UR-JMU in-game thread

We have the lead. The onus is on Special Teams and Defense, so we want this win?
I hope the JMU player is okay -- good stop D, now up to the O
Got the TD, game is in Spiders hands. Do they manage it? JMU down 2 TDs for first time this year. Come on Special Teams and Defense. Stomp the Dukes.
looks like a left ankle for Lee, the backup looks like DB, big boy runs hard
Doesn't matter if Lee was hurt, our Defense can't tackle the backup QB. Long way to a victory. It appears it's all up to our Offense. Can't count on Special Teams or Defense. Is that unfair? Are defenses just plain incompetent in FCS?
it was a cheap foul, but I think the right one --- being lead back by their back up, he seems to have gotten his rhythm --- 3 point game, we need to score AND run clock, sound familiar
Our defense is pathetic. Assuming no Special Team's errors, it's all up to the offense. We either run out the clock, or JMU trounces our defense again.
Can't our defense at least get in the way for a couple minutes????? Geez!!
Great run by Green -- did you see the pukes knock his own man down

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