So before I start my rant here, let me talk about the video. I picked this one because it is long and is not edited so much for meaningful content. That is the only reason. A lot of what I say can be applied to both teams, not just UR. The Bonnies not really playing with a lot of pride on the defensive end either.
For UR, not a lot of good fundamentals. Look at their defensive stances and how they are constantly coming up and out of them. Look at their footwork, pivots and shuffling. Look at how much standing/loafing and following the ball with their eyes without reaction there is. When the reaction comes, it is too late. Lack of focus/desire. Could be youth getting to know the system. It appears there is a thinking moment before reaction instead if instinctive movements. Look at all of the halfa$$ effort, on both sides, and general lack of pride in keeping the other team from scoring. The most pathetic thing is when one team or the other gets a break going. If the defensive team in transition gets an initial stop, look how long it takes for their teammates to get there in support. Horrible! The teammates are loafing/lollygagging up the court watching the action, hoping they don't have to run the whole way. Sometimes they never even get into the camera's view. The breaking team gets 2 or 3 shots at it. Still no help. the team scores or gets fouled. Now compare what you see to some film of UVA or Shaka's teams in their prime. Those teams play/played defense with heart, intensity, focus and pride. I can't say the same for the 2 teams in this video.