We deserve this. From the apologists on this board who make excuse after excuse, to the UR prof who penned the letter last year praising Mooney, to the enablers who sit behind Mooney every game and lap up his mediocre bullshit, to Queally who seems content with throwing his money at a problem instead of fixing it, to our AD, who doesn't own a ball sack to do what is so damn obvious
Own this. 6-19, 2-10 at Costco, 9 straight years of no NCAA's. Mooney's good years being fringe NIT teams and his bad years just want to make you slit your wrists and slowly bleed out. Own it. Mooney is what he is and you saw it all tonight. You've seen it before and you damn well are gonna see it again.
I hope Hardt was there tonight and to witness firsthand a rabid fanbase and a good coach just gutting our team in the second half and we had nothing, zero, nada in any shape of an answer. I hope he had to ride home on the bus with our players and feel their pain of being humbled yet again against our crosstown rival. I hope he has to lie in bed all night, toss and turn and think about this.