Front Royal

I grew up in the area and my mother worked at Warren Memorial for a while so I have some past familiarity. This has really surprised me. Assuming the temperament of the area’s citizens hasn’t changed dramatically, this is roiling the place.
Draining the swamp!
Draining the swamp?
The Good old boy right wing christian patriarchy is 99% responsible for this, with a 1% dash of money from China.
This is the Donald Trump playbook applied to the local level.
Use public tax dollars to line your pockets,
Sell out america to foreign investors,
Then waive the flag and talk about Jesus.

The only hope for America is going to involve putting a lot of white male Christian country club members in jail, and taking away the assets they have accumulated by graft and theft.
GEEZ GAY, who claimed that the swamp was all democrats? it is washington entirely or any other little town, city or county where people work and take advantage of the situation. get off your warped soap box and enter reality.
GEEZ GAY, who claimed that the swamp was all democrats? it is washington entirely or any other little town, city or county where people work and take advantage of the situation. get off your warped soap box and enter reality.

Trump is the one who coined Drain the Swamp, and he claims all the corruption from Democrats.
If someone was calling for a "Final Solution" wouldn't you think of Nazis and anti-semites?

The right wing is, ironically, the swamp, and "Drain the Swamp" is the attempt to put there sins onto others.

The only warped soap box is Fox News.
Trump is the one who coined Drain the Swamp, and he claims all the corruption from Democrats.
If someone was calling for a "Final Solution" wouldn't you think of Nazis and anti-semites?

The right wing is, ironically, the swamp, and "Drain the Swamp" is the attempt to put there sins onto others.

The only warped soap box is Fox News.
Seems to have been used earlier...
I think it was between 1900-1910 That the Socialists said to drain the Capitalist swamp, and speaker of the house Joseph Cannon said that he would die and go to hell before he would allow a monument to the Great Emancipator be built in that "God-Damned Swamp." (Literally The Mall)
Seems to have been used earlier...
I think it was between 1900-1910 That the Socialists said to drain the Capitalist swamp, and speaker of the house Joseph Cannon said that he would die and go to hell before he would allow a monument to the Great Emancipator be built in that "God-Damned Swamp." (Literally The Mall)

So you're saying Wood Hall's usage was a reference to Cannon and not Trump?
Wood Hall, is that correct?
So you're saying Wood Hall's usage was a reference to Cannon and not Trump?
Wood Hall, is that correct?
I am simply saying Trump didn't coin it. That DC = Swamp has been used off and on for quite a while.
It was a sarcastic remark. Supposedly the Demos were corrupt but Warren County voted about 75 percent Republican in the 2016 election.
the bitterness and full-blown hatred because an election was lost is just amazing. we are not a country of coups, we are a country of elections, sometimes we win, sometimes we lose but we don't go completely bonkers in defeat or we definitely should not.
actually, the first republican to stand up and not go cowering in the corner when the media attacks him and that is what the people who voted for him love. maybe bonkers is doing things differently, looking our for our country first and not accepting bad deals and treaties which we entered. if that is bonkers then can live with that but hate, will never go there.
actually, the first republican to stand up and not go cowering in the corner when the media attacks him and that is what the people who voted for him love. maybe bonkers is doing things differently, looking our for our country first and not accepting bad deals and treaties which we entered. if that is bonkers then can live with that but hate, will never go there.

I don't think one can say that the Bushes or Reagan cowered for anyone. I am have been an active Republican since 9th grade when I first joined YR. However, I will be voting all blue come November.

There is no legitimate debate that Donald is looking out for Donald alone. That is pretty much a consensus among both Dems and Repubs, though so sad to say that many of our Repubs lack the spine to rise above party politics, admit their mistake, and call him out for what he is. He was an avid Clinton supporter within 2 years of when he ran as a Repub. He has absolutely no personal ethics or ideals. He supports whatever he thinks will further his personal ends.

