To all current UR basketball players - Don’t read this forum

Dec 16, 2018
If you are a UR player, you shouldn’t be reading this post or any other one on this board. This forum is a place that Spider basketball fans come to vent, celebrate, and speculate about UR basketball. You are not going to find anything here that you don’t already know. You play in the games. You attend all the practices. You were recruited by UR and made the decision to attend.

If you win, there will be some celebration. If you lose there will be venting. Since most, if not all, are not in the gym every day, there will be wild speculation.

Just know that what we all want is for you to work your butt off being the best team you can possibly be. Some of us will be yelling at TVs and radios and some will be in the stands doing the same. If you have a bad game, move on to the next one. If you get pushed around, get stronger. If you miss FTs, shoot more.

Whatever you do, don’t waste time reading this forum. You can do that when you graduate.

Good luck. Go Spiders!
Am certain the players can make their own decision(s) about whether or not they have any interest in reading this board. Since they pretty much live and breathe Spider basketball one would imagine this board would not hold much interest for them.
I read other boards that are much harsher on their players than we are on ours. Why do we assume that it’s only Richmond players that can’t take criticism? In my opinion that’s a soft mentality.
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PA, very good point. I have taken a look at a few others and much more blunt than spidernation. I have seen others that are killing the coach and want him fired in A) first year at the helm B) 2nd year after year 1 was NCAA year, C) all kinds of situations that are much less frustrating than Mooney.
Many of us have had a long long leash with the Moon Dog, and finally gave it up. That is why posters like VT4700 that comes on at the tale end of this descent to admonish us is so annoying. It's like he is a plant. Obviously.
PA, very good point. I have taken a look at a few others and much more blunt than spidernation.

For Christ's sake, go look at the VCU board (even when they are doing well), or the Kansas or Clemson boards. Our board is extremely tame compared to a vast majority of D1 college hoops forums.

I feel like our present level of negativity on this board is appropriate for our current program state.

Personally, if what a few old-timers post here on this board hurts a player's feelings or negatively impacts his play or attitude, he is at the wrong place playing the wrong sport.

If any of our players make it to the next level, they will be exposed to a lot more criticism and negativity than they do now in the cozy UR bubble. Same goes for the corporate world. The real grown-up world is not a place for cream puffs.

AMEN! That's one of the things I get so tired of in today's society, too much coddling. It's one thing to stop bullies and ignorant, hateful people. It's another to make everyone too soft. Play dodge-ball, don't give trophies to everyone, punish your kids, don't hide behind the internet and learn the value of competition, failing and getting back up.
AMEN! That's one of the things I get so tired of in today's society, too much coddling. It's one thing to stop bullies and ignorant, hateful people. It's another to make everyone too soft. Play dodge-ball, don't give trophies to everyone, punish your kids, don't hide behind the internet and learn the value of competition, failing and getting back up.

AMEN! That's one of the things I get so tired of in today's society, too much coddling. It's one thing to stop bullies and ignorant, hateful people. It's another to make everyone too soft. Play dodge-ball, don't give trophies to everyone, punish your kids, don't hide behind the internet and learn the value of competition, failing and getting back up.
Dodge ball is too hard on today's youth. They play some modified game where there is no chance of getting one of those hot burners in the face, that make you tear up when you get hit.
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By the way, when you talk to Mooney at the Tavern next week, ask him why he gambled on a weak OOC schedule this year (34 SOS last year vs. 335 this year per KenPom) and only managed 4 more wins, all while not getting this team prepared to handle the grind of the A-10 schedule? Anxious to hear what he says on that.
By the way, when you talk to Mooney at the Tavern next week, ask him why he gambled on a weak OOC schedule this year (34 SOS last year vs. 335 this year per KenPom) and only managed 4 more wins, all while not getting this team prepared to handle the grind of the A-10 schedule? Anxious to hear what he says on that.
If we had a real media presence with our program, this question would have been asked. Instead, they talk about the up and down performance in the OOC. No, the entire OOC was just down. We beat 6 lousy team and lost to 7 lousy teams, including 4 teams any of which would lead to the dismissal of your coach at a real program. And we lost 4 of them just in November and December.
Man, Dodgeball. I wasn't born this ugly.
I like it, that is funny. Look at my face on my avatar too. I can only remember getting one concussion when I was a kid (based on my posting on here it is quite possible I forgot the other 37), and that was playing dodgeball. And it was not from getting hit in the head. It was from being clumsy back pedaling, and fell on my head. It taught me the lesson not too be clumsy. And I did not not get to miss school with a concussion, I just had a bad headache for a few days.
Saying other boards are worse is like saying other people are more prejudice than me so my raciest jokes are fine. Trust me, some people on this board are very harsh.
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Saying other boards are worse is like saying other people are more prejudice than me so my raciest jokes are fine. Trust me, some people on this board are very harsh.

I agree. They are way too harsh, and I'm sure they all wish they had a tenth of the skills our guys had. But, they don't so they are left whining on a message board. Pathetic. I would love to see them challenge some of our guys on the court. What a joke that would be. Wonder how much garbage and nonsense some of the guys on here would talk then.
I agree. They are way too harsh, and I'm sure they all wish they had a tenth of the skills our guys had. But, they don't so they are left whining on a message board. Pathetic. I would love to see them challenge some of our guys on the court. What a joke that would be. Wonder how much garbage and nonsense some of the guys on here would talk then.
05 was organizing a message board picnic and game. See the My Team thread.
Yeah, that's it. We are jealous because we want to be able play basketball as well as the team. Hah.

