyed his marriage of 26 years. She appointed her lover and paid him $650,000 to prosecute Trump. He spent lavishly to provide her benefits. Fani Willis and Nathan Wade will be removed from the case.

Robin Yeartie a former friend and employee testified that Willis and Wade began their tryst very early on, and that the affair preceeded his appointment. They claim the relationship did not begin until after Wade was appointed special prosecutor. Willis and Wade have been caught lying to the court. Yeartie said there was no doubt they were in an affair before he was appointed.

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They are having a hearing in Atlanta to determine whether Willis and Wade should be removed from the case. Willis funneled money to Wade, allowing her to receive benefits, instead of pursuing justice.
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Willis and Wade should step aside.

"Thus, in one of the biggest criminal cases in United States history — the prosecution of a leading presidential candidate in an election year — a lawyer having a romantic relationship with the lead prosecutor is getting paid large sums for his work."...

...If even one juror thinks Willis was motivated to prosecute Trump to enrich a romantic partner instead of to do justice, it could switch the verdict from guilty to not guilty. Jury trials often turn on far less."

And that changes the fact that Trump is recorded asking the Georgia Secretary of State to commit election fraud and throw the election in his favor how?
And that changes the fact that Trump is recorded asking the Georgia Secretary of State to commit election fraud and throw the election in his favor how?
Because if one is planning to prosecute the President of the United States, one must av oid the appearance of impropriety. Wade paid for 4 trips from his company credit card, he paid for one trip on his partners credit card, and probably another 3 or 4. Also, one must not pay millions of dollars to your boyfriend and then receive gifts from him, when the funds came from the public coffers. That is corruption. She lied about it and she got caught. If she was serious about prosecuting Trump, Fani Willis should not have hired her boyfriend.
They hammered Natan Wade on the witness stand on Thursday. Sweat was streaming down his face. He was nervous, because he knew he was in trouble.
Not seeing anything at all about "millions" of dollars.

"one must avoid the appearance of impropriety. "

Unless you're Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito. Then you can take all the gifts, kickbacks and bribes you can scrounge up.
Not seeing anything at all about "millions" of dollars.

"one must avoid the appearance of impropriety. "

Unless you're Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito. Then you can take all the gifts, kickbacks and bribes you can scrounge up.
You have to do better than this. Willis funneled the money to her lover. Wade turned the 650,000 or so he received from Fulton County into lavish gifts for Willis. Willis claims she gave the contract to Wade before they were lovers. Ms. Yeartie's testimony on Friday proved otherwise.

Willis claimed she paid her half of the trips, by 1) reimbursing Wade in cash and 2) paying for meals and incidentals while on the trips with cash. Willis claimed she took thousands in cash on each trip with Wade. Willis and Wade have no record of these cash transfers.
You said "millions" of dollars. Not seeing that.

PS: Fatso is not the President of the United States. He's a private citizen.

Please tell me how supposed "misconduct" changes the facts of the case. Trump is recorded asking the Georgia Secretary of State to commit election fraud and throw the election in his favor.
So your theory is she (in order to benefit herself) she hired her boyfriend (at a rate less than he normally charged -- so that he would spend massive money on her). Good luck selling this theory to most women. BTW don't forget 2 seasoned trial attorneys turned the position down before she offered Wade.

Also it is their burden to prove the conflict of interest, not her burden to disprove until they have presented a case for the conflict. They're not even close btw.
You said "millions" of dollars. Not seeing that.

PS: Fatso is not the President of the United States. He's a private citizen.

Please tell me how supposed "misconduct" changes the facts of the case. Trump is recorded asking the Georgia Secretary of State to commit election fraud and throw the election in his favor.
"Millions of Dollars" typical "alternative facts" presented by Gall.
So your theory is she (in order to benefit herself) she hired her boyfriend (at a rate less than he normally charged -- so that he would spend massive money on her). Good luck selling this theory to most women. BTW don't forget 2 seasoned trial attorneys turned the position down before she offered Wade.

