2024 Baseball Season

Most of the closest neighbors are UR employees, many living in houses on UR-owned land.
Get sick of the "neighborhood" BS. University of Richmond was there first. If you chose to build/buy a home about it later, live with whatever the school chooses to do. You certainly don't have squatter rights so quit acting as if you do.
Look on Google Earth. There are maybe two houses on College Drive that can even see Pitt Field, much less be impacted by LED lights that have little ambient effect.
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Look on Google Earth. There are maybe two houses on College Drive that can even see Pitt Field, much less be impacted by LED lights that have little ambient effect.
Both of which are part of the university's faculty housing program. The university retains ownership of the land while a faculty member purchases the house and then re-sells it to the university at a later date under a formula that splits the appreciation between the faculty member and UR.
Get sick of the "neighborhood" BS. University of Richmond was there first. If you chose to build/buy a home about it later, live with whatever the school chooses to do. You certainly don't have squatter rights so quit acting as if you do.
Totally agree - its like buying a house on a lake and then complaining about the wildlife - like ducks and geese. It was there, and as mentioned above - its at most 1500 - 2000 fans, it will be very quiet.
I remember back in the 60’s and fraternity row was hopping. We had the same argument
“who’s dumb enough to buy a house behind a fraternity house?” LOL. It drove a couple of them
crazy, but most accepted it.
Maybe it's the neighbors on the other side in Marsh who are against it, now that it's no longer Marsh Zoo. ;)

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