

Spider's Club
Feb 8, 2004
Was told by several folks today that they saw our staff with a kid that was 6'6 or 6'7. Any idea who was here?
Anyone else we know about besides this?

Have we started on Longpre?
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HEY!! is Return of Big House, the old BIG HOUSE? hope so and welcome back if so
So, it appears as though we did have a guy on campus Friday. Appears as though it was for a non-scholarship opportunity. I have a reasonable guesstimate as to who it was, but will hang onto the name until I get a bit more information.
Can someone share the name with those of us who may not access to the "premium" board? Inquiring minds want to know.
Please do not share info from the premium boards. 05 deserves the support
Information that is shared on the premium board use there for a's premium information and is expected to remain there.
I'm on vacation now (and still trying to provide info), but this board normally consumes my mornings from 4am - 6am. It takes time away from my real job, my wife and two kids and is actually costing me money to operate at this time.

If premium info is publicly shared, that individual will no longer be posting here; it's theft.
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join the premium board, not so much to garner info but to support A and the board. think of it as an investment in this endeavor which does cost money.
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I appreciate the premium board finally giving me some premium info this week! :)
This is going to be a tough enforce 05 (and I am a Premium Board subscriber - - under a different moniker (long story) and I actually don't ever post over there - - a personal choice).

The premium board info is not proprietary. Its information which comes from a source. And it's certainly not information that is or can be owned by the Board and thus can't really be stolen.

Others might get same info from the same or different sources (and not from the Premium board) and opt to put it on the free board. Is this person then to be banned because they happened to get same info as the Premium Board? How can you know how they came upon the info? I can state unequivocally that this has happened to me - - I learned of things from other sources (i.e. NOT the Premium Board) that either was on premium board already and even in some cases showed up on Premium after I already learned it but had either opted not to post or simply hadn't gotten around to posting yet.

Happy to support the cause and encourage other to do so, but troubled by that possible censorship and by the implication that if I post something that happens to have been on the Premium Board, I'll be banned and labeled a thief to boot!
I don't disagree, but my concern is that there are reasons someone posts something on the premium board only. not just to make people pay for it. but so it doesn't get out to non-Spider fans. if that poster feels the info is then being transferred here, they'll no longer post that kind of info anymore. and I want to read that kind of stuff!
This is going to be a tough enforce 05 (and I am a Premium Board subscriber - - under a different moniker (long story) and I actually don't ever post over there - - a personal choice).

The premium board info is not proprietary. Its information which comes from a source. And it's certainly not information that is or can be owned by the Board and thus can't really be stolen...

Completely understand where the concern lies and please know it's not a one and done situation. My statement was a strong one for the reason that we had people asking specifically for the information straight from the premium board.
There is no reason to post info from the premium board, until you have proof of Inevitable Discovery.

Or am I watching too much Law & Order?
Now that the weekend is over and the visit has been completed, I suspect that someone out there has seen the visitor and can identify them, and that no "stealing" off the premium board would be required. Anyone who happened to see our visitor could come forward and share who was here. if no one wants to share who our visitor was, that is fine. However, I do hope that 05 has not introduced a new form of censorship and/or fear in this board that might lead to its content being reduced in value or quality. I have always seen comments made about visitors AFTER THE FACT, and hope that will continue in the future....