He prays on ignorance and is very good at throwing red meat to the good ole boys whom he has deceived into believing his line of crap and want something different than what we had in previous regimes. But we all know very well that he only does what he perceives to be best for Trump. Any benefit to our country is merely coincidental. If that is what you want, more power to you. I find him as a person and as our president repugnant. I detest what he has done to our Grand Ole Party but even more, what he has to denigrate the republican ideals of our country.
have never been a dem or gop but grew up in a big dem family and have voted dem before. after the past three years, could never, ever, vote dem again. have never seen such stupidity, complete lunacy and all because of losing an election. reagan did not have to cower in a corner but bush sure did, never stood up for himself. trump is doing exactly what he should do and that is driving the democrat media crazy because they have no clue as to what to do, he controls them now.
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have never been a dem or gop but grew up in a big dem family and have voted dem before. after the past three years, could never, ever, vote dem again. have never seen such stupidity, complete lunacy and all because of losing an election. reagan did not have to cower in a corner but bush sure did, never stood up for himself. trump is doing exactly what he should do and that is driving the democrat media crazy because they have no clue as to what to do, he controls them now.
Never been a Democrat myself, and don't come from a Democrat family, but cannot agree about Trump. To each his own, I guess, but I cannot for the life of me see how anyone with a conscience can support such a despicable person as Trump to be the leader of our party and the representative of our nation. What I don't get from Republicans these days is what purpose they believe can possibly be served by keeping him in control. Since we have already won over SCOTUS for a conservative majority for at least the next twenty years, what possible good can such a vile, abject creature serve? Even Sanders, who now seems a long shot, as President would have to bow to the control of the Senate and Judiciary. I don't see it. I have been a loyal Republican for many years, and I do not expect to change long-term, but there is absolutely no way in hell that I can support Trump or any Republicans who support him in the upcoming election. And, I can tell you, there are many Republicans who share my view and many more who are crossing over daily. I don't know what will happen come November 2020, but I will be extremely disappointed if we continue allowing the mistake we made in 2016 to serve as the leader of our party/country.
The problem is politics. Founding fathers were farmers, blacksmiths, businessmen. When you're a professional politician you're serving no one but yourself. Politicians don't like a businessman running the country. He doesn't owe anybody anything. Though I don't always agree with his morality, I applaud his results. Don't be naive to the way of the world.

This fictional president has a better grip on the job than the "real" one. Especially the character issue.
The problem is politics. Founding fathers were farmers, blacksmiths, businessmen. When you're a professional politician you're serving no one but yourself. Politicians don't like a businessman running the country. He doesn't owe anybody anything. Though I don't always agree with his morality, I applaud his results. Don't be naive to the way of the world.
Naive? You gotta be kidding. Don't let him continue to play you for a fool. Give me a list of what this three-time bankrupt, scam Trump University, self-proclaimed messiah has done as a businessman that has furthered the interest of this country, other than coincidentally when it furthered his own self-interest. I'd really like to see it. Quit kidding yourself. You have been played for a fool as have thousands of others. Wake up before it's too late.
The problem is politics. Founding fathers were farmers, blacksmiths, businessmen.
This is an asinine a statement as some of the crap spewed from Trump. Jefferson, Adams, Hamilton, Madison, etc. were anything but farmers and blacksmiths. They were intellectuals steeped in the study of history and literature...and politics. They traveled abroad and studied other cultures and societies...and their governments. You probably think that Old McDonald founded the University of Virginia and a guy named Aesop wrote the Federalists Papers. C'mon, man. Wake up.
Naive? You gotta be kidding. Don't let him continue to play you for a fool. Give me a list of what this three-time bankrupt, scam Trump University, self-proclaimed messiah has done as a businessman that has furthered the interest of this country, other than coincidentally when it furthered his own self-interest. I'd really like to see it. Quit kidding yourself. You have been played for a fool as have thousands of others. Wake up before it's too late.

