Spiders05 Moderator Moderator May 12, 2003 11,225 2,510 113 Richmond, VA www.spidernation.com Mar 9, 2018 #1 Picking my son up from school in 5 hours to make my way up 95. Anyone else taking a half-day to venture up? Win tonight, the wife and daughter are venturing up tomorrow. Reactions: plydogg, gospidersgo and SpiderK
Picking my son up from school in 5 hours to make my way up 95. Anyone else taking a half-day to venture up? Win tonight, the wife and daughter are venturing up tomorrow.
6 64Spider Team Manager Feb 9, 2009 2,467 901 113 Mar 9, 2018 #2 Had minor surgery yesterday afternoon and for some reason my doctor said no to attending. I guess he doesn't want me to pop my stitches But I'll be there Sunday for the championship game. Reactions: plydogg, SpiderK, Spiders05 and 1 other person
Had minor surgery yesterday afternoon and for some reason my doctor said no to attending. I guess he doesn't want me to pop my stitches But I'll be there Sunday for the championship game.