34 charges 34 convictions,


Jan 9, 2003
I fully expect an appeal, but will everyone just behave and let the matter play itself out?
If Trump had a modicum of class, he would drop out of the race. The top Republicans he listens to should talk to him about dropping out.
I think you answered your own question; but think about it as a convicted felon he cannot have a gun in most states, but he would have the nuclear codes; he cannot enter most military bases or be a member of the military branches, but he can be the Commander in Chief.
What a sad day in the history of our country. Politicizing our judicial system to the destruction of a political opponent is the beginning of the end of our democracy. Even the most liberal of the judiciary are astonished. I’m old, and fear for the country we are leaving our grandkids. We have grossly failed our fathers, the greatest generation ever. Those that defeated the Axis powers only a short few decades past, we should be ashamed.
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What a sad day in the history of our country. Politicizing our judicial system to the destruction of a political opponent is the beginning of the end of our democracy. Even the most liberal of the judiciary are astonished. I’m old, and fear for the country we are leaving our grandkids. We have grossly failed our fathers, the greatest generation ever. Those that defeated the Axis powers only a short few decades past, we should be ashamed.
It is a sad day. This will only embolden the left and their lawfare antics. They look to destroy any opponent, no matter how large or small. The left will be shocked when they realize their leaders will be prosecuted for the very crimes. Both Joe and Hunter Biden will land in jail. Hillary Clinton should be prosecuted, as will Newsome and any others.
Our country supposedly operates under the principle that all men are created EQUAL, that further supposes that NO man is above the law. That includes Donald Trump, he was charged, had his day in Court and lost, he has his right of appeal. If any Democrats have violated the law they should be charged, given their day in Court, and if convicted so be it.

But you are right, Donald has already said if he wins he will seek retribution, so anyone he perceives wronged him will be charged in his political judicial system.
Our country supposedly operates under the principle that all men are created EQUAL, that further supposes that NO man is above the law. That includes Donald Trump, he was charged, had his day in Court and lost, he has his right of appeal. If any Democrats have violated the law they should be charged, given their day in Court, and if convicted so be it.

But you are right, Donald has already said if he wins he will seek retribution, so anyone he perceives wronged him will be charged in his political judicial system.
I respect your opinion, but disagree that no one is above the law. Unless you are blinded or naive, there is and has been a two tier justice system. The “ no one is above the law” does apply to Hillary and every other Democrat in our current Soros controlled DA regent.
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Trump has argued that as president he can legally assassinate his political opponents, yet he is above being rightfully convicted of crimes he committed because he once was president? GTFOH. Throw his ass in jail forever. The sad day for America was when it elected a lying, mentally deranged wannabe dictator conman as its leader.
This is Lawfare, plain and simple. If a government can destroy Donald Trump, it can destroy anyone. Everyone who convinced Trump to forgive and forget Hillary Clinton's crimes was wrong. She compromised our nation and covered it up. She should be in jail. The democrats have weaponized government. We are the worse for it as a nation.
This is Lawfare, plain and simple. If a government can destroy Donald Trump, it can destroy anyone. Everyone who convinced Trump to forgive and forget Hillary Clinton's crimes was wrong. She compromised our nation and covered it up. She should be in jail. The democrats have weaponized government. We are the worse for it as a nation.
Stop with this tired narrative. Donald Trump destroyed himself and is being held accountable for the illegal actions he took. No one is above the law, former president or not.
What a sad day in the history of our country. Politicizing our judicial system to the destruction of a political opponent is the beginning of the end of our democracy. Even the most liberal of the judiciary are astonished. I’m old, and fear for the country we are leaving our grandkids. We have grossly failed our fathers, the greatest generation ever. Those that defeated the Axis powers only a short few decades past, we should be ashamed.
The greatest generation would not be supporting someone who attacks every facet of our republic and has no respect for the rule of law. They would not support someone who tried to overturn a free and fair election and wanted to become a dictator like the ones they defeated in WW2. They would not support someone who is a coward and dodged the draft with a fake letter from a doctor saying he had bone spurs. And they certainly would not support someone who praises dictators like Putin, Orban and Jung Un (who Trump says he fell in love with and exchanged beautiful love letters).