Naive? You gotta be kidding. Don't let him continue to play you for a fool. Give me a list of what this three-time bankrupt, scam Trump University, self-proclaimed messiah has done as a businessman that has furthered the interest of this country, other than coincidentally when it furthered his own self-interest. I'd really like to see it. Quit kidding yourself. You have been played for a fool as have thousands of others. Wake up before it's too late.

Asking for a friend that does not watch CNN, how has DT furthered his own interest in the WH other than improving the economy, lowering taxes, reducing obstructive business regulations, 401K soaring, lowest unemployment in decades, etc? My friend said he has more money than when the previous guy was in charge and could give a hoot about DT’s morality. My friend reminded me when Bill Clinton was running for re-election the war cry was “its the economy stupid”. Don’t yell at me, just asking for a friend?
This is an asinine a statement as some of the crap spewed from Trump. Jefferson, Adams, Hamilton, Madison, etc. were anything but farmers and blacksmiths. They were intellectuals steeped in the study of history and literature...and politics. They traveled abroad and studied other cultures and societies...and their governments. You probably think that Old McDonald founded the University of Virginia and a guy named Aesop wrote the Federalists Papers. C'mon, man. Wake up.
Dude, I'm awake. I don't deny they were intelligent men who accomplished much. Focus now, they were not bought and paid for professional politicians. That was the point. And as far as the founder of the University of Virginia goes, I'm familiar with some of his work, especially the "all men are created equal" part. Except for those that he owned that allowed him to attain the wealth to travel abroad (with his owned travel partner) to study other cultures. Democratic contradiction in full play. C'mon man, you been fooled.
Asking for a friend that does not watch CNN, how has DT furthered his own interest in the WH... Don’t yell at me, just asking for a friend?
The changes in the stock market favorably impacting your friend's retirement plan started at the end of 2008 when President Bush, relying on Alan Greenspan's insistence on market self-regulation alone, created a near disaster to not only the US economy but the global economy as well. Hundreds of thousands of citizens lost their homes or much of the previously created equity therein. Many sold for substantial losses. Hate to admit it, but the recovery and trend of prosperous gains began under the prior president and have continued up till recently on the same trajectory. Now many believe we are on the verge of a recession. I personally do not buy that, but I guess we will see.
As for unemployment, the same trend has continued. The reason has been for the changes put in place by our previous president. The tax legislation was the brainchild of Senators Graham, McConnell, Grassley, etc. Trump merely agreed to their plan. Unfortunately, these senators have had to spend a substantial amount of their time preventing Trump from impulsively creating a domestic or global disaster economically or otherwise. The current action in Syria is but one of these debacles.
I have friends in Nebraska and Iowa who are 6th generation farmers. Have your friend check with them as to their current situation in the economy. Take a look at the economic views of Steve Mnuchin or Larry Kudlow and their thoughts on tariffs, before they sycophants to Trump.
Frankly, a blind monkey could have achieved the same results as Trump.
And as for justifying your support for Trump stating that his lack of morality is not important or not important enough to remove him because of his economic success, I can only conclude that Judeo-Christian values take back seat to the increase in your friend's retirement plan. If that is the case, so be it. However, it pretty much makes him a hypocrite or an atheist. And that's okay, but he should at least acknowledge it.
And tell your friend to drop his whataboutism. No one detested Bill Clinton more than me. However, this is not about Clinton. This is about Trump and how he is destroying the core democratic values of our republic.
Dude, I'm awake. I don't deny they were intelligent men who accomplished much. Focus now, they were not bought and paid for professional politicians. That was the point. And as far as the founder of the University of Virginia goes, I'm familiar with some of his work, especially the "all men are created equal" part. Except for those that he owned that allowed him to attain the wealth to travel abroad (with his owned travel partner) to study other cultures. Democratic contradiction in full play. C'mon man, you been fooled.

