Wake Forest "FORE"cast


Spider's Club
May 31, 2002
Dedmon Center USA
What the heck, no thread yet? We are playing an ACC team on our home court on a Saturday. Should be pumped up.

The good news is Wake is BAD this year!

Lost to our A10 brethren St. Joe's by 20 points. Let that sink in.

Coming off a 7 point spanking of perennial powerhouse Western Carolina.

Wake, like us, seems to be in a death spiral under Danny Manning. Great, great college player, but might be in over his head matching up with K , Roy, Bennett and company.

Let's put the excuses aside for a game, and get Mooney that big W.
Lost to our A10 brethren St. Joe's by 20 points. Let that sink in.

Let's put the excuses aside for a game, and get Mooney that big W.

And W & M then beat St. Joe's.

This looks like a game on paper we should be able to hang with WF and hopefully win. One thing I know is that they usually feature a pretty tall lineup which is usually a tough play for us. Not sure their makeup this year.
Two coaches on the molten lava seat. Let’s see which one drinks the most water.
It should be a fun game to watch. With young players you never know what is going to happen, but my money is on the Spiders by 5 points.
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As usual when we play bigger power 5 teams rebounding, particularly giving up easy second chance points will be an issue. If we shoot like we did on Wednesday night we should win. Wake is probably the worst team in the ACC. Hopefully Gillyard is back to 100% for this one.
If we shoot like we did on Wednesday night we should win.
we'll have to. but I'm not betting on 47% from 3 again.
if I'm Manning, I put my best ACC defender on Wojcik all over the floor. and I press us relentlessly all game long.
Forecast is dark and gloomy. Still running our BOGO special for an ACC opponent, the day before the game They tell me that tickets are selling like hotcakes but they've extended this special like 72 times over the past 2 weeks. Hmmm, something doesn't add up.
Do they still have that big guy that killed us last year? Seemed like he had about 20 points and 10 rebounds that game and they beat us by 30. I don’t see us winning any games against a long team that can rebound
Forecast is dark and gloomy. Still running our BOGO special for an ACC opponent, the day before the game They tell me that tickets are selling like hotcakes but they've extended this special like 72 times over the past 2 weeks. Hmmm, something doesn't add up.
I think you're on to something. Before the season ends, look for a bogo with free hotcakes. We're going to sellout the RC come hell or high water.
It should be a fun game to watch. With young players you never know what is going to happen, but my money is on the Spiders by 5 points.
I wonder if the Demon Deacon mascot with that tall hat and high collar will be there to taunt Webstur our Spider mascot?
Sadly Wake and Richmond are no longer affilated with the Baptists.

Affiliation has changed over the years but to Wake's credit they do have the Wake Forest School of Divinity that shares their campus - Wake Forest University School of Divinity is a graduate, professional school that is Christian by tradition, Baptist in heritage, and ecumenical in outlook.

On the other hand the Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond is closing down after this academic year. It is not affiliated with the University of Richmond although when it was being founded there was some talk of it being located on campus.
Anyone know if Nate is missing the game? I saw on Instagram that he’s in Montreal and one post says RipGma. Not sure if that means his grandmother passed or what.
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Anyone know if Nate is missing the game? I saw on Instagram that he’s in Montreal and one post says RipGma. Not sure if that means his grandmother passed or what.

If so, imagine a lineup without Jacob, Nick and Nathan - plus Buck and Khwan from last year. Holy cow.
Shh. We're better off without those last two.
We are better off we saw all we were going to get out of Buck and Fore now we’re getting a chance for player improvement for the future. They get a restart somewhere else.

We long for the 12 win team?
Look, Mr. Moderator(s), if you're going to delete my posts can I at least keep the likes?
This censorship crap needs some limits.
Or guidelines.
None now exist.
Maybe we can compromise.
How about just an edit here or there?
At least note that the post has been deleted.
And let me keep the likes.
But that's not all.

I mind you, you're treading in a dangerous area which I doubt you appreciate.
My religious views have been cast aside. Totally ignored. I may have to report you.
But regardless, how cold and callous of you.
How inhumane.
OMG, how distressful, how distractful, how GODawful.
Words fail me.
And not everyone agrees with your views. Q.E.D.
Hard to imagine, I know.
And just think about what you have already done:
"SFSpider, wherefore art thou gone?" is just one example.

And I'm thinking about taking steps too.
Not just leaving. But other steps.
Major steps.

Paul. Paul. Paul, get over here.
Anne-Marie, go get Paul. I need a favor.

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See UR at -1 and WF appears a lot like GT except they don't have a Govan. No doubt Spiders can win this one if they shoot as well as last game. Of course that is if Wake on offense plays "out of control" at times like GT did. Go Spiders!
All is lost. Yes, all.
Govans don't matter. Or they may be superfluous. Take your pick. Thingamajigs and whatchamacallits will intervene when necessary.
Complete and utter doom and destruction.
It is all but written.
I wish it weren't. I really do.
But let's face it, SpiderNation. We have no chance of winning this game.
Deacons by 10.

And to sweeten the pot, I'm taking all comers.
(And let me say ahead of time that the lil wife thanks you.)

For those who fail to heed my warnings: email me for action at
-- euros only.
All is lost. Yes, all.
Govans don't matter. Or they may be superfluous. Take your pick. Thingamajigs and whatchamacallits will intervene when necessary.
Complete and utter doom and destruction.
It is all but written.
I wish it weren't. I really do.
But let's face it, SpiderNation. We have no chance of winning this game.
Deacons by 10.

And to sweeten the pot, I'm taking all comers.
(And let me say ahead of time that the lil wife thanks you.)

For those who fail to heed my warnings: email me for action at
-- euros only.

Good question K, have not heard a word about him. Hope to god Mooney does not put Gilyard out for the year. If he does, Hardt needs to step in now and get freaking Mooney's lame a$$ out of here. I was watching a couple other team's I root for now and it just makes me sad the brand of bball that Mooney teaches. Waste of time.
I just saw us give up the most wide open 3 in the history of the game. Just don't get what Mooney teaches. And they said the guy the took it - Childress - is one of the top 3 shooters. He missed, so maybe that is the strategy, don't guard him.

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