To all current UR basketball players - Don’t read this forum

OK, will do. I'm not following exactly, but just like Moon blames EVERYONE besides himself, you are blaming the board as opposed to JM? Maybe I have that wrong. Gets better every single day around here.

VT4700, how old are you. Maybe we should have a 1 on 1 game for charity, instead of an old guy playing vs D1 players. I stink, but will do it on behalf of #FMM.
Not blaming anyone. I don’t think there was a smear campaign against Buck.

Just stating how the discussions on this board started. They didn’t start after Jim Miller, and they didn’t start because of VT or Ulla.
If you’d like to listen to the Jim Miller interview, it’s from April 19, 2018. This is the day after the discussions regarding drugs started on this board.

A lot of people have put words in Miller's mouth, and a lot of people have been proven wrong. But, that never seems to matter. All he did was answer a question. The truth bothers some people around here. It will never be Buck's fault according to some on here. We heard it was Mooney's fault, then Miller's, then some message board posters I guess, but strange how some could never say it was Buck's fault he got dismissed.
A lot of people have put words in Miller's mouth, and a lot of people have been proven wrong. But, that never seems to matter. All he did was answer a question. The truth bothers some people around here. It will never be Buck's fault according to some on here. We heard it was Mooney's fault, then Miller's, then some message board posters I guess, but strange how some could never say it was Buck's fault he got dismissed.
you are a flat out liar. I said it was Buck's fault. I just blamed Jim Miller for the smear campaign. I will grab some quotes from the audio vault, when I have time from my posting, tweeting, and job at the troll farm. YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH, truther.
But wouldn't they have to read the board to see your advice to not read the board?
Of course. IF some of them do THEN the message is for them. If they don’t read the board, obviously there is no issue. Apparently at least one does, so I guess this message is for him.

I read other boards that are much harsher on their players than we are on ours. Why do we assume that it’s only Richmond players that can’t take criticism? In my opinion that’s a soft mentality.
Other venues are much less family friendly and that is why I never took my kids to games at the other schools. I doubt there is anyone who likes to be criticized - just read the forum and see how many posts are bickering between posters. Again this was just advice to current players. All I know is everything is more accessible and public these days and I think people are still getting adjusted. Players back when I was in college just had to deal with hecklers and that was just a few decades ago.
AMEN! That's one of the things I get so tired of in today's society, too much coddling. It's one thing to stop bullies and ignorant, hateful people. It's another to make everyone too soft. Play dodge-ball, don't give trophies to everyone, punish your kids, don't hide behind the internet and learn the value of competition, failing and getting back up.
So your advice is for current players to read all the negative comments? Has nothing to do with coddling. Has everything to do with avoiding negativity and ignorance. All I can say is these are young kids and this crap can mess with their minds. Just this season a UR football player took his own life. I bet he could have used some positive messages and support. Remember this post simply said “don’t read it”. I can’t stop anyone from posting and I am not trying to.
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Spinner, sounds like you are getting soft in your old age! What happened to the no-PC, tell-it-like-it-is Spinner we all knew?? Now you want us to play footsie with people instead of being honest?
Spinner, sounds like you are getting soft in your old age! What happened to the no-PC, tell-it-like-it-is Spinner we all knew?? Now you want us to play footsie with people instead of being honest?
Was thinking the same thing, Spinner of old would have told us all to grow a pair. When I was in school, we were horrific in football for the most part. I knew the place kicker, who had walked on. We lost one game where we played like #$%. He missed a kick, that I think actually was good, it was so high that it went way over the upright's - but in I believe. We lost, and some people actually wrote into the RTD to blame him, which was ridiculous. I remember showing him the article, and we agreed it was ridiculous. 20 years later I brought it up with our kids around and we all had a great laugh. Get your damn mojo back Spinner, you can do it.
Andre Thank you for reading . You have good game for system Coach finally plays you and JG and Wol together finally finally . Keep strong drive to basket , keep good box out , thank you for showing Coach about Kaalikääryleet .
Dear Coach thank you for 2-3 zone and 3 guards. I think you have found some thing in this. Did you like how Andre tvrdokosa hard to the hoop ? yes I know what you are meaning I was thinking same thing.Im am also glad we find it now not in March, nice thoughts ahead. Now I call VT 47000000000 and plan the party. Somebody call 23 and 97 we are late. PQ still owes me 8 dollars I lend him for pivo.
Was thinking the same thing, Spinner of old would have told us all to grow a pair. When I was in school, we were horrific in football for the most part. I knew the place kicker, who had walked on. We lost one game where we played like #$%. He missed a kick, that I think actually was good, it was so high that it went way over the upright's - but in I believe. We lost, and some people actually wrote into the RTD to blame him, which was ridiculous. I remember showing him the article, and we agreed it was ridiculous. 20 years later I brought it up with our kids around and we all had a great laugh. Get your damn mojo back Spinner, you can do it.
and then I saw Johnny Newman at a party.
I agree. They are way too harsh, and I'm sure they all wish they had a tenth of the skills our guys had. But, they don't so they are left whining on a message board. Pathetic. I would love to see them challenge some of our guys on the court. What a joke that would be. Wonder how much garbage and nonsense some of the guys on here would talk then.

Wow. Actually 99% of the people on this message board are alumni and/or fans of the Spiders. Apparently you need to be educated on the purpose of message boards, which is for fans to discuss the teams they love. We aren't on here because we are jealous that we did not have the skills to play collegiate basketball.
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I agree. They are way too harsh, and I'm sure they all wish they had a tenth of the skills our guys had. But, they don't so they are left whining on a message board. Pathetic. I would love to see them challenge some of our guys on the court. What a joke that would be. Wonder how much garbage and nonsense some of the guys on here would talk then.

Unmmm. My career as a 5’10” center made me recognize that players who are not nearly as good as those that we have are still better than me. Doesn’t make my knowledge of the game any worse though.
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I agree. They are way too harsh, and I'm sure they all wish they had a tenth of the skills our guys had. But, they don't so they are left whining on a message board. Pathetic. I would love to see them challenge some of our guys on the court. What a joke that would be. Wonder how much garbage and nonsense some of the guys on here would talk then.

So if we're not good at basketball then we're not allowed to comment on it?

So I guess if the bread is lousy we can't say so because we've never been a baker? Or if we've never been to war, we can't talk about that either? You really are full of yourself...but I certainly don't take anyone seriously who comes on here with another school's moniker and trys to tell me what to say or think.

You're a total.... ( insert thoughts here, I'm not allowed to criticize other posters)
On advice received through the years part of the best was this: The best thing to do with your critics is "ignore the "h#*l" out of them." That is still effective.
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actually Eight, if you read my post, this started when i was about 8 years old. still recall the hurt and i have plenty of compassion but yes, think PC is terrible for our country and is polarizing. has nothing to do with being tough, has everything to do with hushing speech and only on one side, which should not take place but does everywhere, everyday in our country. what i am saying is, it is not just players, it is other family members who get slapped upside the face with this and is not needed. if you wish to attack a young man or woman, don't do it here, do it at the restaurant or bar with other like-minded individuals where you can all laugh and make fun but not hurt anyone.
I don't know, I mean I've been calling Julius Johnson pretty useless on the court, and Grant Golden atrocious on defense. And I'm hardly the biggest firebrand on here.

I do keep it to game performance, FWIW.
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Beckwith calls out the defense all the time. Drew is brutally honest. It's not personal; it's sports.

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