Also it is their burden to prove the conflict of interest, not her burden to disprove until they have presented a case for the conflict. They're not even close btw.
One of the 2 attorneys testified that he turned it down because if he accepted he would have had to hire, or been provided with, bodyguards to protect him from the Trump crazies and he had no desire to go through that.
"Millions of Dollars" typical "alternative facts" presented by Gall.
You have once again taken the bait. According to testimony by Wade, he received $650,000 +/-, and is still receiving funds for the prosectuion of Trump. According to Bradley's testimony on Friday, he has a total of four contracts to provide legal services with Fulton County DA. These contracts are separate from the agreement between Wade and Fulton and netted the firm, about $300,000+/-. Campbell, the other member of the firm, also had several contracts worth several hundred thousand. Those amounts exceed the million figure.... The firm "shared revenues and expenses". Bradley also testified that Wade charged one of his trips with Fani on Bradley's credit card.
No dog in this hunt, but would ask both sides to be reasonable rather than reactive.

Don't know what happened, but smell smoke. Fani and Wade were a defense attorney's wet dream on the witness stand. Keystone Cop worthy.
You have once again taken the bait. According to testimony by Wade, he received $650,000 +/-, and is still receiving funds for the prosectuion of Trump. According to Bradley's testimony on Friday, he has a total of four contracts to provide legal services with Fulton County DA. These contracts are separate from the agreement between Wade and Fulton and netted the firm, about $300,000+/-. Campbell, the other member of the firm, also had several contracts worth several hundred thousand. Those amounts exceed the million figure.... The firm "shared revenues and expenses". Bradley also testified that Wade charged one of his trips with Fani on Bradley's credit card.

"Millions" by definition, is at least two million. Someone who supports the biggest grifter in American political history accusing someone else of "taking the bait" is hilarious, ironic and sad, all at the same time.

Please tell me you didn't spend $399 on a pair of Trump's "Air Treasons."
No dog in this hunt, but would ask both sides to be reasonable rather than reactive.

Don't know what happened, but smell smoke. Fani and Wade were a defense attorney's wet dream on the witness stand. Keystone Cop worthy.
If you saw Wade's testimony on Thursday, the guy was literally sweating bullets. It was a sight to behold.
Then Fani marched it and attacked counsel for the defendant and accused Ms. Yearie of lying. She asserted that her "proof" that she received no benefit from the payments was her assertion.
They are having a hearing in Atlanta to determine whether Willis and Wade should be removed from the case. Willis funneled money to Wade, allowing her to receive benefits, instead of pursuing justice.
I believe in Willis, bad judgment hiring Wade but no way she should be disqualified but drop Wade.
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Per the Wall Street Journal

The issue as presented by the Trump camp...

"The Fulton Country, Ga., district attorney hired her boyfriend, a municipal court judge, as co-prosecutor against Mr. Trump despite his lack of relevant expertise in Georgia election or RICO law because she was cutting an ally in on a big-time case, a lucrative hustle, a chance for national fame."

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Both Fani Willis and Nathan Wade perjured themselves on the witness stand last week.
Remember they claimed they were friends and were not intimate before November of 2021. They claimed they became romantic in 2022. But there are phone records showing they called each other 2,000 times and texted each other 12,000 times before November 2021. The phone records show they spent the night together and they show Wade visited Willis 35 times at home before she appointed him to prosecute Trump. He said on the witness stand he went there less than 10 times. Both said they didn't spend the night together.

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Here's the perjury... Wade has to go... the Court can't trust him.

In the first eleven months of 2021, Willis and Wade exchanged 2,000 phone calls with one another, according to the affidavit. They also texted each other nearly 12,000 times.

“So, if phone records were to reflect that you were making phone calls from the same location as the condo before Nov. 1 of 2021, and it was on multiple occasions, the phone records would be wrong?” Trump’s attorney said, while questioning Wade.

“If phone records reflected that? Yes, sir,” Wade replied.

“They’d be wrong?” the lawyer asked.

“They’d be wrong,” Wade concluded.

