Eight, I generally consider you to be a rational guy. This is a fairly irrational argument. Have we ever had a head coach of any sport at UR that rules the roost?The point is that Mooney is the most powerful person in the athletic department. Surely he realized that. What were they going to do, fire him and pay him the rest of his guaranteed money just like that to make him go away? Of course not. He had all the power.
And you know what? If at the end of the day the powers that be refused to allow him to do his job the way he wanted to, he was always free to walk away from the job and the money and get another job somewhere else where he would have that flexibility.
The notion that our coaches should comport themselves in a way that puts them above school policies and procedures is not how UR rolls.
What you should be asking for is that the coach is in a position to not have to do that, either because the policies are flexible for him/her or if outside policy, there is a power structure that will go to bat. That hasn’t been the case for a long time.