Any interest?

Would you be interested in attending a potluck SpiderNation gathering?

  • Yes

    Votes: 25 80.6%
  • No

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • As long as '05 doesn't show up

    Votes: 2 6.5%

  • Total voters


May 12, 2003
Richmond, VA
Loved Mo's "coming back" post and wanted to take the spirit of that post and try to put it into something tangible.

If Spidernation were to reserve a picnic pavilion at a park around town over the next few months, would you like to attend? After all, this time of year is a little slow with sports This would hopefully allow us to come together, get a jump start on tailgating, share some adult beverages, meet some posters (those you love, those you hate, those you may have on ignore) and work out your cornhole arms.
Would really like to meet 23, Eight, 97 and others. Time to pull together.
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Reactions: SpiderK
I think it is a great idea, but what are those fans that don't live in Richmond going to do?
Continue to drink by themselves. :D
You don’t have to live far away to do that. :D

Maybe I should leave my unibomber cabin and travel the 1.1 miles to campus for this.
Everybody here seems to know at least one other poster...except me...until now.
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Reactions: Spiders05
I'd love to go if I lived anywhere in the area. I think it might be a long hike from Florida
Loved Mo's "coming back" post and wanted to take the spirit of that post and try to put it into something tangible.

If Spidernation were to reserve a picnic pavilion at a park around town over the next few months, would you like to attend? After all, this time of year is a little slow with sports This would hopefully allow us to come together, get a jump start on tailgating, share some adult beverages, meet some posters (those you love, those you hate, those you may have on ignore) and work out your cornhole arms.

I really do like this idea. If I am in the area, I would definitely try to make it down. I am in the area once every two years at this point, so the odds are slim, but I do like the idea very much. Whenever I run into a fellow spider, it’s always a nice meeting. Most of the time, I find that I have some very different perspectives from whoever I am meeting, but we still share that one similar thing — being Spider alums. I’m always ready to help another alum out, even those with whom I don’t agree with on much here.
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Reactions: nathanw19 and Ulla1
Love the idea but better pick a different venue. To my knowledge public parks in this area don't allow alcohol.