They would not support someone who could care less about a democracy like Ukraine fighting for its life against his idol Putin. They would not support someone who singles out private citizens who are just doing their jobs and receive death threats and harassment from some of his deranged followers. His cult followers are the ones who should be ashamed.
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The greatest generation would not be supporting someone who attacks every facet of our republic and has no respect for the rule of law. They would not support someone who tried to overturn a free and fair election and wanted to become a dictator like the ones they defeated in WW2. They would not support someone who is a coward and dodged the draft with a fake letter from a doctor saying he had bone spurs. And they certainly would not support someone who praises dictators like Putin, Orban and Jung Un (who Trump says he fell in love with and exchanged beautiful love letters).

They would not support someone who could care less about a democracy like Ukraine fighting for its life against his idol Putin. They would not support someone who singles out private citizens who are just doing their jobs and receive death threats and harassment from some of his deranged followers. His cult followers are the ones who should be

The greatest generation would not be supporting someone who attacks every facet of our republic and has no respect for the rule of law. They would not support someone who tried to overturn a free and fair election and wanted to become a dictator like the ones they defeated in WW2. They would not support someone who is a coward and dodged the draft with a fake letter from a doctor saying he had bone spurs. And they certainly would not support someone who praises dictators like Putin, Orban and Jung Un (who Trump says he fell in love with and exchanged beautiful love letters).

They would not support someone who could care less about a democracy like Ukraine fighting for its life against his idol Putin. They would not support someone who singles out private citizens who are just doing their jobs and receive death threats and harassment from some of his deranged followers. His cult followers are the ones who should be ashamed.
Not sure why you referenced my post. No where did I say the great generation would support or not support DT. You are obviously entitled to your opinion, but you missed the point regarding election interference. You will never know who the greatest generation would support but based on their patriotism they would support free and fair elections and not this lawfare just witnessed.
If you support free and fair elections, why would you support Trump, who vowed IN ADVANCE that he would claim the election was rigged ONLY IF HE LOST. Then, when he lost, guess what he did? He singlehandedly attempted to undermine 250 years of democracy, free and fair elections and the peaceful transfer of power and prompted an insurrection. No one else in the history of the United States has done more to undermine free and fair elections.

And in case you still believe the election was "stolen," you are doing so against the stated findings and opinions of everyone who matters:

And even Rupert Murdoch:
Did you just fall off the pickle boat? What did you expect DT to say, he’s a loud mouth, brash egotistical, elitist from NYC. So what’s new! And where did I say I supported DT?

What DT said had absolutely nothing to do with the court proceedings and election interference.

And where in my post did I address stolen elections? Another victim of TDS but carry on.
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You have a problem with "politicizing the judicial system," but I'm guessing you had no problem with Trump appointing a bunch of far-right justices to the Supreme Court, them overturning Roe v. Wade, or with Alito's "wife" flying her flag upside down, or with Clarence Thomas basically being bankrolled by a bunch of conservatives. Or did I miss the part where you complained about that stuff?

Do you think that the court proceedings were "politicized" because Trump was convicted, or would they have been politicized even if he had been exonerated? And how could you tell the difference in that case, simple because one outcome would have been what you personally wanted and the other wasn't?
Oh boy, you are really reaching, SCOTUS, flags, CT. My original post and subsequent were never about DT. Quite simply I find the proceeding similar to what one would expect in a third world country. DT haters are gloating regardless of the process, Anything to hinder his election chances are all fair game? Obviously you and others here agree.. I don’t, I find it a stain on our country..
Not reaching at all, I'm using judicial examples to match yours. What specifically is it about the legal proceedings in this case that you find troublesome? The fact that a former president was on trial? That a current presidential candidate was on trial?

