Trump Derangement Syndrome is alive

I feel sorry so many of you suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome.

And I feel sorry so many of you are cult followers of a conman, a grifter, a bully, an adulterer, an adjudicated rapist, a convicted felon, a pathological liar, an insurrectionist who tried to overthrow a free and fair election, and a witness who took the 5th amendment over 440 times in a deposition. The thought of this pathetic excuse for a human being being President again should give everyone pause. And Steve Bannon, among others, looks just as unhinged as your example of TDS as he rants against Biden.
I share Anachnid's thoughts. I prefer to suffer from TDS as opposed to TIS (Trump Infatuation Syndrome).
I suppose hatred of a past POTUS, despicable as he may be , supersedes a current POTUS that will be known as worse in modern history, as his woke handlers are destroying our country.
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I suppose hatred of a past POTUS, despicable as he may be , supersedes a current POTUS that will be known as worse in modern history, as his woke handlers are destroying our country

I do not disagree that current Dem party needs addressing but TFG is a greater threat to our country, both internationally and domestically.
For dinner tonight, would you rather eat 6-day old meatloaf that may or may not be moldy, or a plate of someone's week-old feces littered with shards of glass and broken syringes? Those are the options we face, and the first is much more palatable than the second.
For dinner tonight, would you rather eat 6-day old meatloaf that may or may not be moldy, or a plate of someone's week-old feces littered with shards of glass and broken syringes? Those are the options we face, and the first is much more palatable than the second.
The convicition is hurting Trump.

"With less than five months to go, Trump and President Joe Biden still appear to be neck-and-neck in the race, although results of recent polls suggest that Biden may be ahead.

"Newsweek has compiled at least four results from recent surveys that may be concerning for Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee...

"However, when the results were broken down into the seven swing states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin—which likely will prove vital in determining who wins the 2024 election—the results were reversed and Biden came out on top (50 percent to 49)."

For dinner tonight, would you rather eat 6-day old meatloaf that may or may not be moldy, or a plate of someone's week-old feces littered with shards of glass and broken syringes? Those are the options we face, and the first is much more palatable than the second.
We should all fast.
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While you are at you need to acknowledge TBG- The Big Guy, Mr. 10% for The Big Guy, Joe Biden.
Since you claim to have real evidence that Biden has committed crimes, please provide your evidence to David Weiss, the US attorney who has been investigating the Biden family since 2018, and to Comer, Jordan and the other liars who have claimed to have real evidence and it has amounted to nothing. And I'll say it again: If there is real evidence that Biden has committed any crimes, he should be treated like any other American and charged.

You must think he's guilty of something because Trump says so but if you know more than the special counsel and members of Congress, who have investigators, you need to produce the real evidence. They will be happy to hear from you.
Since you claim to have real evidence that Biden has committed crimes, please provide your evidence to David Weiss, the US attorney who has been investigating the Biden family since 2018, and to Comer, Jordan and the other liars who have claimed to have real evidence and it has amounted to nothing. And I'll say it again: If there is real evidence that Biden has committed any crimes, he should be treated like any other American and charged.

You must think he's guilty of something because Trump says so but if you know more than the special counsel and members of Congress, who have investigators, you need to produce the real evidence. They will be happy to hear from you.
Now that is funny, the FBI and DOJ has blocked every investigation of the corrupt Biden family. Be patient, layer by layer the onion is being peeled The 20 LLC Biden family checking accounts will be all tied back to Joe. After all he is to ignorant to pull off an undetectable scam.
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And don’t ignore 51 top intell people said Hunter’s laptop was Russian misinformation. All to defraud the American public and protect Joe’s corruption.
Hunter’s gun issues are the least of his problems. His tax evasion corruption, will expose Joe unless he takes a plea deal to shield his old man. You never Trumpers may be voting for Kamala or whatever giggles is named.
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Trump Derangement Syndrome must be what he's suffering from now. Whether it's saying he's in Texas while speaking in Arizona, or the crazy stuff he said when he was at Gettysburg, or claiming he won Minnesota in the last election, or saying he defeated Obama, saying he could have been Nancy Pelosi's boyfriend in another life, or any of the other incomprehensible nonsense that comes out of his mouth any time he opens it. He is deranged.

The guy has clearly lost it. In addition to being a despicable POS.

Ladies and gentlemen, the presumptive Republican candidate to be the leader of the free world, who appears totally deranged.

Oh, the irony.
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Don't go here, please.

In any scientifically accepted cognitive test, the Prez would lose hands down to his opponent. Do not believe this is in question among rational folks.

One can speak extemporaneously while the other can't read a teleprompter... "pause".
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Wouldn't go that far. Not what I said.

Respectful of those with cognitive impairment as know they are doing the best that they can. Live this. Wife has Alzheimers.

However, to our Democrat friends, it is not too late. You cannot re-nominate someone this cognitively impaired. Give the voters a better choice and yourselves a better chance.
As long as Trump is in the race, Biden would have to be the favorite. I have to think that Obama has been talking to Biden behind the scenes about dropping out.
Best move for both parties and best move for the citizenry.
I suspect a large percentage of voters will not vote for a candidate, rather vote against a candidate. After all you can’t polish either one of these turds. So it’s up to the voters to determine which is the biggest turd and hold their collective noses and vote for the lesser turd. What a stinky mess.
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Not when it comes to Ukraine.
Ask Zelensky who he wants to be the next President. Biden could certainly do more, but Zelensky has to be petrified with the thought of Trump, who idolizes Putin, being re-elected. Trump has already said he could end the war in a day by giving Russia part of Ukraine. And my guess is it would be a large part of Ukraine, and totally against the wishes of Ukraine. And it wasn't Biden who held up funding to Ukraine for 6 months, it was the MAGA Republicans until Mike Johnson came to his senses and put the funding up for a vote.
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Biden could certainly do more
My point exactly and, more importantly, in a timely manner. Agree, the 6-month funding delay should not have happened.

No comparison among candidates was intended in previous post, just an opinion on Biden's handling of the situation.
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