Not one of our ancestors is perfect, statesman, politician, or otherwise, but there are those whose vision and ideals we continue to admire and hold up for posterity to look to for guidance in the direction of our country based upon the principles upon which it was founded. I view Jefferson, Madison, Hamilton, et al, among those will always be so viewed in such a historical and representative capacity.

In contrast, there is a second category. There have been politicians in this country's history who have not a life worthy of emulation or adoration. Men who have held personal gain above the welfare of this country. Andrew Jackson, Richard Nixon, James Buchanan, Warren G Harding, Aaron Burr, and Joseph McCarthy and others are members of this other category.
Donald Trump is sui generis, is more despicable and wretched than any in the second category, and when he is removed from or leaves office he will constitute an unrivaled list of ignominy and despicability.

Anyone who thinks that Trump is anything other than a professional politician is not only being taken for a fool but is also delusional. What sets him apart is his own delusion universe.

BTW, Jefferson died insolvent. His estate had to be sold to pay his debts. He incurred these debts in service to this country.
The changes in the stock market favorably impacting your friend's retirement plan started at the end of 2008 when President Bush, relying on Alan Greenspan's insistence on market self-regulation alone, created a near disaster to not only the US economy but the global economy as well. Hundreds of thousands of citizens lost their homes or much of the previously created equity therein. Many sold for substantial losses. Hate to admit it, but the recovery and trend of prosperous gains began under the prior president and have continued up till recently on the same trajectory. Now many believe we are on the verge of a recession. I personally do not buy that, but I guess we will see.
As for unemployment, the same trend has continued. The reason has been for the changes put in place by our previous president. The tax legislation was the brainchild of Senators Graham, McConnell, Grassley, etc. Trump merely agreed to their plan. Unfortunately, these senators have had to spend a substantial amount of their time preventing Trump from impulsively creating a domestic or global disaster economically or otherwise. The current action in Syria is but one of these debacles.
I have friends in Nebraska and Iowa who are 6th generation farmers. Have your friend check with them as to their current situation in the economy. Take a look at the economic views of Steve Mnuchin or Larry Kudlow and their thoughts on tariffs, before they sycophants to Trump.
Frankly, a blind monkey could have achieved the same results as Trump.
And as for justifying your support for Trump stating that his lack of morality is not important or not important enough to remove him because of his economic success, I can only conclude that Judeo-Christian values take back seat to the increase in your friend's retirement plan. If that is the case, so be it. However, it pretty much makes him a hypocrite or an atheist. And that's okay, but he should at least acknowledge it.
And tell your friend to drop his whataboutism. No one detested Bill Clinton more than me. However, this is not about Clinton. This is about Trump and how he is destroying the core democratic values of our republic.
My friend chuckled at your response, I believe I heard him say you did not address the question as to how DT has furthered his own interest while in the WH. My friend was puzzled that you would question his Judeo-Christian values since the character of the guy you and he supported was well known long before the last election. Agreed it is not about Clinton, you missed the point, it’s about the economy.
the curtain has been pulled back and we now see that the dems are nothing but socialists, communists and the reason to stand behind trump is that he saved us from it, at least now and if reelected will continue to push capitalism and push down socialism, communism. that is why asanitas, why we voted for him and will vote for him again. many of our past presidents were not great men they just hid their probs, with turmp, you know what you got and he says what he means and means what he says and that is refreshing. tired of hearing what they they think you want to hear rather than what we need to hear. have to laugh because you think that all these past presidents were so much more morale than trump, while they did many bad and immoral things. the only think trump has done since in office is push america to be better, greater while others have brought her down and said we cannot do better but trump has shown, we can do better and be better. just like you, amazed that there are those who want us to embrace a system that people flee, in risk of their lives and the lives of their families. we were founded on individual liberties which that system takes away. if one desires that system, cuba, china, venezuela are all out there for you and some of those have beaches and warm weather to boot. take advantage of the opportunity to embrace what you preach and leave us alone.
