Interesting statistical trend this past season

There are well established methods for adjusting efficiency to account for all of those things.

I know,that’s why it was mentioned.Those variables at a minimum should be integrated.Otherwise,any conclusions have very little value.Elemental mathematical analyses.
I really don't understand the crapping on the information. Sure beats the same topic de season being rehashed ad naseum.

I was initially one of the crappers but that was because I didn't take the time to actually look at it fully. It is very interesting and does show the offense improving over the course of the season with the defense all over the place but that it was improving until Buckingham's injury.
I know,that’s why it was mentioned.Those variables at a minimum should be integrated.Otherwise,any conclusions have very little value.Elemental mathematical analyses.

What are elemental mathematical analyses?
Definitely some interesting ideas to look into. I could also see if there is any correlation between efficiency drop off between seasons and the minutes we have returning.
2011, love your analyses. Keep up the good work.
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Everyone keeps saying this on here but in my time at Richmond and since we've only ever had 2 "wait until next years" from my time on campus. The first was the year before last. The second being this year going into next. I don't know a single person on campus who legitimately believed the future year was just going to magically get better. Anybody who said wait until next year after last season was absolutely fooling themselves. I don't understand how people can pretend that the sentiment after every season is "wait until next year, that's when we'll be good." It just simply isn't true that it has been the case.

This is the problem. We moved up in conference and lowered expectations. (Sorry to respond to an off-topic post)

I enjoy this type of thread. It seems like our standard deviation is really high in both OE and DE. I wonder whether our peers' and rivals' charts show a much tighter pattern.
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It was refreshing to see an opinion/post backed up with some science behind it. Much better then the canned responses from 95% of the board on why this team will always suck as long as Mooney is the coach or that everything is fine well be okay next year crowds....Good post.
No disrespect at all to 2011, whose analysis I like and appreciate, but if anyone needed a graph to know that our defense sucked most of the year – particularly toward the end and particularly without Buck – and that our offensive improved during the year, you weren't watching any of the games.

I guess the bigger question for me is and has been: How will we get better on defense? Ever since the first NIT year, we've been really bad, with few signs of getting better. In fact, we've arguably gotten worse. I would say it is just the individual guys we have who can't stay with their men, but this has been three years now of mostly looking clueless.
Eight ... legitimate concern. if all of the guys in the rotation don't dedicate themselves on that side of the court, we're going to struggle to win enough no matter how many points we score.
I am not enough of a basketball mind to understand what exactly is making us so bad, but in general it just seems like we are too easily beaten off the dribble, and that creates an imbalance and chain reaction type of situation as everyone else tries to play catch up the rest of the possession. This has happened a lot of times.

I feel like either our guys simply are not athletic and quick enough to defend properly, or they are not being coached properly on how to play defense, or they simply are not doing it for whatever reason.

Gilyard is certainly quick enough to keep up with anyone, and so is Fore. Buck seems to move alright to me, but maybe he could stand to improve a bit there. Sherod obviously is our defensive weak link and just doesn't have the speed to be a great defender, it seems. Grant is an unknown. Lots of room for improvement, of course, but it's hard to know if he was trying to play defense all year or simply trying to stay out of foul trouble. I have no real sense what his defensive ceiling is yet.

On the bench, Cayo is very good and JJ is marginal.
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I worry that you are unaware.Yikes.

I consider myself fairly knowledgable about math, and I am always interested in learning new topics. Unfortunately I have never heard of elemental mathematical analysis and have been unable to find anything about it on google. A quick search turned up some papers on the mathematical analysis of various spectra to determine elemental compositions, but I am already very knowledgable about this and it doesn't have any application to basketball stats, so I don't think it is what you are referring to. There are also some sources on finite element analysis, which I am also familiar with but doesn't have any applications relevant to basketball stats either. Can you help me out 32, and give me a quick explanation or point me in the right direction?
I know this has been mentioned a lot but we don't have any rim protection once our perimeter defenders are beaten off the dribble. This would help improve our team defense.
I am not enough of a basketball mind to understand what exactly is making us so bad, but in general it just seems like we are too easily beaten off the dribble, and that creates an imbalance and chain reaction type of situation as everyone else tries to play catch up the rest of the possession. This has happened a lot of times.

I feel like either our guys simply are not athletic and quick enough to defend properly, or they are not being coached properly on how to play defense, or they simply are not doing it for whatever reason.

Gilyard is certainly quick enough to keep up with anyone, and so is Fore. Buck seems to move alright to me, but maybe he could stand to improve a bit there. Sherod obviously is our defensive weak link and just doesn't have the speed to be a great defender, it seems. Grant is an unknown. Lots of room for improvement, of course, but it's hard to know if he was trying to play defense all year or simply trying to stay out of foul trouble. I have no real sense what his defensive ceiling is yet.