Personally, i'd prefer to be 500 pounds and ride to the game on the Cedarfield bus and get a sponge bath from the nurse when I get back home, but whatever.
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I see Steve Kratzer from time to time, and he looks like he could still lace 'em up and play.

The narrative that posters here are highly critical of our players is nonsense and untrue. Those of us who have a problem with the coach blame the coach, not the players. The only commentary I have seen about players that could even be construed as negative is that many who have been recruited here recently simply are not A10-caliber players – something that in those cases appears to be accurate.
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The narrative that posters here are highly critical of our players is nonsense and untrue. Those of us who have a problem with the coach blame the coach, not the players. The only commentary I have seen about players that could even be construed as negative is that many who have been recruited here recently simply are not A10-caliber players – something that in those cases appears to be accurate.
The most pointed criticism of players - and that which stoops to "personal" - is reserved for players who have left the program, and leveled by a very small subset of this forum.
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it is not the players so much as it is the fams. they don't want to come on here to find out things and have some no name call their son a DIII player or not worthy of a scholie. take it from a young kid who sat in the stands at city stadium and heard the crowd curse out their brother for jumping off sides or dropping a TD pass which was in his hands. it hurts and you don't understand why someone who is a fan, destroys your son or brother. not about manning up and being tougher, there are moms and kid brothers and sisters who get kicked in the teeth or crotch too. have your say but just realize not everyone is a man or tough
I agree. They are way too harsh, and I'm sure they all wish they had a tenth of the skills our guys had. But, they don't so they are left whining on a message board. Pathetic. I would love to see them challenge some of our guys on the court. What a joke that would be. Wonder how much garbage and nonsense some of the guys on here would talk then.
That post is moronic.
now that i am retired, maybe have message boards for all who work so that anonymous others can critique them on how messy their desk might be or for not flushing or bringing their brown bag lunch to work, taking the last cup of coffee and not refilling, or talking too loud on the phone or for sneaking a look at porn although most companies know what you are doing on THEIR computer. that would be very cool and maybe some payback.
it is not the players so much as it is the fams. they don't want to come on here to find out things and have some no name call their son a DIII player or not worthy of a scholie. take it from a young kid who sat in the stands at city stadium and heard the crowd curse out their brother for jumping off sides or dropping a TD pass which was in his hands. it hurts and you don't understand why someone who is a fan, destroys your son or brother. not about manning up and being tougher, there are moms and kid brothers and sisters who get kicked in the teeth or crotch too. have your say but just realize not everyone is a man or tough
Thanks Spinner. I agree, it is disgusting the manner in which 4700 and Ulla and company put Fore and Buck down and the spread of misinformation as they left the program. Thanks for your support of #FMM. Our fan base has fallen into the malaise that is the basketball program and SID.
not supporting anyone or anything, just letting people know that what they say about others might hurt a tad or even more.
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23, that’s complete revionist history.

The beginning of the discussion of drugs and buckingham on the buckingham dismissed thread went as follows:
-KBBFL answered a question of mine, stating that for a violation of AD policy, it could be a reoccurring drug problem.
-Spider23 answered that with an “IF it was drugs” statement.
Then a few post later, Eight Legger gave a post “calling it like it is” that Buck wasn’t the only one on the team doing drugs the past couple years.

Here is the link (I hope I did it correctly) to eight legger’s comment.

URL=""]Buckingham dismissed from UR Basketball[/URL]

After looking over the now closed thread, those are the first 3 mentions of drugs and Buck. Let’s put to rest that VT and Ulla (or even Jim Miller who’s radio interview came after) started the drug rumors.
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BS, Jim Miller should be sued by Buckingham's family. I don't care what thread you are posting. BABYNATION here.
If you’d like to listen to the Jim Miller interview, it’s from April 19, 2018. This is the day after the discussions regarding drugs started on this board.
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If you’d like to listen to the Jim Miller interview, it’s from April 19, 2018. This is the day after the discussions regarding drugs started on this board.
OK, will do. I'm not following exactly, but just like Moon blames EVERYONE besides himself, you are blaming the board as opposed to JM? Maybe I have that wrong. Gets better every single day around here.

VT4700, how old are you. Maybe we should have a 1 on 1 game for charity, instead of an old guy playing vs D1 players. I stink, but will do it on behalf of #FMM.
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23, that’s complete revionist history.

The beginning of the discussion of drugs and buckingham on the buckingham dismissed thread went as follows:
-KBBFL answered a question of mine, stating that for a violation of AD policy, it could be a reoccurring drug problem.
-Spider23 answered that with an “IF it was drugs” statement.
Then a few post later, Eight Legger gave a post “calling it like it is” that Buck wasn’t the only one on the team doing drugs the past couple years.

Here is the link (I hope I did it correctly) to eight legger’s comment.

URL=""]Buckingham dismissed from UR Basketball[/URL]

After looking over the now closed thread, those are the first 3 mentions of drugs and Buck. Let’s put to rest that VT and Ulla (or even Jim Miller who’s radio interview came after) started the drug rumors.

Very well said. Some people on here have agendas, and posting lies and false information about others does not seem to bother them. I guess they don't think it is possible to look back at the truth like you posted here.

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