Is it your position that no former presidents or current presidential candidates should ever be subjected to legal proceedings even when they are warranted?
Nothing you referenced mirrors the court case. Onceagain did you just fall off the pickle boat? Did you not note the numerous irregularities in the proceedings. Are you aware a defendant was convicted of a felony on a bookkeeping entry. Are you aware the DA, judge, and jury are all aware the verdict will be overturned on appeal and don’t care? Do you know this or don’t care?
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Cases are overturned, or not, on appeal all the time. Does that mean we should stop having cases? Or just the ones you think might be overturned?
Nothing you referenced mirrors the court case. Onceagain did you just fall off the pickle boat? Did you not note the numerous irregularities in the proceedings. Are you aware a defendant was convicted of a felony on a bookkeeping entry. Are you aware the DA, judge, and jury are all aware the verdict will be overturned on appeal and don’t care? Do you know this or don’t care?
Do you think Michael Cohen should have been charged by Trump's DOJ? He was sentenced to 3 years and fined $50,000 for doing the exact thing that Trump did (with a lying under oath added). And Trump's own DOJ noted that Cohen acted at the direction of Co-conspirator #1, who was clearly Trump. Trump deserves at least what Cohen got but probably won't happen. Yes, there are 2 tiers of justice. Do you think any other defendant would have gotten by with $10,000 in fines and no jail time for violating a gag order 10 times? The gag order was put in place to try to protect the jury and witnesses from harassment and death threats, which Trump loves to incite. Do you think any other defendant would have Judge Cannon in Florida slow walking that case by making ridiculous rulings that only delay the case? And the Supreme Court is helping Trump by considering the crazy notion that a President is immune from all prosecution, including killing a political opponent. The right wing members of that Court are clearly creating a delay to help Trump, hoping Trump will be elected so he can direct his puppet Attorney General to drop all cases against him.

Trump was convicted based mainly on the testimony of David Pecker, Hope Hicks and Michael Cohen, all Republicans and friends (except for Cohen now) of Trump. No Democrats even testified to my knowledge, unless Stormy Daniels is a Democrat. Cohen, an admitted liar, was backed by the testimony of Pecker and Hicks, and documentation admitted into evidence that supported his testimony. Trump could have testified in his own defense but the coward and liar that he is would have been crucified on cross examination, so the defense didn't really put on any rebuttal to the prosecution's case. If the defense had been smart, they would have said the money was paid so Melania wouldn't find out about the affair or that Trump was afraid it would hurt his businesses, and they might have gotten a hung jury. But Trump wouldn't allow that, he continued to claim that no affair ever occurred.

Numerous irregularities and bookkeeping entry conviction? Keep watching and believing the Fox Entertainment channel, the one that had to pay 3/4 of a billion dollars for lying about the election.
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Nothing you referenced mirrors the court case. Onceagain did you just fall off the pickle boat? Did you not note the numerous irregularities in the proceedings. Are you aware a defendant was convicted of a felony on a bookkeeping entry. Are you aware the DA, judge, and jury are all aware the verdict will be overturned on appeal and don’t care? Do you know this or don’t care?
Why do you think they think this will be overturned on appeal. I can’t imagine a judge doing something they know will be overturned.
Oh my, you Never Trumpers can shout out loud on a message board. Here’s a scenario you can ponder.

Ole Joe was charged with 34 misdemeanors, parking tickets. The local DA, Bubba, not a particularly bright fellow won election on platform of get Ole Joe. Joe’s opponent assisted him with a former DOJ prosecutor.

The judge,Billy Bob, lifelong GOP donor, and recently contributed to a Get Joe Organization. And his daughter, employed by Joe’s opponent for his current election campaign, and, and made a small fortune selling LET’S GO BRANDON tee shirts.

The jury, oopsy daisy, are all Deplorables, selected from county where 80% in the previous election voted for Joe’s opponent

Billy Bob, not to be confused with his daughter Billie Bobbie, decides that keeping Ole Joe off the campaign, was best for justice and to keep him quiet, Gag Order with fines.