These two are so stupid. Now Terrence Bradley, Nathan Wade's "divorce attorney," will have to testify... Fani Willis could have picked someone else, besides her boyfriend. Then they tried to cover up their relationship. Instead of just being honest, they both lied to the court.

"The judge presiding over Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis' case announced Monday that the former law partner of special prosecutor Nathan Wade will have to testify in court on his knowledge of the timeline of the intimate relationship between Willis and Wade.

Defense counsel claimed the ex-law partner, Terrence Bradley, had direct knowledge that Willis and Wade's relationship started before Wade was hired in the election interference case involving former President Donald Trump."

Who cares, what does this have to do with Trump's obvious attempt to alter the clear result in Georgia?
Who cares, what does this have to do with Trump's obvious attempt to alter the clear result in Georgia?
One should not be filing lawsuits with dubious grounds with the sole intent to harrass or intimidate one's political opponents. One side should win or lose at the ballot box, not by bankrupting an opponent. The attempts at Lawfare should end.
Who cares, what does this have to do with Trump's obvious attempt to alter the clear result in Georgia?
Let's assume there is a clear result in Georgia. Why jeopardize it by appointing your boyfriend, who has no expertise in RICO litigation, to handle complex litigation against the President of the United States? Why be so insecure about the appointment by covering up and lying about said relationship?
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So does all this mean Donald Trump and his cohorts didn’t behave in a corrupt fashion in Georgia? What facts are altered?

He tried to have the Georgia Secretary of State commit election fraud and subvert the clear will of the voters.

Deflect, deflect, deflect.
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You guys are nuts. Why not just defeat him at the ballot box?
Already did. And he and 75% of his nutcase cult followers didn't recognize the results. Some of them tried to overthrow the government. He tried to commit election fraud, which can't go unpunished.

Next question?
no person should be above the law, not even the President
no person should be above the law, not even the President
The hypocrisy is clear. The Biden family is the most corrupt in the US, with the Clintons being second. The cover up is in full swing. Joe Biden will be prosecuted. The left is so affected by Trump, it want to get Trump at all costs.
If Biden is corrupt I hope he is prosecuted and convicted, but I have not seen anything that makes me feel he is corrupt. The Clintons I have serious questions about them.
If Biden is corrupt I hope he is prosecuted and convicted, but I have not seen anything that makes me feel he is corrupt. The Clintons I have serious questions about them.
Right. Counselor, once again the hypocrisy and the lack of analysis is stunning. There is no honest assessment of the facts. Joe better win the election or he is going to jail. Don't forget "there was evidence that Biden “willfully” retained and disclosed highly classified materials when he was a private citizen," according to the Hur Report.

The only reason they didn't prosecute him... is because he is too old. They are coming for Joe, Hunter and Jim. Then they are going to get Hillary and Bill.

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The protection of classified papers is sloppy at best. if you convict Biden under the facts you describe you need to convict Pence, and IIRC Bush also. The difference is among other things Trump lied, resisted, and blocked recovery, Bush, Biden and Pence did not, they cooperated and returned the papers.
Every President since Reagan has mishandled classified documents according to the National Archives. However all were documents mishandled by Presidents. Biden was a VP when he took documents, totally off the rails. Same applies to Pence.
The hypocrisy is clear. The Biden family is the most corrupt in the US, with the Clintons being second. The cover up is in full swing. Joe Biden will be prosecuted. The left is so affected by Trump, it want to get Trump at all costs.
Sorry to see you have gone full MAGA. At least for now, may not be the case if Trump gets elected, it actually takes evidence to convict someone of a crime. There is no evidence that Joe Biden has committed any crimes, unless you want to take the word of a Russian asset who has been charged with lying by a Trump appointed Republican prosecutor. If Joe Biden has committed crimes, produce the evidence and I'll support a conviction if the evidence is solid. But the allegations of Comer, Jordan and the other do nothing Republicans in the House do not constitute any evidence at this point, just a bunch of BS that you and other MAGA puppets are buying into.

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