Law school update

Hope it helps. Our bar-exam passage rates compared to our Virginia peers were abysmal in 2022, haven't checked the last couple years.

Wonder of they will name anything after Jenna Ellis, one of our more "famous" law-school grads.
According to one of my colleagues, it got worse in 2023. It will be interesting to see if it improved this year.
According to one of my colleagues, it got worse in 2023. It will be interesting to see if it improved this year.
That surprises me. Our son was accepted at the law school in 2019, we toured on an open house day, met with faculty and staff, they had a session for parents, prospective students got to attend a class, etc. Very professionally done, he was impressed and it made for a hard choice.

My son chose to go elsewhere (U of Denver), UR's scholarship package wasn't as good as DU's and then with COVID it was nicer to have him closer to home.

Stats are funny. Colorado is supposedly a superior school to DU but the year my son took the bar, DU had a higher passage rate.
TC Williams once had the highest pass rate in the state. It got away from teaching fundamental law towards more woke courses. Like the rest of UR, it watered down its curricula.
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TW Williams once had the highest pass rate in the state. It got away from teaching fundamental law towards more woke courses. Like the rest of UR, it watered down its curricula.

I have no knowledge of that but I don’t dismiss it either, would not surprise me if played a role. Tho my guess is the declining quality of admitted students more likely. Mush into mush. Old Pres. Cooper finally vindicated? Think applies a little more these days to post grad like law & med schools in particular.
I have no knowledge of that but I don’t dismiss it either, would not surprise me if played a role. Tho my guess is the declining quality of admitted students more likely. Mush into mush. Old Pres. Cooper finally vindicated? Think applies a little more these days to post grad like law & med schools in particular.
For example they changed a full year of property law to a watered down property law with a heavy emphasis on environmental law in one semester.
TC Williams once had the highest pass rate in the state. It got away from teaching fundamental law towards more woke courses. Like the rest of UR, it watered down its curricula.
Yes when I graduated (Low Review-we used to take the unfinished Down Under Keg home to empty), TCW had the highest Va Bar pass rate. I don’t think it was even close enough to question. I have no knowledge of the current curriculum. Last time in the building I got totally lost so that part has changed.
Side note- last exam period 3rd year, buddy rented a certain Linda Lovelace movie and a small group us of beer drinking low reviewers watched it in a basement study room. I recall the shocked faces of the law reviewers peering through the window taking a break from their studying.
As much as law school $@#@%* , we did have some highlights.
There was also an Incredible Hulk tee shirt that was passed around to wear under your shirt and to take the bar exam. Those who wore it passed the bar the first time. Yep worked for me!

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