My friend chuckled at your response, I believe I heard him say you did not address the question as to how DT has furthered his own interest while in the WH. My friend was puzzled that you would question his Judeo-Christian values since the character of the guy you and he supported was well known long before the last election. Agreed it is not about Clinton, you missed the point, it’s about the economy.
What line would Trump have to cross for you to change your mind? What would he have to do for you to decide that he should not serve as president of our country? Seriously. Is there any act or revelation that might change your mind?
Same question to Webspinner.
so far he has had to endure not breaking any laws or colluding with anyone but being accused of doing so. our country does not spy or should not spy on our citizens and attempt to overturn a free and fair election but that is what is going on and has been for three years. so you think that unelected bureaucrats with lots of power should be in charge of who wins elections? come on man, get real. if you don't understand what is going on, really scary.
What line would Trump have to cross for you to change your mind? What would he have to do for you to decide that he should not serve as president of our country? Seriously. Is there any act or revelation that might change your mind?
Same question to Webspinner.
Why should I answer your question when you continually dodge my friend’s question?
that is like asking one what would anyone have to do for you to turn against him. why ask that question, he has done nothing at this point although if you watch or read only mainstream media, you probably think he has which would be false.
Invinoveritasinaquasnitas. One who drinks wine and speaks the truth and one who drinks water to speak common sense. Ha, I heard my friend mumble you need to drink more of the aforementioned.
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am still stupefied why fairly smart people continue to visit mainstream media after they lied to your face for almost 3 years, spinning yarns of wrong doing when there was none. the hate has ruined so many and they are willing to believe this trash. so many willing to throw out the constitution and attempt to overthrow or drive out of office a president who won a free and fair election. what these plotters failed to realize is that trump is a fighter and he would not allow them to succeed with their plans. how anyone can sit back, watch this and not hurl is beyond me. the dems and their partners in the media seem to want us to be a banana republic and so many people filled with hate, cheer them on......gutless and sick
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Invinoveritasinaquasnitas. One who drinks wine and speaks the truth and one who drinks water to speak common sense. Ha, I heard my friend mumble you need to drink more of the aforementioned.
You can make fun of the Latin quote all you want, but if you were to Google it, you might find that it is a quote by a respected man minister who attaches to it a totally different meaning. If you think that your antiChristian slurs will deter me, think again. I am deeply rooted in my faith and I am able to endure the slings and arrows of antiscriptural and Christless barbs by men far meaner than you. However, it does make me wonder about your lack of Judeo-Christian values. I say this for your sake and chance at redemption, not as a retort. Some take it to more of an extreme than me: "If you're not a born-again Christian, you're a failure as a human being." Jerry Falwell. But it's not too late. "In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace." Ephesians 1:7
am still stupefied why fairly smart people continue to visit mainstream media after they lied to your face for almost 3 years, spinning yarns of wrong doing when there was none. the hate has ruined so many and they are willing to believe this trash. so many willing to throw out the constitution and attempt to overthrow or drive out of office a president who won a free and fair election. what these plotters failed to realize is that trump is a fighter and he would not allow them to succeed with their plans. how anyone can sit back, watch this and not hurl is beyond me. the dems and their partners in the media seem to want us to be a banana republic and so many people filled with hate, cheer them on......gutless and sick
I am sorry if I offended you. I truly am. You apparently feel quite strongly about your convictions...even to the point of destructive hyperbole. Maybe you could gear down a bit and take it easier on me. I am just attempting to put forward what I believe to be best for the country. I accept that you disagree with me. Maybe you could consider accepting that I disagree with you. It's certainly nothing personal with me, though your statements make me think that perhaps you suffered a personal event...a very hurtful wrong at the hands of a Democrat. I know that politicians can be cruel as part of their hunger to grab more control. We Republicans have done it at times as well.
Would you care to share about your personal maltreatment? Seriously. Sometimes it is better to share about the event that sets you off than go off ballistically on another who may be promoting the thing that hurt you.

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