Raise your hand if you think Ole Joe will get a fair trial.
I know you Never Trumpers want to know if there are portraits of Robert E Lee, Stonewall Jackson or Ten Commandments hanging in the courtroom. Sorry to say there are.

Still think Ole Joe will get a fair trial?
Or forgot, Billy Bob, overturned every objection by Ole Joe’s counselor and would not allow a couple witnesses that could help Ole Joe. Joe’s opponent had a free rein with witnesses; a slut and convicted perjury.
To wrap it up, Billy Bob instructed the Deplorables if they could find Ole Joe guilty of one of three issues previously not introduced he would find Ole Joe guilty of a felony.

A couple Deplorables were conflicted with the majority, but didn’t want family and friends to know. Knowing there was a moonshine and beer bash at Cousin Willie’s later in the day they were convinced the whole would be appealed and besides the catfish were biting.
To wrap it up, Billy Bob instructed the Deplorables if they could find Ole Joe guilty of one of three issues previously not introduced he would find Ole Joe guilty of a felony.

A couple Deplorables were conflicted with the majority, but didn’t want family and friends to know. Knowing there was a moonshine and beer bash at Cousin Willie’s later in the day they were convinced the whole would be appealed and besides the catfish were biting.
They sound like good people.
To wrap it up, Billy Bob instructed the Deplorables if they could find Ole Joe guilty of one of three issues previously not introduced he would find Ole Joe guilty of a felony.

A couple Deplorables were conflicted with the majority, but didn’t want family and friends to know. Knowing there was a moonshine and beer bash at Cousin Willie’s later in the day they were convinced the whole would be appealed and besides the catfish were biting.
If I recall correctly, you made similar rants in 2020 claiming that the election had been stolen from Trump, your opinion undoubtedly based on the lies of Trump and right wing media outlets. Keep on believing the right wing garbage that they spew when there is no evidence to support it. Its the MAGA way.
Why do you think they think this will be overturned on appeal. I can’t imagine a judge doing something they know will be overturned.
Can you imagine it being overturned on appeal if it finds a way to get to the current Supreme Court?
If I recall correctly, you made similar rants in 2020 claiming that the election had been stolen from Trump, your opinion undoubtedly based on the lies of Trump and right wing media outlets. Keep on believing the right wing garbage that they spew when there is no evidence to support it. Its the MAGA way.
With all due respect, there is plenty of statistical evidence to make one think the election in 2020 was probably stolen. It certainly was tainted. However, Trump lost the moral high ground when January 6 occured. At that point, he became unelectable. At the end of the 2020 election, he should have said "you won this round, we as a nation will be more prepared for this and it will not happen again. The nation will regret electing Joe Biden. I will see you in 2024 and we will fix it." But he didn't do that. Instead, he has acted like a classless individual. He has taken no personal responsibility for his behavior. No one made Donald Trump sleep with a prostitute.
The cases of Bill Clinton and John Edwards are instructive. Bill Clinton was in a similar situation, except Clinton was never extorted by a prostitute before a presidential election. Maybe because Clinton didn't have the money to pay them off. However, John Edwards was extorted by Rielle Hunter, who was impregnated and had a child by him. Edwards used funds from a campaign donor and treated it as a campaign contribution. Neither Clinton nor Edwards were held criminally responsible for their behavior. Of the three, only John Edwards had the sense to fade into the woodwork.
With all due respect, there is plenty of statistical evidence to make one think the election in 2020 was probably stolen. It certainly was tainted. However, Trump lost the moral high ground when January 6 occured. At that point, he became unelectable. At the end of the 2020 election, he should have said "you won this round, we as a nation will be more prepared for this and it will not happen again. The nation will regret electing Joe Biden. I will see you in 2024 and we will fix it." But he didn't do that. Instead, he has acted like a classless individual. He has taken no personal responsibility for his behavior. No one made Donald Trump sleep with a prostitute.
The proper way to challenge election results is through the Courts. IIRC, Trump and Republicans filed 64 cases and lost them all.

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