We tout academic excellence but PR/Marketing group doesn’t know how to spell or take decent pics-Yikes

Back on topic, at the last football game - read the program and on the Hall of Fame page - Stacy Tutt was noted as "Stacy Tuff". Amazing how often our staff makes errors in communications.
I mean, they're not wrong...I like that as a nickname.

It also seems fitting that there's an error in the Vida press release: "He received a Bachelor's degree in Marketing the College of William & Mary..."
McCollester was ‘in charge’ of football and menslacrosse.Not clear who’s ‘in charge’ of those 2 sports.

Timing of McCollester’s exit not the best for finding an external candidate.
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Staff directory and game notes say Gravius has taken on football, but I don't know if that's permanent.

Nobody in staff directory is listed as responsible for lax.