On the bench, Cayo is very good and JJ is marginal.

What I thought this year was that it is just simply impossible for a team to play all out, hard nosed defense and also play offense for 35-38 minutes a game knowing that there is no bench. I don't think their bodies can hold up doing that for an entire game. You'd have to assume they were capable of that defense but lets just say they are. That's why VCU has had such a big rotation in past years where they can constantly be subbing guys in and out.
That might be a small part of it, but lots of teams play good defense using 7-man rotations, which is more or less what we had. Granted out sixth and seventh men probably played less than a typical sixth and seventh would in those rotations.
I know this has been mentioned a lot but we don't have any rim protection once our perimeter defenders are beaten off the dribble. This would help improve our team defense.
agreed but at the expense of our offense. maybe a little more length at the 4 will help.
So before I start my rant here, let me talk about the video. I picked this one because it is long and is not edited so much for meaningful content. That is the only reason. A lot of what I say can be applied to both teams, not just UR. The Bonnies not really playing with a lot of pride on the defensive end either.

For UR, not a lot of good fundamentals. Look at their defensive stances and how they are constantly coming up and out of them. Look at their footwork, pivots and shuffling. Look at how much standing/loafing and following the ball with their eyes without reaction there is. When the reaction comes, it is too late. Lack of focus/desire. Could be youth getting to know the system. It appears there is a thinking moment before reaction instead if instinctive movements. Look at all of the halfa$$ effort, on both sides, and general lack of pride in keeping the other team from scoring. The most pathetic thing is when one team or the other gets a break going. If the defensive team in transition gets an initial stop, look how long it takes for their teammates to get there in support. Horrible! The teammates are loafing/lollygagging up the court watching the action, hoping they don't have to run the whole way. Sometimes they never even get into the camera's view. The breaking team gets 2 or 3 shots at it. Still no help. The team scores or gets fouled. Now compare what you see to some film of UVA or Shaka's teams in their prime. Those teams play/played defense with heart, intensity, focus and pride. I can't say the same for the 2 teams in this video.

Edit: Still don't care for that defensive scheme. I"ll say it again, why do you have your biggest/slowest defender in the corner defending 3s? He can't protect the rim there and can't prevent the blow by either.

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So before I start my rant here, let me talk about the video. I picked this one because it is long and is not edited so much for meaningful content. That is the only reason. A lot of what I say can be applied to both teams, not just UR. The Bonnies not really playing with a lot of pride on the defensive end either.

For UR, not a lot of good fundamentals. Look at their defensive stances and how they are constantly coming up and out of them. Look at their footwork, pivots and shuffling. Look at how much standing/loafing and following the ball with their eyes without reaction there is. When the reaction comes, it is too late. Lack of focus/desire. Could be youth getting to know the system. It appears there is a thinking moment before reaction instead if instinctive movements. Look at all of the halfa$$ effort, on both sides, and general lack of pride in keeping the other team from scoring. The most pathetic thing is when one team or the other gets a break going. If the defensive team in transition gets an initial stop, look how long it takes for their teammates to get there in support. Horrible! The teammates are loafing/lollygagging up the court watching the action, hoping they don't have to run the whole way. Sometimes they never even get into the camera's view. The breaking team gets 2 or 3 shots at it. Still no help. the team scores or gets fouled. Now compare what you see to some film of UVA or Shaka's teams in their prime. Those teams play/played defense with heart, intensity, focus and pride. I can't say the same for the 2 teams in this video.

Did the Bonnies' defense look any different last night?
The most pathetic thing is when one team or the other gets a break going. If the defensive team in transition gets an initial stop, look how long it takes for their teammates to get there in support. Horrible! The teammates are loafing/lollygagging up the court watching the action, hoping they don't have to run the whole way. Sometimes they never even get into the camera's view. The breaking team gets 2 or 3 shots at it. Still no help.
I don't see what you're seeing in that video. I don't see a lack of effort. I don't see loafing up the court. I see an inability to stay between man and basket, forcing help and rotations that don't get there. or if they do, rotations not being able to get there. and some communications problems on who's got who.
Bonnie played really good D yesterday that threw UCLA off their game. It was a zone at most times that smothered Holiday, really active, almost a match-up 1-1-3 at times.
I don't see what you're seeing in that video. I don't see a lack of effort. I don't see loafing up the court. I see an inability to stay between man and basket, forcing help and rotations that don't get there. or if they do, rotations not being able to get there. and some communications problems on who's got who.

i see a S and C coach who doesn't know sh#t about improving lateral speed.. Ok Fezz that is your cue.